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Everything posted by Feech

  1. We have seen in other market updates from Robert that its not unusual to see 30, 40, or 50 sites accepted in a week so I believe its absolutely possible. I just think we would have seen more activity if that many sites have been completed but when I add in how many rooftop sites that we can't see or aren't looking for its completely plausible.
  2. And what do you think of the 75 sites by end of year up and running? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  3. One other thing he says they are not lighting up one particular area but that is the one thing that is false. Maybe he doesn't know the turn on part, but this site I saw him at fits in nicely with the site that Tux has been watching like a hawk on Railroad and other sites in that area. All of those sites are on the sites complete maps in the Sponsor section. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. So finally caught him.. Unfortunately, I caught him while he was on a conference call. Thus what he told me. The Tampa market SHOULD have about 75 LTE sites broadcasting by the end of the year. He said they wouldn't be concentrated in one area but he definitely said they would be some sites in Pinellas County that were along 19N he mentioned that around the first of the year we may hear an announcement. I'm thinking maybe a few cities within the market. He said fiber, microwave, and some ethernet is what they are using for backhaul. Think the guy was legit. Says there are a lot if people in involved and he was strictly cabinets so wasn't sure of everything. Definitely a better resource than the last guy I met. If I were going to dissect what he said I would say it sounds about right. I saw him at another in progress site we didn't know about until now. That would be about 10 or more sites including the one that is lit up in St Petersburg. That's just the ones we have seen, plus possibly one other I haven't been back by yet and only in Pinellas County. I think it safe to say there are others we haven't seen yet either in Pinellas and absolutely in Hillsborough. We will know I am another week or so or possibly with Roberts update on Sunday Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  5. Network is abysmal today in Pinellas. I'm gonna head to downtown St Pete today by the trop. Bowl game this weekend I think Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  6. Anyway. The point of the post was just to let you guys know how they do things. It was likely in the terms but I didn't read them and that was my fault. At the same time I was couldn't see why the phone being used would be a stipulation of coverage. Still can't. I plan on writing a nice letter to the insurance commission here in Florida. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  7. That tower must be a beast if it's sending a signal all the was from South St. Pete to 22nd N Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. Wildman, I asked last week but you may have missed it if you had the impression that the signal you were getting was coming from that one tower or if possibly it could have been coming from the other side so the bridge or another tower? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. Classic, Big Dan checking out the sponsor maps and mapping his neighborhood with Sensorly..
  10. That is an indication that a company is working there..
  11. That tower is rigged with a rope no?
  12. Looks good Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. Have any of you seen the mark in Coquina Key..I saw it a few days ago but wasn't sure if it was new or had been there. Looks like it might be another site though..Most of us actually map showing tracks. I think this is the Sprint/Ericsson tech leaving bread crumbs again.
  14. That was my point. I told the lady I could think of a million reasons why I would have the phone being used. Illness, death, deployment, and in my case punishment for my son ruining another phone. I was heated. I wonder how many people they get like this every year that won't fight. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  15. They gave it to me after a fight so that wasn't an issue. Not sure if we are talking about the same thing. They were saying because the phone hadn't been used (talk, text, data) the claim was denied. The phone was still active on my account, and the insurance was being paid for the whole time.
  16. I haven''t been to that site but depending on the height of the site on the tower it could be a real blow torch, Florida is lucky in the sense we dont have huge buildings all over the place obstructing LOS
  17. arrg..I did a lot of Sunday to my phone including flashing a new baseband . I went to the site on Sunday night and couldn't connect to the site, so I was surprised to see it on this weeks update, but all of you were not having any issues. This morning I went again and couldn't again and was thinking it was my phone based on what I had done to it on Sunday
  18. I I'm not sure thats the case really. We can only speculate of course but in our case we know of about 6 towers that appear to have work completed. I think that Ericsson and Sprint are just spread thin and running back and forth between markets. Testing guy for Sprint may be in Orlando for 2 days this week because sites have been completed and 3 days in the Tampa market because we have sites complete. This is a huge undertaking and I'm sure there are a lot of resource sharing going around with the project as well as normal day to day tasks. It wouldn't make sense for a a Ericsson and Sprint tech to sit around a market waiting for towers to be completed if in a market nearby they had 4 sites ready for testing.
  19. I had to use my insurance on my son's Nexus yesterday after he had dropped it in the water a few months ago. I was so mad at him that I said maybe he didn't deserve the phone and purposely did not file the claim until yesterday When I called them I was denied coverage the reason being that the phone had not been in use for over 60 days. I freaking lost it over the phone with the lady then asked for a super who gave me a one time courtesy of covering the phone. I was still pissed though and plan on speaking with someone at the insurance commission to see if that is legal. I know it's a small amount every month but I also know that there are rules that insurance companies need to abide by. I asked numerous times if they had sent a cancellation notice and what was the business reason for that (I would have been cool if they could come up with one for still charging for coverage even though they had canceled with no prior notice) anyone have any dealing with them? I'll go Squaretrade from now on. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. That's what I was afraid of.. Thanks Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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