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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. I have actually read about this before. If it was an iPhone 5, it is because it is made out of aluminum and glass, not steel and glass like the iPhone 4/4S were. The aluminum is a lot easier to bend, especially with how thin the device is. I'm hoping it doesn't happen to mine, but if it does, at least I get a new iPhone out of my AppleCare+ subscription!

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  2. Exactly. You would have to figure that B41 would be fairly unloaded this early on, which would lead to much faster speeds than they saw.


    LTE "enginerring" screens or it didn't happen! ;)

    I agree, but still, if that is on B25, that is pretty impressive as I don't think Sprint has anywhere near as much spectrum for LTE in B25 than AT&T has for LTE.

    • Like 1
  3. I get a decent signal walking around downtown for the most part, decent LTE. Just when I get up in my building and I'm on the 34th floor it goes in and out a lot.

    Well that sounds a lot better than what I was getting in downtown about 2 months ago when I was at Ruth Chris. Glad to hear things are getting better down there!

  4. I recently ran a Speedtest from my home which is about 2 miles from my nearest tower (The tower being the one by Lowe's, I mean Charlotte Motor Speedway, and my home being in Rocky River Crossing) while on 3G, and I got a 88 MS Ping, which I have to say is the fastest 3G ping I have ever gotten and that I have ever seen! That even beats some of my LTE ping times when I do happen to clamp onto a -113 LTE signal. Download speeds were still around .3 down and up, but hey, that's what you get when you live that far away from the tower. Maybe they will make the Clearwire/T-Mobile tower that is on the corner of 49 and Morehead into a NV tower. Here's to hoping! :)

  5. Not sure which thread this question belongs in so I'll ask here: near me is a newly accepted 4G tower ; about 1/3 of a mile away I get .25 mbps ( Thats 1/4) download and 7.5 mbps upload and the signal level is an awesome -67 RSRQ; GS3 shows 6 bars of signal strength so what's up with this? Is the tower broadcasting but at a very low level? How can I see such a strong RF signal but get such a lousy download speed? Why is there so much asymmetry between the download & upload speeds?None of the other towers around me (for several miles) have had NV upgrades so my guess might be that this tower can't hand off to anything so its broadcasting minimally but if so why have it on at all?

    My diagnosis is it's an overloaded tower. Your download speeds are so low because people tend to download a lot more than they upload, so that is why your upload speed is so much greater.
  6. I've got a quick question. With the single band phones that have SVLTE, we know that the "signal bars" aren't an actual representation of LTE signal strength when on LTE, because it is actually the strength of the voice/sms signal (correct me if I'm wrong).

    My question is, do the new tri-band devices that don't have SVLTE on them show actual LTE signal strength, when connected to LTE, since they are either on CDMA or LTE (not CDMA for voice and LTE for data since they use CSFB)? (Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, I don't really see it as a question that a whole thread should be started over) Thanks for the help!

    • Like 2
  7. Seems like AT&T is just adding capacity rather than boosting speeds a ton. But doesn't having this many bands become confusing for them?

    I wouldn't say it would make things confusing for them, considering they have always had PCS spectrum, but it was always used for 2G/3G. So adding that extra LTE band of PCS probably doesn't affect them very much.

  8. I only wish I knew what T-Mobile was doing to get 40ms latency on LTE and HSPA on some of the NYC speed tests at 5x5 as well as some of the STL speed tests I've seen. What kind of work are they doing to get such low latency? Radios in the antenna? That would only explain their Ericsson markets, what are they doing in NSN markets? Some sort of engineering secret sauce?


    The range for Sprint NV sites on LTE seems to hit the 60's in STL. I still wonder where T-Mo gets the extra 20ms.

    Could it have something to do with the kind of backhaul that T-Mobile uses?

  9. I drive a 2002 Chevrolet Trailblazer LT, one of the greatest car's I have ever driven (considering I have only driven 3 cars). My Dad drives a 2006 Chevrolet Corvette and my mom drives her 2013 Chevrolet Volt. I'll tell ya, for an electric car, that thing is amazing.

    Dream car is probably an SS trailblazer (Don't judge me) :)

    • Like 2
  10. My girlfriend and her daughter both have iPhone 5's purchased in February. In September they both upgraded to iOS7 (now 7.0.3). Her daughters phone works fine.


    Her phone constantly jumps between 1x and 3G. LTE works fine (we're in a spotty LTE area). When it's not on LTE, it stays at 1x, occasionally jumping to 3G, but regardless of what it's on, data simply doesn't work. The working iPhone5 and my HTC One will sit happily with two or three bars of 3G coverage, and her phone is jumping back and forth. WiFI appears to work fine.


    We've restored the phone. Wiped the network settings. We took it into a Sprint store where their tech checked it, wiped it, etc, and said they can't fix it. They've ordered a replacement (refurb, I imagine).


    I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this? The Sprint forums have a four page thread with similar issues but no real resolution yet. What concerns me is a couple people noted they received replacements and it didn't fix the issue (bad luck? user error? account level issue?).


    Any suggestions on things to try? And how do Sprint refurb replacements compare to Apple refurb replacements? I'm sure I could just get it swapped at an Apple store but the nearest one is two hours away...


    Any suggestions? Considering she's basically been dataless for a month+ she's handling it all very well, but I fear my time is running short... :)

    Have you tried turning LTE off when you're in a spotty area? At my house, we are literally at the edge of LTE coverage, so I usually can only get 1 bar of LTE before dropping to 2 or 3 bars of 1x or 3G. The way the iPhone works is when it can acquire an LTE signal (or when it thinks it can) it will drop form 3G down to 1x, then go to LTE or it will sit at 1x until it fails to hook onto LTE, in which it will go to 3G (which it may take awhile to get from 1x to 3G after failing to connect to LTE). 


    When I enable LTE on my iPhone, it will immediately drop to 1x from 3G, and it will sit there while it tries to connect to LTE, then it fails to connect to LTE, hangs at 1x for a minute or so, realizes it was stupid for trying to connect to such a weak LTE signal, then it goes to 3G. Then, I may try to open a webpage, which causes it to go "Hey, maybe I should look for LTE again," so it drops to 1x, sits there, then goes back to 3G and doesn't load the webpage. On the other hand, when I disable LTE, my iPhone will almost immediately connect to 3G, and then data works pretty darn well! Yes, it's only 3G, but that's why I have 50 Mbps Wi-Fi B)



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