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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I always do my best to minimize left turns when running errands or driving around town. That makes a lot of sense.
  2. I agree, I had read that the DINC3 would be at $150 because if it is the same price as the GS3 you would have to be in love with HTC or the Droid text message notification to buy this over the GS3. The thing I find funny is that both HTC and Samsung come out and say, "we are consolidating our lines and we will not be releasing custom phones for each carrier" Samsung follows through, but HTC... there is a vast difference for each carrier. I guess HTC doesn't have the clout to dictate what the individual carriers will accept.
  3. Yeah, my wife works for FedEx, and she tells me about how the whole operation works and it is really amazing. Some things seem rediculous, but it really works for them. I think they changed it now, but before a package going from one place in a state to another place in the same state would still be routed through their main headquarters in Memphis and be able to make it to the destination the next day. No wonder shipping a package costs $100
  4. I had a heck of a time deciding between the palm pre and the htc hero. I really liked what palm was doing. HP had to go and screw that up, now it will take a miracle to revive the Palm OS.
  5. I love that quote. That's what we in the military like to call complacency...
  6. Oh, yeah, I haven't heard a phone chirp in years. I think their current handset offerings are sufficient for SDC. They offer a super cheap flip phone, a little nicer flip and a smartphone running android. It might be nice to have a flagship phone with a SDC button for the office guys who still use SDC to talk to guys in the field or people who want a SDC phone but don't want the stripped down ruggedized versions that PTT phones always are. They could always use an app for it, but that seems like it would almost discourage usage unless they had a really useful widget for it.
  7. The Droid Incredible line has always been for girls. Someone speculated that the processor was underclocked for battery life. As far as memory, the memory is expandable, I am a fan of more on-board memory for apps and that, but if you just want MP3/video storage, a microSD works great.
  8. You could have members mail you their old phones... I have a Epic with a broken screen that I can send you for the comparison. You can still read the screen, it's just cracked.
  9. Well, part of that is what you are used to. My wife was having issues with her week-old phone, and the store did a return so she would get another new phone instead of a warranty replacement. The phone was out of stock, so after about an hour of them seeing how high they could get my blood pressure (they said she would be without a phone for up to 2 weeks and they couldn't give her a loaner) they finally gave her a iPhone 4 as a loaner. They might as well have given her a flip phone, because she had issues using anything other than the talk and text functions of the phone. Moving from android to android was not an issue though... That said, my mother recently bought an iPhone, and apparently has figured it out to some point because she has called and texted me several times since. Having limited experience on the iPhone, it didn't seem very conducive to ease of use with my big hands as I kept mashing the keys on the onscreen keyboard when trying to set up the wife's phone. It might be easier, or it might be just another Apple marketing claim that Google doesn't feel like they need to contradict. Edit: after I posted this the thought popped into my head of how everything is integrated in the "cloud" and pictures are auto-uploaded to all your devices etc. That is definitely more user friendly than Android.
  10. I thought their offshoot was the Droid Incredible 4G LTE
  11. They def. are strong at those qualities. I wish they would have kept with the times instead of dismissing the advances of the smartphone and then watching their empire fall.
  12. Well, a lot of the PTT marketing has been aimed at the construction industry. For those guys, if you are wearing gloves, you probably wouldn't be able to register any touchscreen presses. A physical button makes sense in that sense. Also, I think if it starts disappearing from the physical makeup of the phone, people will use it less and it will fade into obscurity.
  13. Almost makes me want a GSM carrier. This deal, the Google play deal on the GNex... Maybe by the time I am too old to care, all the carriers will have byod. [ATTACH]83[/ATTACH] Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  14. You hit that one on the head. Sprint will have the best offering of PTT. Now they need to continue to get phones like the admiral and the flip phones that have a dedicated button and are ultra rugged.
  15. I agree, Sprint has exactly what they want from clearwire right now. If sprint were to buy clearwire, they would end up with less money to pay for network vision and more spectrum than any other wireless provider. If the FCC didn't make them divest spectrum at the time of the purchase, they would certainly start enforcing the build out requirements of the spectrum. Sprint would end up losing spectrum, missing the boat on auctions for lower mhz spectrum, and you can kiss any pipe dreams of vzw or att wholesaling data capacity from Sprint's 2600mhz hot spots goodbye. There is little to no chance of those sharks strengthening the competition like that. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  16. Correct. Phones supporting lte over 800mhz and 2600mhz are not expected until 2013. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  17. I had a q-chat phone and it was a battery killer when you were in a 1x only area. I had to call and get it disabled because I had spotty 3G coverage at the time.
  18. Verizon does, but it is aimed at business customers http://business.verizonwireless.com/content/b2b/en/wireless-products-services/push_to_talk.html I don't think T-Mobile offers it.
  19. I'm pretty sure that Robert was saying that using Wi-Fi for the data usage and Airave for the voice/text makes the most sense, instead of trying to use LTE protocol for data over the Airave. My phone doesn't even attempt to locate a LTE signal when I am connected to Wi-Fi.
  20. Ain't that some crap. They aren't demoing it out in Minnesota. I really wanted to see this cutting edge technology. You mean I can use my phone like a walkie talkie? Can I also do morse code over the walkie talkie like the ones I had when I was a kid. Just a shameless attempt to lure part of Sprint's customer base to the evil empire.
  21. As if I didn't have enough to read on this site... LOL. Congrats!
  22. Wow, great review. I was not aware of the difficulties that these makers have with these modems. I would think that a simple color change to white would help some of the overheating issues when it is in direct sunlight. Good to hear that they have made some progress making these better, but I hope they figure out how to make models that will be more rugged/reliable soon.
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