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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Alright, this is beyond off topic. Lets get back on topic with some GNex and/or Sprint LTE info
  2. I know a guy who has been getting throttled by verizon, but his doesn't kick in until 5GB and he is only throttled to around 2Mbps. He actually doesn't care that he is throttled. He usually used 25-30GB per month. That is still high, but not apparently high enough to get on the VZW lockdown plan like you are on. The other difference might be that he was not tethering, he was downloading and hosting torrents on his phone.
  3. Me too, I used it enough to give them a good coverage map of the places I normally travel and deleted it. They have decent maps on their website. Not as detailed as Sprint's map though. I forget the other one I tried, but it didn't like rooted phones and may not have counted the data collected by a rooted phone. I figured why kill my battery for them when they won't even use the data. For dumb.
  4. I remember downloading a couple apps before that would record your signal strength and report back to the site which would build maps on their website. Sensorly perhaps?
  5. For the next hour and a half, there is a SanDisk 64GB Class 6 MicroSDHC on lightning deal for $50. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005LFT40G?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Might be a nice addition to the SGS3 or EVO LTE...
  6. Speed testing also wastes a pile of bandwidth. The person performing the speedtest is using every last drop of the speed of their connection to the tower. See also: slowing down everyone else... Speed tests on the mostly vacant Sprint LTE network as it gets booted up, however, are exciting. Keep posting the speedtests from the newest LTE towers guys!
  7. Exactly, I have the option of increasing my home internet download speeds from 30Mbps to 100Mbps for $10 per month. I thought about it, but for what I do on the internet, I probably wouldn't even notice the difference. Streaming works fine, and downloads are usually limited by the other site's upload speed. One of the only reasons that people want faster mobile connections is to brag to their friends how fast their speed test is. While that form of advertising might have some value to the carrier, they are all using LTE, and will have similar speeds once it all shakes out. I hope Sprint stays on top of their 4G network, unlike what they did with the 3G network, and keeps up with demand. I would hate to see them neglect the network and be at the bottom of the barrel once again.
  8. The only firm number that any carrier will give you regarding how much data they will let you burn through without penalty is if you move to a tiered plan. There is no magic number on Sprint. As iansltx points out, you are sharing 5mhz of download and 5mhz of upload bandwidth with everyone else accessing that tower. You are also sharing the backhaul with everyone on that tower from 3G 1x and any other tower that is connected through microwave. By heavily using data, you are impacting their user experience as well. As soon as Sprint, or any other carrier identifies that you are a "data hog" they will take action to ensure that you do not impact the other users. Verizon did that by throttling, which they claim to not throttle their LTE (but you are not the only person I have heard getting throttled by Verizon). AT&T throttles, but doesn't beat around the bush about it. So, even though the data may be "unlimited" that merely means that Sprint will not charge you for using too much. If your usage is deemed abuse, they will not hesitate to throttle your account or end your contract. I have seen claims of people on Sprint who were tethering with 3G while not having a tethering plan and had their phone throttled.
  9. Not sure if you are already connected via ethernet cable, but when I reset my router, I have to set it up through a wired connection instead of wireless. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  10. The only reasons that Verizon acquired and continues to maintain their rural coverage is for marketing and the roaming fees they collect from sprint. Sprint is focused on maintaining unlimited data. They offer roaming on Verizon's network, thereby extending their network into rural areas. Sprint will absolutely not profit by quickly expanding their network. Sorry to the Nextel customers, but the writing has been on the wall for years that there was going to be an end. You're going to have to find a new outlet for saying "10-4" and "niner" I remember a day where CB radios were cool to have in your vehicle. (although that might have been because I grew up in redneck, MN, USA) what more can someone ask for than ETF free exit from a carrier that is not offering services in the area? P.S. Nextel coverage has always been horrible in my area, while Sprint is as good or better than Verizon or AT&T. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  11. What is the dB levels of signal comparison from the Photon to the Nexus? Bars are a poor method of comparison. The verizon nexus took a lot of heat for reporting the bars of LTE signal differently than the other LTE gingerbread devices, but it turned out to be a change in the way the android os (ICS) calculated signal and turned that into bars. I don't know if that difference is also on evdo and 1x. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  12. Twig & berries Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  13. I actually have encountered the SMS bug. It was on my HTC Zero, and I sent a text message to someone but it was delivered to someone else. It wasn't a big deal at the time, and I haven't seen it in gingerbread or ICS. There was speculation that Facebook integration caused it, which I believe is a OEM skin feature, so it isn't really an Android problem, but a problem that can manifest thanks to the open source nature of the software. I also had fantastic audio performance from my E4GT over my home theater system. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
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