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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Mobile substrate isn't updated for iOS 7 so don't expect many tweaks to work. Many of them rely on it. Saurik didn't have the opportunity to package one due to the sudden release. The developers were unaware as well so it'll be a little more time before they actually update their apps.


    In short... It was poorly thought out. I'm waiting for the second release which will include a packaged mobile substrate updated for iOS 7.

    Yeah the update for mobile substrate should be out in the next week or so. Saurik is also working on an iOS 7 build of Cydia also, which he says he submitted to the Evad3rs to use in the jailbreak, but they didn't use it for whatever reason. I've got mine jailbroken just so that I can use iFile and such, but until they release updates for everything, that's about all that I'm doing.

  2. I'm getting this on both iFile & Tetherme (both necessary to swap PRLs):


    Yeah, they just aren't ipdated for iOS 7 yet, so you may have problems with them, but prl swapping aint working though. Anything that uses Mobile Substrate may mess up your device also, so steer clear of that until they release an update.
  3. Yeah, I don't think iFile is ready yet, just tried to push over one of Digi's 800 priority PRLs and phone went to "No Service" and couldn't ##UPDATE# to reset the PRL (would give an unknown error). Reset Network settings, no help. Restoring from back up now, hopefully I still have a phone when it's done. EDIT: all restored and back to normal. Now off to JB it again!

    Yeah I did that too, had to restore and rejailbreak. Hopefully we'll figure out how to get it to work.

  4. Signal 2 works for seeing what LTE band you're on once jailbroken. I had it on my 4S, but it wasn't as useful since that phone doesn't have LTE.


    This is way easier than having to type in the code for the engineering screen now. Is there a way to make shortcuts to Field Test mode on the iPhone when it is jailbroken?


    iPhone 5C:



    Sadly Signal 2 doesn't work on iOS 7 yet :(
  5. Go to evasi0n.com to download it. Compatible with all devices that can run iOS 7.x.


    NOTE: Make sure your make a back up of your device. If you are having trouble with jailbreaking the device, and your method of updating your device is OTA, then do a full restore in iTunes and you should be good to go. BTW, any tweaks relying on Moblie Substrate may not work correctly, so watch out for that until an update is released.

    Jailbreak on!



    • Like 6
  6. Ah. I read so much info here I don't always remember everything!

    Yeah, it's hard to keep up sometimes when you're learning the vast amount of information on this site. The humor contributes to the forgetfulness, too.





  7. Is the 5 compatible with 800 SMR? I'm thinking only the 5S & 5C are.


    Regardless, I'm looking forward to some 800 action. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

    The 5 is most certainly compatible with 800 SMR. It's LTE 800 that the 5 is NOT compatible with. The 5S and 5C are the only iPhones currently that support LTE 800.

    • Like 1
  8. We all know the iPhone 5 is compatible with 1x800 (and the 5S is also), but do we happen to have anybody who happens to have a jailbroken iPhone 5 surfing this site that has also installed/flashed (whatever the terminology is) digiblur's 1x800 prl and has connected to 1x800? If so, what have your experiences been with it? (i.e. can you connect to 1x800 and also to 3G at the same time, 1x800 and B25 LTE,etc)


    I hope that whenever the iOS 7 jailbreak is released, I will flash the prl to my 5 and I would like to test 1x800 out, but I would like to see if anyone else has used 1x800 on their 5 before I use it so that I can know what to expect from it.





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  9. The iPhone 5S/C connect to LTE a whole lot better than the 5. My whole family has Sprint. My cousins have the 5C & I find that before my phone even starts the process of connecting to LTE they would already have it.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That probably has to do with the fact that the iPhone's have a set amount of time before they will scan for LTE again. If you lose LTE for a certain period of time, it will just stay on 3G until it scans for LTE again (which is around 300 seconds on most phones, including the iPhone). You can speed this up by quickly cycling airplane mode and that will cause they iPhone to scan for LTE again.

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  10. no the coverage map for Sprint has been the same for the past year or so in my area for voice that has never changed LTE however has changed in my area  it's lit up with orange now.   But the  network updates site http://network.sprint.com/ for  Somerset, KY 42501  says there has been 5 data speed upgrades in the last 6 months  and no voice    however if u  just put in 42501  you will get a bigger area that says 11 upgrades  1 voice  and that is around London, KY I believe



    Wouldn't  Verizon had put LTE on every tower if this was the case?  (just trying to understand lol)     I read they only put  LTE  on a select few towers  within a market

    On your first point about the coverage map for Sprint, of course your voice coverage hasn't changed. If 1x800 isn't on in your area (which it is safe to assume it isn't), then your voice coverage isn't going to change much. The fact that the coverage for LTE has changed is because Sprint added LTE to all the towers that already had 3G data and voice on them. Sprint's 1900 MHz LTE (which is what they have been deploying for the last year and a half) will only cover their existing footprint. Like gnoj said, you won't find yourself with Sprint LTE coverage when you don't have native Sprint Voice/Text coverage, because the LTE signal is more fragile, so if anything, you'll lose LTE signal before you lose 1x Voice and Text.


    On your second point about Verizon, their LTE frequency (700 MHz) is a lower frequency than their Voice and Text frequency, which is at 1900 MHz. As known with lower frequencies, they handle distance better and penetrate deeper into buildings than higher frequencies. And since Verizon's cell site spacing is set up for 1900 MHz spacing, then they only need to upgrade every second or third tower in a given market, because they were trying to provide LTE coverage first before they provided capacity. To my understanding, I believe they are now going back and adding 700 MHz LTE to every tower that hasn't been upgraded (correct me if I'm wrong) and they are also adding their AWS LTE that will provide a ton of capacity for them.

  11. . What's your point? In the context of his issue this doesn't make any sense to me.

    I believe his point is it seems like stevemmit is implying that his wife's S4 is tri-band, if I'm understanding correctly. Either that or he is stating 2 completely unrelated things: His wife's S4 holding LTE better than his iPhone 5, and the fact that his iPhone 5 isn't tri-band LTE.

  12. Why would Sprint be upgrading its own network while also having T-Mobile upgrade theirs? That essentially IS the Nextel debacle... operating two networks.

    I don't think Sprint should begin running T-Mobile, I think that Sprint should get 2 seats on the board, like Softbank has with Sprint. T-Mobile would still be pretty much its own company, other than Sprint having a huge stake in the company. Like I said, make a Sprint-T-Mobile deal like the Sprint-Softbank deal. And set up roaming contracts between the two companies for when coverage is not available or when capacity is constrained. That's just my opinion, whether or not it's feasible or not is a different story.
    • Like 2
  13. What if were taking the rumor too literally.  What about a tower sharing agreement?  Operate separately but share tech?  Now to a business you want control, and I know its a unlikely scenario... but what if they entered into a 5 year tower sharing agreement, and exchanged some spectrum or entered exclusive roaming agreements?  They could modernize, and lower costs by eliminating redundant antennas/towers, and create a standard frequency preference/phone tech among the two.


    The End Game? it gets them competitive in the next few years, but companies want autonomy and control, so it'd have to end at some point.


    "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend"


    Just a off the wall thought.

    If anything were to happen, I would like this to happen. It really doesn't seem like that bad of an idea. If Sprint doesn't have coverage somewhere and T-Mobile does, let Sprint users use T-Mobile's network, and vice-versa. Also, if you are somewhere that either network is capacity constrained, let some subscribers from one network offload to the other network.

  14. Ok then... First, you don't know how educated I am or not on sprint, there network or how the nv upgrades are being deployed on one post I have made.


    Second, the only info about this was on the thread for new cities in dec for lte. But nothing about sprints coverage map being updated.... Also you might want to update the spelling to columbiana as it is spelled incorrect in that thread... But then again I am uneducated as you say.


    I guess I have to watch what I post and make sure it's not a "rant" as you say since someone that is new to the site and getting such a nice warm welcome... I really appreciate it!


    I feel your post is only to try to get me to become a "sponsor" since it seems a lot of the info is on that part of the site. Maybe if I was a sponsor, I wouldn't be patrolled on my 1 post I have made as much!

    As a sponsor, you would have been held to a higher standard. If I were you, I would refer to the S4GRU posting guidelines so you don't post anything that is against them.




    Welcome to the site! AJ means well, he is just doing his job as to keep this forum a nice place for everyone so it doesn't descend into the chaos that most other Sprint forums have become.

    • Like 2
  15. Wouldn't the AT&T/T-Mobile merger have been a monopoly because of how big they would have become? AT&T was already pretty darn big, so I assume if they acquired T-Mobile, it would have been rather unfair for everyone else. If Sprint and T-Mobile were to merge, they would still be in 3rd place based on subscriber base, but when their technologies and spectrum holdings are put together, they would be in a very good position.


    I feel that if it were to happen, it would actually increase competition in the U.S., considering Sprint/T-Mobile could really threaten the Duopolies' first and second places, which would cause AT&T and Verizon to become more competitive to try and keep their leads.


    That's just my opinion, everyone feel free to weigh in on how stupid or how smart it is :tu:



  16. 6e3eqyve.jpgmy9a3y9a.jpgy2edy8u5.jpg

    Soooo, is this 1x800? From the looks of it, I'm connected to a tower from verrrryyy far away. Got this with 0 bars of Signal, which is very weird. I usually get 5 bars of Extended service where I'm at, but the recent prl update for iPhones has disabled roaming for whatever reason.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

    I also just got this:


    I don't have a clue how that happened haha

    This is in Harrisburg, North Carolina at Hickory Ridge High School (Just in case you want to look and see what tower I might be connecting to or I'm pulling this off of)


    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  17. I've logged an official ticket with Sprint. The customer service rep couldn't get her head around why Sprint would offer a 4 year old PRL for an update.


    I suggest everybody do the same.

    Will do once I get home from school :tu:

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