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Posts posted by nexgencpu

  1. So I went n41 hunting and unfortunately it did not go well. Connected to zero n41, drove from 34st west to east then crossed 42nd St from east to west and up 8th Ave from 42nd St to 109st. Not a blip of 41. Mainly connected to n71 and other usual bands.

    On a positive note, I did connect to mmwave between 42nd and 72nd St on and off, unfortunately not a continuous connection. Speeds hovered between 100 and 270mbs.

    Wonder if it's because I'm on a Sprint phone, would be pretty ironic if Sprint users were blocked from using 2.5

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  2. 47 minutes ago, swintec said:

    yes from sprint.  i had no native Sprint 5G around me prior to this so once they sent out the update last week it was like a switch was flipped.  im sure there was plenty of others around the country who had the same experience.


  3. 15 hours ago, dro1984 said:

    Where's all our NYC peeps?    Paynefan, NextgenCPU....   You'all live in NYC and have S20 Ultra's.     Can you guys do a speed test and post?   


    As Paynefanbro has mentioned, deployment is still too early, I went to northern parts of Manhattan and only found some N71(and the rest of the expected bands), just like in the Bronx. I might drive to midtown tomorrow to see if I can latch onto some of that "new" N41.

    Being forced onto T-Mobile 100% of the time has brought something to light in NYC, they absolutely needed N41(speeds range from .30-150mb, uploads are almost always unburdened) without that extra 600Mhz from Dish, I just don't see how they would have been competitive, Sprint's B41+N41 deployment was more consistent. 

    Regardless, now that T-Mobile has access to 2.5, they can deploy it without their hands tied behind their backs (cough* Softbank cough*) and bring on that sweet backhaul and four-layer N41 goodness.

    • Like 4
  4. 30 minutes ago, greenbastard said:

    That was...quick. I'm sure the areas where you can find T-Mobile n41 are still rare, but all things considered this is quite impressive.

    As far as spectrum goes in NYC, the rest is still broadcasting LTE and Sprint n41?


    No more "Sprint" N41 its only T-Mobile's N41 now, they just repurposed Sprints EARFCN. But since they went all in and deployed it with 4 layers enabled plus proper backhaul to support it, we are seeing these great speeds.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    One of the things that I've noticed about T-Mobile's network is the inconsistency in which bands are available at their sites. I can't speak for the other boroughs because I spend most of my time in Brooklyn and Manhattan but in Brooklyn, Sprint tri-banded every single one of their legacy sites and pretty much every legacy Clear site had at least been upgraded to 8T8R Band 41 antennas.

    On T-Mobile it's largely a toss up on what bands you'll encounter at each site. The only guarantee is Band 4/66. I've come across sites that are B66/B2 only, B66/B2/B12, B66/B12/B71, B2/B12/B66/B71 and everything in between. 

    In my case, the two locations that were slow used B12 as PCC. One positive note, at my sister's apt, speeds are quite a bit faster than Sprint. Solid 5G signal with speeds over 20mbs where as Sprint barely hit 1mb.

    Funny thing tho, shes on tmobile using an iPhone 11 and she barely can hit .20mbs and drops calls quite often.

  6. 1 hour ago, transitwatch889 said:

    So I took a walk around my neighborhood yesterday. And did some speedruns of the street level performance and I will say that I came across really impressed. With the addition of the higher band Spectrum besides the low band I can see where this is going to go. Got close about 300 down in one section, low was of 15 down so it definitely  ranges. 

    I wish I could could say the same, but hopefully once they deploy n41 it would fill the voids I've found(two spots with sub .03mb). On a positive note tho I did hit 300mb/50mb in midtown east(Sprint was around 150mb in that area) Bottom line, throw in that 40mhz that was lost from 2.5 and we are back in business.

  7. 36 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    Nope, I'm actually on T-Mobile. I switched my primary line over the day that everyone's S20s switched over to T-Mobile's network.

    I'm paying the same price as I was on Sprint and because I'm using an unlocked device, I wouldn't get access to n260/n261 or n71 until Samsung updated my device at some unknown time in the future so I just bit the bullet. You can tell because my 5G logo is a different font from the Sprint 5G logo.

    I still have a Note 10 line on Sprint so I can track Sprint's network. 

    Ah ok. Makes sense, so can you gain access to b41 at all disabling TMobile bands?

  8. 2 hours ago, Paynefanbro said:

    n71 in Queens on a super strong signal. The site was pretty much right above me. 10MHz n71 + 20MHz B66 + 10MHz B2

    Surprisingly didn't do EN-DC with B71. If it did, speeds probably would have easily hit near 350Mbps.

    I find it interesting that your network comes up as TMobile on speed test. I'm assuming that's the difference between Sprint branded one vs unlocked one. No proxy.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Wfmets45 said:

    Are Sprint users roaming onto T Mobile in NYC? Or what parts of the US can Sprint roam onto T Mobile?

    I ser Sprint’s coverage in Montana is still gray, rather than showing Extended LTE Roaming.

    GS20 users are basically switched to TMobile as primary. Lte users are still on Sprint sites as far as I know.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    Service on T-Mobile for me has been great for me so far. Inside my home, I'm averaging 84/46 with peaks of 161/54 according to RootMetrics. This is in an area without 20x20 Band 71 or 10x10 n71 so there's potentially even more speed available if T-Mobile upgrades my local site.

    For me I have very unstable speeds. Sometimes 30mbs, sometimes .50mbs indoors. Outside, it's similar.

  11. 13 minutes ago, transitwatch889 said:

    The one thing I do acknowledge is that T-Mobile load balances very evenly between their bands. So at least there's consistent performance, from my observation

    It seems that way. I'm gonna keep T-Mobile bands enabled to see how well they optimize things, so far, they seem to be moving at a good pace. It seems that when B12 is PCC is when I run into some speed issues, so let's see how that works out.

  12. 14 minutes ago, transitwatch889 said:

    I'm surprised you didn't notice that before. But even when I first updated they had 20mhz on LTE only 10 MHz for NR. Which attributes to my chagrin of the current situation. That extra band of frequency is on loan from one of the other holders of the band 71 auction. So this current slice of frequency won't last very long unless they enter into a long-term agreement for it.

    And also as everyone starts waking up and it starts getting aggregated with their other bands it will slow put a majority of the rest of the day down to like less than 10 down for a majority of the rest of the day. Rn 42 up and 50 down on singular 20mhz LTE, . 34 down 9 up on 10mhz NR

    Adding: I do believe its Dish  spectrum so may stay online after.

    Weird, I never connected to B71 at all till now, could be they just added B71 to a tower closer to me since signal is strong.

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  13. 16 minutes ago, transitwatch889 said:

    I've tried to force my network back to Sprint. When I attempt to the network is blanked out in signalcheck check I can see the towers but I have zero network access to it. I can see that T-Mobile has been 25 enabled on their Tower. But I no longer can connect to my normal Sprint home Tower at all. So it may be useful in a Market to Market basis.

    Mine does connect, make sure roaming is enabled.

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  14. 6 hours ago, Paynefanbro said:

    I am taking into account that T-Mobile customers are already on it. The combined carrier is far from spectrum starved, even T-Mobile in it's current state is really only limited by backhaul at this point. Verizon has a top performing network despite only having Band 2/5/66/13 and more customers than the New T-Mobile. In NYC Verizon has demonstrated speeds of nearly 750Mbps over LTE using 20MHz of Band 2, 20MHz of Band 66, and 10MHz of Band 13 alone. T-Mobile will have more spectrum than that available for LTE.

    I also never said that 60MHz Band 41 + 40MHz of n41 would be slower than what T-Mobile is currently broadcasting. I was trying to point out that T-Mobile's LTE network could potentially better than Sprint Band 41 LTE network.

    Also while the mmWave deployment was on hold due to the merger, T-Mobile and Sprint have participated in mmWave auctions recently so it's difficult to say for sure that it's on pause. The evidence is pointing toward deployment starting up again.


    I don't doubt it will be better in the end, I just feel that city folks will end up worse initially (more rural and suburban areas will see the most benefit at the beginning) At the end of the day, just worried about the road on the way to that "better end"

    Hopefully I'm wrong...

  15. 20 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    One thing we'll get out of this merger is 20MHz Band 66 + 20MHz Band 2 + 20 MHz Band 71 carrier aggregation in NYC which will provide performance similar to, if not better than Band 41 because it'll have greater uploads. This in combination with mmWave 5G or n41 and T-Mobile will have over 1Gbps worth of capacity per cell site in NYC along with the density provided by Sprint's small cell network.


    While having access to that 60mhz of FDD spectrum is cool(not counting mmWave since that deployment seems to be on pause as far as I know and has limited availability ), you are not taking into consideration that T-Mobile customers are already occupying that spectrum and now they just added more into the mix with us Sprint customers. Also, I don't see how 60Mhz B41+40Mhz of N41 would be slower than what T-Mobile is currently broadcasting.

    But I digress, I do appreciate the speed in which T-Mobile is making changes, its worlds faster than Sprint were ever allowed to be.


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  16. 18 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    I think the bigger deal for New Yorkers isn't in keeping Sprint macro sites because T-Mobile's macro network is already very dense in this market.

    I have a feeling T-Mobile isn't as dense as Sprint is in NYC (especially if you include SC's). So far, in places I've been since having access to T-Mobile bands (granted, that's not very many places under these circumstances) signal is almost always weaker than Sprint. Of course, this only probably applies to a few cities in the US. Bottom line, it will be incredibly challenging for T-Mobile to be clearly better in all instances here in NYC than when T-Mobile and Sprint were separate entities.

  17. Seems only way to connect to NR is in combination with B2/4. With this combo I am seeing decent speeds(20-60mbs). But as some of you guys also mentioned the 5G logo is still coming up when B2/4 are PCC with or without NR. Unfortuntely, B2/4 are too weak to reach deep inside my apartment, so end up falling back to B12, which is pretty sh%t. 

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