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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Is there a DAS in the mall? I know we have one in Carolina Place in Charlotte. If there isn't, that's an awesome speed for such a burdened site.

    I'm pretty sure there isn't one. Something I do have to point out is this is at 11ish at night and on the sector facing away from the mall ;)



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  2. Posted Image

    Well this is a typical test on my home tower that serves the most popular tourist attraction in NC (Concord Mills Mall) and also serves Charlotte Motor Speedway. And the ping time is actually higher than what I usually get (normally it's sub-100).


    Anyways, I feel like New Sprint is doing something right if I can get faster speeds on 3G than many people can get on Verizon LTE.





    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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  3. Weird, because AT&T, Verizon and Tmobile all have LTE broadcasting from the same tower.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The problem is that you can't have 4 different operators broadcasting LTE off of the same backhaul. There just isn't enough bandwidth. All 4 operators are using separate backhaul for their respective LTE networks on that site.



  4. Anybody here familiar with any tower updates in South Charlotte. Our tower is still 3G and my friends phone switches between 3G and LTE constantly. I don't understand why they have ignored our tower for a LTE update. We are in the densely settled and mostly affluent Ballantyne area. (I am not affluent haha). The tower is behind a Harris Teeter at the intersection of Johnston Road and Lancaster Highway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The backhaul supplier probably hasn't run the backhaul to the site yet. Without proper backhaul, LTE cannot be turned on for that site. Trust me, Sprint isn't ignoring it, it's the stubborn backhaul suppliers that are ignoring it.



  5. I remember a chat in the Lounge a few years ago when I told members that Winston-Salem was going to be a Round 4 market and that it would be one of the last Top 100 markets to launch.  One of our core members even left Sprint because of it.  It turned out to be one of the best deployment markets ever.  Once ALU finally showed up and started the market.


    Although Round 4 markets have had to wait a long time.  Most of them have gone pretty well and fast.  Some even getting launched or nearing completion before their Round 3 or some Round 2 markets even.  Heck, there is even a Round 1 market not even launched, yet.



    I can't even express how amazed I am at how quickly ALU upgraded Winston-Salem. All I remember is looking at the Network Vision/LTE Deployment running list, and one day the NV upgrade completion in Winston was a very low percentage, then one day you updated it and they were at 97% complete and I was just blown away. Of course that didn't happen over night, but the amount of work that was completed there in such a short amount of time is astonishing. It makes me look forward even more to attending High Point University in Fall of 2015. Not only will I be going to the greatest college I have ever seen, I will also have an amazing Sprint experience also!  :tu:


    Not too shabby for a 4th round market!



    • Like 2
  6. But as most iPhone users are unaware(unless this has changed and I am unaware of it)...the iPhone switches you back to data rather than wifi when you're on standby.

    Of all the things I know about iOS, I still seem to find things I never knew. Thanks! :)



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  7. Well I am not tethering. I'm only downloading music to my new phone. Granted I'm at 9GB since I got my phone two weeks ago. I am definitely being throttled to around 2MB on the download. This is definitely a first.

    If you are downloading at 2 MB/S (MegaBYTES per second), then that means you're getting great LTE speeds. 2 MB/S equates to roughly 16 Mbps (MegaBITS per second), which is well above what Sprint is advertising for LTE.



  8. I was playing GTA V last night and heard this over the radio for the first time, I just had to share it, as some of you guys would get a kick out of it too.


    It looks a little like a Sprint commercial haha. I also love the fact that you have to sign a 6 year contract. XD



  9. Ever since I've got this airave my phone battery does like crazy. Since my full charge , 36 mins of usage and 1 hour 10 minutes of standby and I have 84%....



    Any one else experience this issue? Maybe it's cause it's an iphone lol



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm at 79% after 9 hours of standby and 1 hour 45 minutes of usage :P


    Anyways, I had originally gotten an airave because my signal in my home (pre-Network Vision) fluctuated too much, so my phones battery would drain (I also dropped calls left and right). The airave did solve my battery/call problems, but once NV became substantially complete in my area, the airave did more bad then good because my phone would keep bouncing between the airave and the macro network, which caused even more battery problems.


    My sister left for college and the signal in her dorm room isn't very good, so she now has the airave. I haven't had a problem at home ever since we unplugged it.


    How complete is NV in your area? If you were to unplug your airave, would you be able to call and text okay?



  10. Not sure if anyone has had any luck getting one of the Sponsor/Premier Sponsor PRL's onto a 5S, but I have been doing a little research. Yes, we know about how the carrier bundle in the 5S for Sprint is a little different than previous iPhone's, and we know it seems to be lacking a PRL file, and only has a PRI. From what I have read, the PRI is the firmware for the radios in the phone (I assume it contains what frequency bands to connect to), and the PRL is the file that tells the device what towers to connect to (which, that part, we already knew).


    I'm going to continue my research on changing PRL's in the 5S, so I will report back any findings that I can come up with. I just wanted to share what I learned about the PRI's in case there was anyone that didn't know what the difference was.



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  11. Just a question what kind of backhaul requirements does a site need for 1900lte and 800lte? Was just wondering if they are putting in backhaul to a site but at first only had enough for the b25 lte carrier and then when they are finishing adding more lines would have enough for both carriers?

    If Band 25 LTE was able to be fired up, then the most likely type of backhaul the site has is either fiber or microwave. And if the site has fiber or MW for backhaul, then it should be able to handle a second Band 25 LTE carrier and also Band 26 LTE.



  12. thx guys. I understand there are some outliers, maybe even 3000, sites that will be stubborn. thats why I said essentially. still if you had the current total and the avg completed weekly you'd be able to come up with an estimate. which to me would seem a lot better than saying "we have no idea."

    My best guess is they will be substantially complete with 1900 LTE by the end of 2014.



  13. The estimated completion of NV 1.0 is mid-year 2014. There is no ETA on the completion of LTE 1900, because it may never be completed. Sure, almost every single site in the country will be broadcasting 1900 LTE, but due to things like stubborn backhaul companies and a few other reasons, not every last site will be able to broadcast 1900 LTE.


    Of course, you could always pitch in a few bucks to the site and become a sponsor. If you do that you'll gain access to an interactive map of all the NV Sites that have been completed, not completed, and that have yet to receive any upgrades. And that's only the beginning of what you can access. ;) 


    I'll tell you this (and I'm sure many other members of this site would agree), the money I used for my sponsorship is the best money I've ever spent.  :tu:



    • Like 17
  14. Thanks for that information Anthony. It's unfortunate that a tech will have to go back out to the site to get 800 LTE up and running. What would be the reason the 800 LTE carrier card would not be installed when CDMA 800 is being turned on? Doesn't it seem that they are making more work than needs to be? I'm sure there are underlying reasons as to why they do what they do. Just wondering. Thanks.

    To elaborate on what jefbal99 stated, I'm pretty sure it was due to the shortages in the carrier cards (like jefbal said). When CDMA 800 was first being installed, the different vendors were having problems with the designs of the LTE 800 carrier cards and also weren't able to get to manufacturing them in time for turning on CDMA 800. I believe that when doing new NV installs in markets that the vendor has been able to manufacture the carrier cards and distribute them to techs, and when going to do the work for turning CDMA 800 on, the installers are going to be turning CDMA 800 and LTE 800 on at the same time (given that the backhaul that is required for LTE is installed already).



    • Like 2
  15. What is needed for 800 LTE to be lit up? An additional carrier card? Are they installing the needed equipment or preparing what is needed for 800 LTE to come on down the road or are they going to have to go back to the site?

    When a tower is upgraded to NV, the necessary equipment for 800 LTE is installed. In order for it to become online, a tech has to go visit the site and install the carrier card, run some tests, and turn it on. It's a MUCH easier process than doing a full NV install. It only takes a couple hours, tops, to install the carrier card and run the tests.



  16. So when can we officially expect a turnaround for sprint? 2014 is supposed to be sprints year but I feel 2015-2016 is more appropriate



    Didn't SoftBank say they have a "secret weapon" to get sprint on top?

    Well you have to look at it this way. These results are for Q4 of 2013. So, this really isn't any indication of how 2014 will be.



  17. I just wanted to chime in with our issue that I believe must be CSFB related.  For the last month or two we have been unable to receive incoming calls on our LG G2s at home unless we set Network mode to "CMDA" (as apposed to the default "Global").  Before I discovered this setting we were simply unable to receive phone calls at all.  Two calls to Sprint support have been unhelpful thus far.  The first call was before I had self-diagnosed the issue and they were unable to provide any assistance other than to tell me they would look at the tower and things should be better within 48 hours.  The second call, made today (several weeks after the first call) with the knowledge of the work-around and CSFB relation, was no more helpful.  I was unable to get anyone on the phone that was technical enough to understand the issue and I was told (again) that they would look at the tower and things should get better within 48 hours.


    Does anyone know how I can get this information to someone who will understand and possibly be able to do something about it?



    Is your device connected to LTE when you are at home? If so, how strong is the LTE signal? If you have a very weak/unusable LTE signal, then the phone probably isn't able to communicate with the CSFB on the cell site, so the network won't be able to tell your phone to switch to 1x/3G.



  18. you just install mine says that too but works perfectly



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The problem he is having is when he goes to the Cydia page for the app, it comes up with that unsupported error. Along with that warning, it also does not let him hit "Install", it is only going to give him a "Recheck" button where the install button would normally be.



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