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Everything posted by newspapercrane

  1. Correct. I'm tired of reading threads of people who seem to think they are entitled to service sooner because they live in a major city. Sprint knows what they're doing with their rollout plan, they aren't just throwing darts at a Map.
  2. I keep in in vibrate mode.
  3. This is absolutely ridiculous, LOCATION X? LOCATION X? Really? Why do they have LTE before LOCATION Y?! LOCATION Y is a very important place with Sprint customers that are definitely more important than the Sprint customers in LOCATION X. Why is LOCATION Y more imporant? Because I live there, that's why. Every location home to a resident as great as I am deserves LTE before LOCATION X!
  4. I always keep my SGS 3 in the front of my speedo for just this reason...
  5. Space Jam 2? I don't even care if it stars LeBron... I'd still see that shit at midnight. http://t.co/snjJNSwP

  6. Dear @netflix please hand Joss Whedon a stack of money so we can have more Firefly episodes. Then shut up and take my $$$ Sincerely, Crane

  7. Amazon needs to stop having pathfinder books for so cheap. #broke

  8. Four days... let's just get through this week.

  9. Someone mentioned Aladdin at lunch... Guess I have to listen to the soundtrack until it's out of my head. #riffraff #streetrat

  10. I'm starting to rethink evolution... You'd think by now some of endangered animals would have developed a back mounted plasma cannon...

  11. "The Juggernaut Bitch" would also be acceptable.

  12. On the L headed to see @_mcchris. MC Chris owns!

  13. The contents of my trunk. You know... In case I need to have an emergency LAN party. Also two sets of jumper cables. http://t.co/Y8TfoQq7

  14. Did I miss something? When did processor performance start being measured in cores?

  15. Up yours, meatbag.

  16. Fuck it, I'm voting for Harvey Dent. At least we know he's only lying half the time.

  17. It's a White Stripes and B52's kind of day.

  18. MC Escher was really just trying to draw a diagram of how to load a dishwasher properly.

  19. Wizard world Chicago on Thursday. Imma get me a picture with Scott Bakula. Hopefully he doesn't leap before I get there.

  20. Dang... I lived down that way last summer, and was super close to living there permanently. The 3g was unusable in most places. Good to see that area is getting so much love.
  21. 81 new towers in Chicagoland... holy crap. Way to kick it up a notch Samsung/Sprint!
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