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Posts posted by JosefTor

  1. Is this so you can measure your e-penis against VZW and att? Two 5Mhz FDD will be just fine. All a 10Mhz FDD channel does is enable abuse, do you really need 75mbps on a freaking mobile device?

    I remember people saying people could never fill up a 1 GB hard drive... Those people were proved wrong in less than a year. With the time it takes to get all the necessary equipment in place with phone supporting... Companies need to be forward thinking. Heck... 6 mbps may be fine today but it will very quickly not be sufficient even on a mobile phone. Heck, with the way things are going, I see wireless eventually replacing land lines and Sprint will need to be ready to support that when the laws are changed and equipment t improvements are in line to support that.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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  2. I mainly agree with what your wrote, but a part of me thinks that the frequency range/spectrum Sprint has on both 800 and 1900 is so small and the 2500 frequency too high to be of use to many people outside of major cities.


    I know it would be a logistical nightmare, but I'd love for Sprint to get enough spectrum on 600 to enable great speeds and then to sell some or all of 800 and 1900 or even part of the treasure trove of 2500. I am in OC with no sprint service in my house, my work, or my wife's work. Step a couple feet outside and I get great signal. 1900 just doesn't seem to be useful in normal everyday use and 2500 probably won't fix that. Getting a viable low frequency seems important.


    Alternatively, I believe the best option is to somehow find more 800 frequency. Is there a possibility of finding some more to buy? Then 600 would be useless and would just add complexity.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  3. I am in Laguna Beach and the situation is far different than it was a year ago. Last year the cell service at the beach was unusable. Today it is around 23000 down, 6200 up and 40ms. Also, I believe a new 4g tower north east of the Laguna Art museum is ready to be accepted as it looks like signal pro is saying I'm getting 4g from that tower and I just say Cox vans move from the area. Go Sprint... Make my speculative investments pay off!


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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  4. After seeing the results from this article it is really collaborating what I've been seeing in real world usage.  I would love it if someone could explain why we are seeing the below with Sprint, but not with other carriers that are building out their network (example: T-mobile).


    1. The first issue is on the low streaming success on Sprint and in general lower success on 4g than on 3g (for Sprint only).  I live in Orange County and before Network Vision, although speeds were slow, I could at least stream Newsy all the way to work.  Now my videos drop about 6 times in a matter of about a 20 minute trip.


    2. The second issue is with the average time to first byte being slower than on other carriers.  I understand and am good with the slower 4g speeds since I care more about unlimited data and I understand that Sprint is working on this as part of their long range plan, but I do not understand how Sprints situation would lend themselves to have slower 'ms' and average time to first byte.  With all new fiber and equipment, shouldn't Sprint be equal to others?


    Thanks in advance for the explanation!

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