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Everything posted by newspapercrane

  1. So... I've got a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide in my desk at work... YOU NEVER KNOW. #ZAPLANNING

  2. Wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck though... or the Creedence.

  3. If you blame the president when you don't have a job, you should consider giving him credit when you do get one...

  4. If only Romney had binders full of women voting for him...

  5. Today's forecast: Complainey with a strong chance of hitching.

  6. For the record, I still believe in Harvey Dent.

  7. Fuck the Sackville bagginses.

  8. Dear Excel: Fuck you. Dear SharePoint: Keep on doin' your thing man.

  9. Yup... I still want to punch Bruno Mars in the face.

  10. Like hell if I was going to give microsoft my real name.

  11. Some day I want to open a WNBA team in Salem, Massachusetts called "The Witches"... Because exploiting a horrible event is great for tourism

  12. What if Joss Whedon directed the next star wars movie... holy shit #nerdgasm

  13. Today is like tap dancing through machine gun fire.

  14. Not one of my finer moments, but we've got this.

  15. Sweet, now G4 is just a 24 hour network of Cops and Ninja Warrior Reruns.

  16. What a simonizing job...

  17. I may or may not be drinking a pumpkin latte right now, pretending that it's pumpkin juice. #nerd

  18. What is the flight speed of an unladen swallow?

  19. Making a student loan payment: Surprisingly more difficult to figure out than expected. #shutupandtakemymoney

  20. Where'd that crystal ball go? C'mon... I know it's here somewhere.

  21. I wonder if Mitt Romney has Binders full of wives too...

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