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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. A new jailbreak tweak was just released that shows the dBm in the iPhone status bar without the need to use the Apple Field Test screen workaround. There is also one for WiFi. I've tested out on my Sprint iPhone and it works as expected. Much easier than the field test workaround!


    Numeric GSM Enabler

    Numeric Wifi Enabler





    The tweaks can be found in Cydia and are enabled from the Settings app.



    Can you tap the number and have it switch between dots and dBm?



  2. Yes.  But it lacks inputs like the DP and mini-DP otherwise i would have been all over it.  Besides, i have to wait for my 46" black friday plasma to die first before i go the 4K route.

    My Dad is still waiting for a 100 inch version that is less than 25 grand. I guess we can always dream





  3. 17 inch w/ 16:10 ratio.

    I can go up to 300 total.

    Then my recommendation is to get maybe a 20-30 inch 1080p LCD TV, you can get one for less than 300 bucks pretty much anywhere, and for even cheaper if you buy an off-brand TV.


    Use the 17 inch for reading things or instructions for what you need to do, and use the TV for what you are doing. I have a 24 inch Dell monitor and a 39 inch Seiki 1080p TV, and I got the TV for 279 in 2012.


    I used my PC for my computer programming class and used the 24 inch for reading and watching tutorials while working on the coding on my 39 inch. I love the setup. :)



    • Like 1
  4. Is it Sprint? Or is it the area vendor? Or someone else? I'm asking because the Charlotte market STILL doesn't have eHRPD and with a good mix of LTE and 3G towers, the handoff issues are extremely annoying.

    We did actually have eHRPD for good while, but for the past few months there hasn't been a single lick of it in Charlotte for whatever reason. I too share the frustration that you are having, but you just have to remember, all you need to do is hit "Refresh" when going from LTE to 3G or vice versa and your problem is solved. Patience is a virtue :)



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  5. 4K monitors are way out of my price range. The only reason I want to goto a dual display is so when I am doing my school work I can view multiple windows at a time.

    What kind of screen do you have now? Also, what's your price range?



  6. Probably going to add two screens to my desktop. Anybody see any deals out there?

    Look at the new Dell 27" 4k Monitor that they revealed at CES. I believe it is only 800 dollars or so, which sounds expensive, but if you consider that the only other 4k monitor on the market is like, 3200 dollars, then it suddenly sounds like a great deal.



  7. My very first sprint phone as a Sanyo katana 2. I remember texting was all the rage , I had my data disabled because it was to expensive for me back then. Amazing how different everything is now where data is the main thing I use my iphone for lol.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    My first phone AND very first Sprint phone was the Sanyo Katana DLX. I was one of the lucky ones to have unlimited data and texting on it. It would stream Pandora all day long. Man do I miss that phone  :blush:



  8. Ok...that's what i read i think...but i wasn't sure.  So, this is why iPhones don't have to wait for update to use LTE800....

    I wouldn't say that CSFB has do with 800 LTE in particular, it's more for LTE in general. The iPhone 5S is able to connect to 800 LTE because Apple probably has it enabled out of the box, because Apple does with their phones what they want. Whereas with Android and the other manufacturers, they are at the will of the cellular companies, so the people with Android will have to wait until Sprint decides to let them use it.



  9. From what we know, the iPhone's don't rely on CSFB. From what I have gathered, when they are connected to LTE, they switch back to 1x/3G every couple of seconds so that they can check to see if their is a text or phone call coming to your phone. You won't notice if it is switching back real quick, because it only takes a fraction of a second to do so.



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  10. I've looked but probably not hard enough. Does the 5s get hd voice?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It's supposed to be compatible with it, as was the iPhone 5, but at this point I'm not entirely sure if they will be able to use HD voice on Sprint's network.



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  11. Yeah, everything is different from all instruction online. We also have a .pri file that the 5 (I believe) doesn't have. I found a few articles that said apple implemented security features on the 5s to prevent prl modding

    It appears to only be in the Sprint Carrier Bundle though, if you go to Verizon's there is still a carrier.prl file in there.



  12. Went and got my 32 GB Gold 5S today and I was super happy, but now I'm disappointed because modifying PRL's on the 5S doesn't work yet :(


    I have noticed, however, that there is a lack of a PRL in the carrier bundle, and the bundle's name has CSIM in the title. Hmm...



  13. It's only needed in areas where its too rural and expensive since EVDO pcs goes as far as 800 LTE so 800 EVDO should go really far so less sites and cheaper to maintain.


    And 100MB roaming is not much.

    One problem with your idea is there are no devices on the market that support EV-DO on the SMR frequencies that Sprint has. Unless I'm wrong (which I wouldn't be surprised) then you would have to start selling devices to people that support 800 EV-DO, which would be counter-productive since LTE is going to be the future.



  14. This is the exact thing I was told I could not do the last time I tried to switch to the new plans. Then when I said well the lets do a cross upgrade then switch to a new plan I was told I was gaming the system and couldn't do that either.

    I was told exactly what you were, but the Sprint employee that I was talking to actually recommended that I do the cross upgrade and then switch the plan.



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