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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. As long as they continue to improve their network, I don't care if it's 3B or 5B. Marcelo did say the attitude has always been spend more=network improvement, but they want to get away from that mentality and spend what's needed but also improve the network. I'm sure there's fine line where you can not spend this little and expect a lot of improvements, but time will tell if their strategy is working. I am optimistic.

    Same. At least it's 3 billion going into the network...it could be nothing lol

  2. In my market I almost am never on B26 not unless I'm in church. Outside of being in church I'm always on B41. I know a lot of people on here just want B26 to be optimized. I on the other hand just want my VoLTE but I know that's a long ways out.



    Sent from my iPhone 6s+ using Tapatalk

    Same! I need to to use voice and data at the same time because of my job. I know I can use google hangouts but still ???? Lol

    • Like 1
  3. So is Dish getting B70 to make the spectrum more valuable, or to actually deploy it? From what I've read, they've done nothing in terms of actually utilizing the spectrum for broadband or fixed wireless.

    Only thing Dish has done was the fixed wireless trials with Ntelos and Sprint but that was Sprint's and Ntelos's own spectrum.

  4. We are in mid 2016, and Sprint can't get their act together. The time keep passing by, and the others carriers keep executing.


    From 2013 to 2015 Sprint management team: "With our rich spectrum portfolio in the 2.5ghz band we will able to have a big advantage over our competitors LTE networks". Still the slower LTE network out of the big four, and the network regressing instead of improving (RootMetrics source)



    SPRINT management team in mid 2016 "Our 2.5ghz spectrum portfolio will be the lower band of 5G"


    This company always bragging about spectrum richness, but it doesn't make a difference if I is not deployed in a dense network.

    I agree. I can care less about its spectrum assets at this point

    • Like 4
  5. I think we all can agree that Sprint has improved a lot. I know for some, it is frustrating because we see Verizon doing this and T-Mobile doing that, but if we take a second and compare Sprint now, to Sprint 2-5 years ago, we all can agree that sprint has come a long way.


    My only issue with them is, they're not as transparent with their plans and execution but I understand why.

    • Like 3
  6. Basically the answer is no and will continue to be no since Sprint doesn't want to make promises that could potentially be detrimental is they don't follow through. It's the mistake Sprint made under Hesse and I'm willing to bet Marcelo won't be making them again.

    True. I don't blame him. Just hope a lot of good things are happening behind the scenes

  7. Its more than here and there, I wouldn't be surprised if there already hundreds already up. If you look deep into certain threads. Small cells and mini macros are coming online in multiple markets at once.

    That's good. And I guess I should have looked at the threads before I posted that lol. I expected them to be further in their deployment by now but I know they had some set backs.

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