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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. I sure hope so haha, it is pretty obvious. -Anthony
  2. I was told exactly what you were, but the Sprint employee that I was talking to actually recommended that I do the cross upgrade and then switch the plan. -Anthony
  3. Wait so I can go in and get a 5S on easy pay on my line even though I just signed a contract by getting an iPhone 5 in July of 2013?
  4. To know for sure if you are connected to 1x800 on the iPhone, you have to install "Signal 2" from Cydia. Then you have to look and see if "Band Class" says "10". Then, you know you are connected. I'm in the Charlotte, NC area and have had mixed results with it. I connect to 1x800 fine, and can use LTE and 3G when using the prl that has SMR set at the same priority as PCS. Occasionally my phone will stay connected to only SMR and not latch on to PCS, but digiblur explained to me why that is happening. I said: Then digi replied with: Which explains to me and makes sense as to why it was acting that way. Overall, my signal is better. I roam a lot less, and my voice signal strength is a lot stronger. When I make phone calls to people on other carriers, all is fine, but sometimes when I talk to people who are on Sprint, the call drops from my end after a minute or two. I have heard of some people on here that have experienced calls dropping more frequently on 1x800 vs. PCS when 800 is still in testing in their market, which I can understand. It only happens occasionally for me and isn't too big of a deal. -Anthony
  5. I like how Apple Care works. Pay $99 for the 2 year term, and whenever something goes wrong with the phone, go to the Apple store and tell them about it. They collect some info, say "BRB" then go to the back and bring out a like new model of your phone. Sure, the phone isn't fresh off the assembly line, but Apple's definition of "Refurbished" is brand new outer shell, brand new battery, and brand new screen. Sure the logic board isn't brand new, but why would it need to be? You drop the phone and crack the screen, and you pay $49 to get a replacement (I keep hearing people on here say that it is $79 now, but I guess that is for newer Apple Care subscribers, because it is still $49 for me). Granted I have only had to get a device replaced twice (first time was my 4S, cause the lock button stopped working, then my 4S again because I had the tiniest crack that was just barely noticeable, so I replaced it cause I was trading it toward a 5). Haven't had to replace my iPhone 5 yet, but I'll probably be replacing it soon, cause I have really gone through a ton of charge cycles. Personally, I think Apple Care+ was the best 100 bucks I have spent (well, the best hundred bucks I convinced my Dad to spend). They replace my 650 dollar phone for nothing when something goes wrong, and they replace it for 50 bucks if I break the screen. They make a 300% or more profit on their devices, but at least they make up for that "rip off" with their warranties. -Anthony
  6. Well I installed it then followed the directions that were given in the description of the theme and now I have bars instead of dots haha -Anthony
  7. Go to Cydia: Search of "iOS 7 Bars" Install the theme Go into iFile, go to var/mobile/library/Caches/com.apple.UIStatusBar and delete the "images" folder. BOOM! Got those precious signal bars back! -Anthony
  8. I'm still unsure as to why the iPhones don't have SVLTE. When I'm on LTE and I open Signal 2, I see the Serving Cell for my LTE, but I also see a Serving Cell for Band Class 1, and they both say the type is "Serving", along with the neighbor LTE cells and the neigboring Band Class 1 cells. Anyone with experience understand why this is? -Anthony
  9. 502 will make 800 be overall priority if I'm not mistaken. -Anthony
  10. Turboxsloth: Here is where you need to put the 503 prl: System / Library / CarrierBundles / iPhone / Sprint_LTE_US You need to use iFile, and you need to rename the 503 prl to "carrier.prl" (make sure it is all lowercase) and you need to paste it into the file location above, making sure to overwrite the original carrier.prl. Next, you meed to go into carrier.plist (open it in the property list viewer) and scroll down to the "PrlPushFlag" switch, then switch that on. Tap done, and then you should see a new file called "carrier.plist%" under "carrier.plist". Delete the file with the % after it (not sure if this is required, but it didn't work for me when I left it there). Back out of the Sprint_LTE_US bundle, close iFile, and restart the phone. When the phone boots up, go into iFile, go back into the Sprint bundle, open carrier.plist in the propert list viewer, scroll down to PrlPushFlag, switch it off, tap done, delete the new carrier.plist% (make sure you do the one with the percent sign), back out of the carrier bundle, then close iFile and restart. When booted up, you should be good to go! Tell me if you run into any problems -Anthony P.S. Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I was out bowling with my parents and our Corvette Club EDIT: And it appears I was a little late...
  11. I'm only getting bars in the Cydia app, everywhere else is still dots. -Anthony
  12. I have been seeing a lot of reports of this in the Charlotte thread. Since I have an iPhone, I have no way to tell if I am on eHRPD or EVDO Rev A. I assume I'm not getting eHRPD when I start loading a webpage on 3G and then my phone switches to LTE and all of a sudden my phone says "Could not load webpage because the internet connection was lost" means that it had a hard hand-off to LTE (by being on Rev A rather than eHRPD). Not too big of a deal, considering all I have to do is refresh the page and it loads, but it is odd. -Anthony
  13. If it is 3G only, backhaul has not been upgraded, so LTE won't be turned on until it is upgraded. If it is 3G/4G, then backhaul has been upgraded. -Anthony
  14. The theme I have is called "OriginalBars" and even though it currently isn't working like you asked, it will work when Winterboard is updated for iOS 7. -Anthony
  15. There are benefits to having an iPhone: You can't really torrent stuff over it (unless using hotspot or are jailbroken) and you can't download huge apps, due to Apple's limitations. So, realistically, us Apple users are the saving grace for the cellular networks. You're welcome, everyone! -Anthony
  16. I have a theme installed that does exactly that, but the developer says that it isn't going to work until they update Winterboard to actually support iOS 7, which I'm surprised still isn't updated. I'm dying for the old signal bars also. They are the thing I miss the most from iOS 6 and earlier... Well, other than a jailbreak that comes out a couple days after the OS is released. I miss that too... -Anthony EDIT: When I am out of school this afternoon I will post the repo and package name that it is, because I don't think it was in one of the default repos.
  17. That sounds better haha. Sprint has great coverage on major highways in rural areas, but once you get too far from the highway, it'll most likely be off-network roaming, but I feel like that is better than EDGE/GPRS/Emergency Only. -Anthony
  18. Wait... what? I just... what? I can't name a place, rural or not, that I haven't had a better Sprint 3G/LTE signal, or an Extended 3G signal, than my friends with T-Mobile. You go anywhere outside of the city limits and you're on EDGE or GPRS on a T-Mobile phone. I could almost drive from one side of the state to the other, through a ton of rural areas, and barely lose an LTE signal on Sprint, let alone a 3G signal. IF I lose signal, I at least get to roam with usable voice and data, rather than on T-Mobile where most of the time you are on Emergency Only. I just... I can't even fathom how one would think that they could get mad at Sprint over T-Mobile about rural coverage. -Anthony
  19. But what if Sprint is only open to swapping? -Anthony
  20. DUDE THAT DRONE IS THE COOLEST THING EVER!! Can it deliver packages to me too? Haha -Anthony
  21. What's wrong with "barely over 10 meg on download"? Does that not satisfy your e-penis enough? -Anthony EDIT: I'm pretty sure that Sprint advertises that their LTE Speeds on 1900 are to be, on average, between 6-8 Mbps. 10 Mbps is faster than that, so you are getting "above average" speeds. Be a little more grateful, bud. You're on the "Now Network" -Anthony
  22. So, let me ask a couple of questions. 1. My father and sister are both on one up, they entered into their one up plan in September of 2013, shortly after it came out. If we were to change their Unlimited My Way plans to this new Framily thing in say, sometime this month, does that mean they have to go through 12 payments from this month (January of next year) in order to upgrade? (assuming we get unlimited data, which we will) Or are they able to upgrade in September of this year? (since that will be when they make their 12th payments. And I know that they will either have to pay off their phones or give them back in order to upgrade) 2. Aside from my father and sister, I am also on an Unlimited My Way plan (under the same account as them), but I bought an iPhone 5 and signed a 2 year contract in July of 2013, and was planning on waiting until July of 2014 to sign up for one up, (because I was told by Sprint that I needed to be in my service contract for 12 months to sign up, so they said come back in July) but with Framily and easy pay, One up is dead, so I can't sign up for One Up. If we all sign up for Framily under the same account (again, lets say we sign up this month, and I get unlimited data), does that mean I have to wait until January of 2015 to upgrade my iPhone 5? Or can I upgrade in July of 2014? (since that will be when I'm 12 months into my service contract) I appreciate the help! -Anthony
  23. I had the same problem you guys are having. Cydia won't let people buy it because it isn't fully compatible with iOS 7 yet. What I did was I installed one of the cracked/pirating Cydia repo's so that I could download and use it. Once the developer for Signal 2 updates it for iOS 7, I will buy it from him. Until then, I'm using the cracked version of it. While I do not condone the use of cracked/pirated apps and tweaks and such, I decided to do it because I wanted the signal app. I have also donated money to the developer so that I have at least payed him something since I haven't officially bought the actual app from him. The Repo (In case you are wondering) is: http://sinfuliphonerepo.com/ Then search for Signal 2 and you should be golden -Anthony
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