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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Here's a better question: What are you using to view coverage in your area? It definately isn't the coverage maps on Sprint's website. Sprint uses RED to show LTE coverage and they use PURPLE for 3G coverage. And they don't have those checkboxes at the top of the map in your post.


    If you are using a 3rd-party coverage tool, odds are they have the coverage colors mislabled. What you think you're seeing as LTE coverage is really 3G coverage and vice verca, if my theory is true.



  2. Spark or no the iPhone deal was no mistake. No carrier can afford to be with out the iPhone period.


    As far as weather or not the next iPhone is going to have spark or not only select people at apple know but I can imagine them leaving it out. It would be a bad experience for iPhone users on the sprint network and apple doesn't want apple users to have a bad experience on any network.

    And that is exactly why Apple didn't make the jump to WiMAX. It wasn't going to be everywhere so they didn't want people to complain that they paid for this feature on their phone that they aren't able to use.



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  3. The iPhone 6 will, without a doubt in my mind, have support for Band 41 on the Sprint variant. Apple is always just behind the curve on things because they would like the technilogies to mature a little and lose their kinks before Apple implements them in an iPhone. I'm sure we all remember the iPhone 4S coming out with only 3G and no LTE.


    What I am hoping for, however, is that Apple will use a Cat 4 baseband in the iPhone 6, also. That way we'll be able to go above 100 Mbps on LTE.


    The only thing I'm not too sure of is if the 6 will support carrier aggragation. If it doesn't, then having the Cat 4 would be kind of useless in my mind, at least on Sprint. My fear is that we may have to wait for the 6S to get that. Boy am I glad I'm on easy pay ;)



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  4. the point is the network sucks because it just do


    Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding your logic in this statement. What facts do you have to back this up? What does "because it just do" mean? I am not very familiar with that statement.


    If you're going to try and give a valid reason for why the network "is not up to par", then at least make it be logical. "Because it just do" is not only 1, completely grammatically incorrect, but 2, it's not a real reason. That's kind of like saying a plane is able to fly through the air "because it just do". No, there was a great deal of time invested into planning the construction of an airplane by the Wright Brothers. They did countless experiments and figured out how to make a plane fly by combining thrust and wing designs to make optimal lift for the plane to leave the ground. It doesn't "just do".



    • Like 3
  5. Its not, the ISP is determined by who owns the internet facing IP. If I worked at google I might get google as my ISP.

    Ahhh okay, that makes more sense now.


    My conclusion is that is a fiber-optic connection. Not neccesarily Google Fiber, but a fiber-optic connection none-the-less.



  6. Welp, I've decided to lose my jailbreak and update my 5s, I figured that if I can't install a new PRL then why use a jailbreak that I don't really take advantage of? Ah well, here's to hoping that I don't encounter the bug that a bunch of people are experiencing where the Touch ID gets disabled permanately...



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  7. Don't get your hopes up for an iOS 7.1 jailbreak. Pod2G tweeted saying thay the evad3rs won't be working to make a 7.1 jailbreak. He said they probably won't work colelctively on it again until 8 comes out.


    However, pod2G said that if he is ever bored and wants to put the time and effort into a 7.1 jailbreak, he said that he has some ideas of how to make it possible. Either way, I wouldn't hope too much for it.



  8. I'm surprised no one's asked why not aggregate two band 25 carriers. That makes a lot of sense to me when band 41 is a ways off for some areas where the single g block carrier doesn't cut it.

    I wouldn't neccesarily call Carrier Aggregation a capacity thing, as I see it more as an E-Penis thing. Frankly, if one carrier get's filled up, you push devices to the next carrier. Combining those two carriers together would, as far as I know, only make the numbers look better (Which, don't get me wrong, would be a good thing, considering the not-as-intelligent public that only sees numbers will think to themselve's "oh, they have bigger numbers, I'm gonna sign with them").


    But back onto your idea. The only problem with your idea is that Sprint doesn't necessarily have enough spare spectrum everywhere to launch another Band 25 carrier, which means they are still stuck with one carrier.



  9. OK then, I have. It all sucks.


    What an odd statement. Yes, there is a plethora but look around, the plethora says it sucks. Call quality.


    Obviously it varies. That's what IMO means. In my opinion.


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    Plethora: a large or excessive amount of (something)


    The plethora I was referring to is the large amount of different reasons that your experience wasn't very swell. For example, maybe all the towers may not be upgraded, maybe the site was over capacity, maybe the tower wasn't optimized yet, maybe it was still in testing mode, maybe etc etc etc.


    I understand that it is your opinion, I was merely pointing out that they way your post was worded, it made it seem like you were saying a fact about the entire nationwide Sprint network, instead of what you have experienced in a localized area. 


    Anyways, this is a PRL thread, not the 800 MHz thread.



  10. Seriously, the call quality is atrocious on 1x800. They've got a lot of work to do with it, IMO. But I get your joke. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    Your statement needs to be "In my experiences with 1x800, the call quality was atrocious". Unless you have been in every single Sprint market that has 1x800 deployed AND have made phone calls in each of these markets to test the call quality, then there is absolutely no way that you can make a conclusion for the entirety of the nationwide Sprint network that the call quality of 1x800 is atrocious. There is a whole plethora of reasons as to why your call quality may not have been up to par.



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  11. One thing you might be surprised about. The iPhone 5 and 5S charge at 1.0amp on MacBook Pro's with USB 3.0, so in theory it should work on any USB 3.0 equipped PC.



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

    That might be because Apple actually makes good, high quality products ;)



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  12. The iPhone will receive a 5 volt current whether it is plugged into a computer, iPhone cube, or an iPad brick. That is because 5 volts is how powerful USB plugs are. The difference between the three styles of charging is the AMPERAGE at which the device is charged. A computer USB port charges the device at .5 amps, the iPhone cube charges the device at 1.0 amps, and the iPad brick charges the device at 2.4 amps. There is nothing wrong with having that slightly higher amount of amperage charging the device, it just charges it faster. Plain and simple. Doing this kind of charging has minimal to no impact on the battery. Voltage is known as "electrical pressure" which determines how, lets say, "powerful" the electricity that is entering the battery is. Amperage, on the other hand, is the rate at which electricity is allowed to enter into the battery.


    Here's another example of this:

    My family has a 2013 Chevrolet Volt, and when you plug it in to a normal home outlet, you can charge it at either 8 amps or 12 amps. Charging the car fully at 8 amps takes ~16 hours, and charging the car fully at 12 amps takes ~12 hours. Charging at either rate has no effect what-so-ever on the Lithium-Ion battery other than it taking longer to charge at the lower amperage. This DOES NOT damage the battery, because it receives a constant amount of voltage. The only thing that is different is the electricity is being put into the battery quicker at the higher amperage. There are higher tier chargers for the car (Level 2 and Level 3) that simply increase the amperage at which the car charges.


    Moral of the story: Using the iPad charger to charge your iPhone has no adverse effects on the battery. This is coming from a person who has used an iPad charger since they had an iPhone 4S (I used to use the iPad 2 charger but then bought an iPad 4 charger when I got my iPhone 5 last year) and has yet to have any battery problems, and I also have extensively studied the phenomena known as "electricity". The iPad battery works the exact same way that your iPhone battery does... It's just bigger. ;)



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  13. I'm not sure if there is a thread about this but if there is I've looked and its buried somewhere.  So originally I wanted to post a list of markets and the spectrum channels that are being used in each market for each band (i.e. 1900 (b25) 800 (b26) 2500 (b41)) but I can't find the information.  Its easy to find how much spectrum sprint has in each band but not whats being used.  For example on the 1900 frequency in Utah they are using 5x5 mhz.  And I think everywhere b41 is they have like 20-25mhz available.   I know with the shutdown of the iden network they were going to try and free up some spectrum and try and deploy 10x10 mhz channel throughout the U.S for LTE on b25 by end of 2013.  So my question is do we know or is there a way to find out what is being used in various markets?  Will they increase spectrum somehow with a broader use of voice on the 800 frequency? If so when?  is 800 LTE b26 only 5x5 mhz all over the country or do different markets have more spectrum?

    The biggest Band 26 carrier size we will see is 5x5 MHz. In some markets, due to spectrum constraints, the carrier size won't even be that big, rather it would be a 3x3 MHz wide carrier so that there can still be one 1xAdvanced carrier along with the Band 26 LTE carrier.


    On to Band 25, Sprint is only deploying 5x5 carriers of Band 25 using their PCS G Block holdings, which is only big enough for a 5x5 carrier. However, Sprint does have enough spectrum in several markets to add another 5x5 MHz carrier on Band 25, which would definitely help in the markets that are currently being overloaded.


    And with Band 41, right now Sprint is only deploying 20 MHz chunks of spectrum (this is referred to 20 MHz not 20x20 MHz because it is TDD-LTE not FDD-LTE). Sprint will later deploy more 20 MHz carriers in markets as needed, and they will also begin to use Carrier Aggregation to bind multiple carriers together for some insane throughput figures.


    The great thing about Sprint deploying 1xAdvanced in their SMR holdings is the fact that 1xAdvanced is (I believe) 4 times more spectrally efficient than 1xRTT. Along with that spectrum efficiency, 800 MHz propagation is so superior to PCS that it's not even funny.


    You can always donate more to the site to become a premier sponsor so that you can gain access to HUGE swaths of information on things like Band 41 and Band 26 deployment. And that's just the tip of the iceberg  ;)



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  14. http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/4glte-launchedmarkets.htm is showing "4G LTE launched markets as of 2/24/2014," which is tomorrow. This is the first time I've ever seen Winston-Salem on a launch list. Or am I very late?


    Sent from my HTC One Max using Tapatalk

    Or you haven't been paying attention to this thread:







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