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Posts posted by JosefTor

  1. I'm curious because I see comments like this every once in awhile. Does that suggest that there is something wrong with the M8 or just the fact that it's not a big enough change? I could see that for people that are M8 owners but if not, what is the complaint about it not being different enough? Please don't read this as a challenge I'm just curious about the thought process on a comment like this.

    I used to have the HTC Evo and loved it. This latest range of phones from HTC I would never buy. Way too much bezels and I don't want an HTC logo to take up real estate. I'd rather have the logo be a home button with back and multi-task buttons next to it.
  2. Unless there's some other factor that they're not showing us, IMO Sprint deserved at least #3. Sprint was first in 3 categories while T-Mobile wasn't on top for any of them. Definitely hard to believe.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Luckily, with B41 deployed with full backhaul and CA, Sprint will start to take the speed area as well. It does suck though that RootMetrics doesn't grade on a sliding scale. 4 Mbps - - > 8 Mbps should be weighted more than an equivalent jump of speed from 40 Mbps - - > 80 Mbps. Or, above a certain amount, it would be good if you got high scores such as 10 Mbps. I understand why they don't do this though as almost all the carriers would receive close to 100% scores.


    Top bad though that Sprint delayed carrier aggregation and didn't bring full backhaul off the bat. Had they not saved money on the backhaul like I had recommended, Sprint would reap an order of magnitude more in return over what they save in being thrifty.

  3. http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7Jn4/sprint-unlimited-plan-narwhals

    Who ever hasn't seen this on TV yet.

    guess we'll see if this works. I don't personally like it though and will fast forward through it. What I don't get is that when you see a t-mobile or Verizon ad, it is classy and to the point. I used to even rewind the t-mobile commercials because I liked then. So far I am embarrassed to be a Sprint costumer with these ads. I am not supposed to be on a budget carrier and don't want my ads to come across like it. You don't have to scream or be stupid to get your point across. Trust customers like they have a brain and not like Twitter and they will still get the message.
    • Like 3
  4. It was only live a few days ago. I was able to pickup B41 from this site all the way at Lowes today. It was definitely usable and Lowes is served by another site across the freeway that is currently legacy 3G not upgraded to NV yet.

    There is actually another tower broadcasting B41 closer to Mission Valley/In and Out. I was driving and my LTE Discovery found it.

    • Like 1
  5. The average consumer knows nothing of data speeds. Case in point: I had to convince a girl at work to spend the extra $5 on home internet for the upgrade from 5mbs to 15. Not realizing 5 mbs with 5 people with multiple devices probably wouldn't cut it.

    I live in a house with three people and game on xbox one on 3 Mbps. I thought the speeds higher than 3 were for suckers. Although I am not satisfied with 1 Mbps on sprint since it isn't future proof, I believe you can do anything currently at 1 Mbps or even 0.5mbps as long as it is stable and the pings are low.
    • Like 3
  6. True. But how did Sprint get so screwed over on this DAS?: Fewest number of sectors and no Band 41 to boot.


    People don't always use WiFI. Besides, Sprint hasn't yet launched WiFi calling for iOS so having a DAS with sufficient capacity and sector coverage is important.

    Relying on wifi is a cop out. If the technology is there to have great service (it is) , it should be utilized. I'm hoping that Crown just didn't have many sectors for Sprint vice Sprint not coughing up the money. Then again, Crown might not put many sectors because Sprint wasn't begging for it. I firmly believe that Sprint can be, should be, and should start acting like they are better than Verizon and the rest of the gang. They won't organically get there at this pace. Also, why was development on B41 DAS run in sequentially with their macro roll out? It should be run in parallel with a separate team dedicated to it.

  7. Are factoring in the $ 20-30 in plan price. Why pay 200 up front and 80 a month (2 year total cost 2120) when you can pay zero up front and 70 a mont h ( 2 year total cost 1680).



    because you can easily sell your phone for >$200. I'm not sure where your plan price comes from though. If that is the case then leasing still makes more sense.
  8. Wow... This thread is dead. I am very happy to say though that I tool a trip to Salt Lake City this week and it is the best experience I've ever had on Sprint. From all three bands working flawlessly to excellent coverage, it was great. I am very happy that even deep in large hotels, I didn't lose LTE. Congrats Sprint! And, thanks to roaming deals with Verizon, I had signal in the middle of nowhere on a half day snowmobiling course.

    • Like 2
  9. Not so sure about that... Sprints reputation is sooooo bad they need some serious PR help.. While definitely doing good things... the rep is AWFUL... I am a looong time customer and when I mention sprint....Lets just say its a laughing stock.. Sprint needs to start marketing/advetising to specific markets/cities comparing companies..--- they have to prove it!..

    In my area/city its almost totally complete and all people know is sprint from 5 years ago.. They need to advertise here in my city using the cities name, not just some commercial that runs nationwide. -- When you see a advertisement from a big company that was filmed in your hometown it sticks with you...

    I think grass routes is a lot better than confusing advertising. I think people like you showing the N you have a great service and speed or pointing then in the direction of RootMetrics does a lot more than advertising ever could
  10. LTE in my neighborhood just went to hell. 2Mbps down and 3 up in the suburbs at 9:30PM. Not quite sure how, as a few weeks ago I was getting 10-12 at this time. Very concerned.


    EDIT: Now getting 7Mbps+ not even 10 minutes later. Was consistently 2Mbps before, now speeds are going back and forth between 7 and 20 Mbps. What is going on here?


    EDIT #2: Back below 2Mbps consistently again.

    my guess would be either tuning the antenna or launching of B41. My speeds tanked once B41 went live because Sprint didn't increase backhaul yet.
  11. Most Sprint sites in Grand Rapids today only have 30-50mbps of backhaul to share between B25, B26, B41 and EVDO.


    I noticed this once they added B41 to a cell site near me... The speeds dropped from 15 Mbps to 7 Mbps. Ugh.


    PS: The only reason why we are getting such high speeds such as 15 in the first place is because the LTE only goes for about 50 to 100 ft. All the towers in Aliso Viejo are the wrong towers. The new B41 site goes for about 20 ft (it covers half the parking lot the tower is installed in).

  12. Interesting story online from USAToday....

    4G me not: WiMax isn't LTE and is going away at Sprint resellers




    I wish it would die quicker than in 4th quarter of next yr. In my opinion, Sprint keeps things around for much longer than they should (ref: Nextel). Sprint may be happy at their conversion rate and see that as a success, but they only won the battle and lost the war.
  13. Been a spectator in the forum for years.. Finally thinking of making the leap to Sprint. Tried the Half Price Event on Sprint.com and even with a proper downloaded .pdf bill all I get is: "Uh oh! We're having trouble reading your bill. Please visit a Sprint Store."


    I'm reluctant to turn in my phones from another carrier (something evil, and perhaps having to do with bells) in case it just doesn't work out. Anyone in the Cleveland area able to vouch for my leap of faith?

    I'm not from Cleveland, but the RootMetrics show Sprint as pretty good and getting better everyday:



    • Like 2
  14. I've had LTE connection issues since the B41 started becoming active. Hopefully they are working on optimizing the towers. I seem to be back to 3G more often than not in areas that were strong LTE for the last week or so.

    I have noticed this as well... My experience with B25 has gotten much worse on coverage wherever the new B41s are installed. I now have to airplane my phone more times than previous.
  15. I live in central FL and traveled east on i4 to i95 and went to Bennetsville, SC. My LG G2 is out of commission getting it's 2nd screen replaced under warranty, but my wife had her LG G3. I was really hoping Sprint's LTE network would be vastly improved, but I guess it needs more time. I can say about 80% of the time the phone would be on 3G and wouldn't connect to LTE. My work just gave me an iPhone 6, which is used on Verizon service. I can say probably about 90% of the time LTE worked great. There were some areas where it would connect only to 3G, but Sprint was on 3G also.



    I know B26 is still rolling out, but I hoped LTE service on Sprint's end would be much better than what we experienced. I just hope once B26 is rolled out that I can experience the type of service I got with my Verizon work phone. Sometimes I had to roam with the LG G3 to get service, while the iPhone on Verizon's network had LTE working.



    Anyways, I guess this was just a quick rant, but I have hope. I've been with Sprint for so long and want to continue with them, so I'll stick it out with them.

    were u streaming music or watching videos during the trip? Most of yr true should have been on LTE. if you were streaming though, that would have caused what you noticed due to the way phones scan for LTE.
  16. Certain neighborhoods are still abysmal. And will remain abysmal but it does get better every week/month. Especially if you have a triband phone.

    The B26/B41 schedules are impressive for SF. Did you get a chance to see them? I so jealous of cities with B26. I don't care about high speeds as long as I don't drop to 3g. 3g even in upgraded areas is unusable. For some reason, once a tower gets NV, my 3g speeds get a lot worse... I'm not sure if that is because sprint is refarming spectrum or what.

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