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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. A Google search didn't come up with a conclusion to this. There must be a glitch in the matrix. -Anthony
  2. Quick question if anyone can help. Can you upgrade on a 2 year contract at an Apple store if you're on Framily? I know that you can't do easy pay there, but can you sign a 2 year contract at the Apple store? Thanks! -Anthony
  3. I'm almost in the Plus club. Just gotta get this unlock for my 5S to work and sell it to my friend tomorrow and we'll be golden! (Figuratively and possibly literally depending on which color I get ) -Anthony
  4. nahum, I am getting an iPhone 6 Plus later this week. Would there be any way for you to remove my 5S's UDID and add my 6 Plus's when I get it? Thanks! -Anthony
  5. Yes but they aren't on every site, correct? Unlike NV equipment. Therefore, as a whole, Sprint does technically have the newest network. -Anthony
  6. Once he pushes out a new build, you'll be able to download it. -Anthony
  7. Just wanted to point out again, in case you didn't know, 1x and eHRPD are still showing as the exact same dBm. Not sure if you have control over that or not, but just wanted to let you know. -Anthony
  8. I was told 48 hours. As far as I know, my phone still isn't unlocked. Of course it hasn't been 48 hours yet of course, but if it doesn't work by tomorrow night, I'll be calling back again. -Anthony
  9. I would have to say that the iPhone and the HTC M8 are probably the best smartphone cameras on the market currently, at least from what I have seen in my experiences. -Anthony
  10. So after a couple of phone calls and being given a couple of different phone numbers to call, I got in contact with a guy that said the best he could do was give me my MSL. I then asked him "oh so you can't do the DSU unlock right now?" and he said no, the only thing we can do currently is give you your MSL. Not sure what to do next... -Anthony
  11. Awesome. So just call and ask about a domestic unlock? And hope they know what they're doing? Lol. -Anthony
  12. What do I have to do to get my 5s unlocked by Sprint? Like, what number should I be calling and what should I say/do? -Anthony
  13. He's taking about seamless hand offs between small cells on VoLTE. -Anthony
  14. This is excellent! As we all know, many Sprint markets have outgrown their current sites and are much in need of some expansion. I can not wait to see the fruits of this project! Maybe they'll expand a little in Charlotte... -Anthony
  15. All the 5S's in my house have either updated on their own or have been updated by me to 55022. My Dad's 6+ is still sitting at 51104, though. I'll say, this PRL update has caused us to be able to unplug our Airave. I love it! Now Sprint!! Don't ever change it!!! -Anthony
  16. Well my phone is now idling on Band Class 10 when I have less than ideal Band Class 1 signal strength. So that may be something. -Anthony
  17. Just an observation. With your recent inclusion of 1x tracking, I have noticed that it shows 1x and EVDO/eHRPD with the same dBm levels at all times, even when I'm on Band Class 10. Just wanted to point that out. -Anthony
  18. My 5S has moved to 55022 as well. It has been grabbing onto Band Class 10 much more. It's about time! Lol. -Anthony
  19. You realize that link is from February of 2013, right? A very long time ago and also before Softbanks purchase of (80% of) Sprint, and before the completion of purchasing the remaining stake of Clearwire. I'm not sure why everyone keeps suggesting that Sprint sell some of it's 2.5 GHz assets. It's not going to happen. 2.5 GHz is the key to Sprint's comeback as a data strong network, and they aren't going to risk their comeback by giving it to their competitors. If Sprint participates in the 600 MHz auction, it will be financed by other means, not by the sale of any of 2.5 GHz. -Anthony
  20. Just out of curiosity, do you plan on adding 1x tracking to the app? -Anthony
  21. Nope, they stopped signing it about a week ago. Sorry. -Anthony
  22. It took me while to read the whole thing, but I got through it... -Anthony
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