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Posts posted by leozno1

  1. I think this update is a step backwards in terms of LTE connectivity. In areas where I used to automatically connect to LTE I no longer do, i have to use the Airplane mode toggle again. This really sucks, is there a way to roll back to the previous update?

  2. Anyone else have issues of the alarm not going off? Twice already this past month it didn't go off even though it's set for Mon-Fri at 5:30AM? Not sure if it is an isolated event, or maybe something others have noticed and this update has maybe fixed?


    That's strange, I've been having a problem that I'm trying to sleep and my alarm goes off and wakes me up. ;)

  3. OK... I just noticed what is happening.. .For #2 above, the scaling is incorrect. (it says 4.xx GB out of 6.xx GB), which leaves me with about 1.6xx GB of space vailable for apps which seems correct since we only get 2GB for app storage). But for some reason, this "other" 4.xx GB is taking up and messing up the total internal (app) storage....


    I don't think its incorrect. I think what they are doing is also including the android OS and all the processes in that total. Before that 4GB partition was not included so if you had a 16 GB device it would show that you had 2GB of app storage and 10GB of Phone storage. People were probably asking "If I have a 16GB phone why am I only seeing 12GB?" At least that is how I took it. But heck I don't work at HTC or Sprint so I could be wrong.

  4. Why is it such a big deal if i know their timeline? or at least attempted timeline. All the competitors have it in Philly already, it's just Sprint without it and if they want to at least make me happy just tell me what they're TRYING to do. I don't care if these tiny towns get it because they have fewer cell sites, send those crews over to the big cities and get cracking. Government permits and equipment I doubt is holding them up.


    I was unaware that T-Mobile had LTE in Philly... /s

  5. Nice! My folks have an apartment at Peñamar Ocean Club in front of Villa Marina, I like coming every once in a wgile to visit palomino and palominito. You will now have some good 3g from sprint there :)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    So I guess my questions for all the Boricuas in the thread is if you guys have noticed an overall improvement around the island? Clearer calls, less dropped calls, faster and more consistent/reliable data speeds, improved cell signal?

    • Like 1
  6. Last year, it was understandable for someone to buy an LTE 1900 device. But this year, it makes sense to wait for a tri-band or buy a used device to hold over for tri-band devices.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Especially since this year's devices will have next generation LTE chips which will further increase energy efficiency. Looking forward to the next EVO with a Snapdragon 800 chip in it :D


    I'm probably just going to sell my EVO for half the price of a new phone and eat the rest of the cost. Its too hard to go two years on the same phone with the pace technology is progressing at.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

    this is what i plan on doing, kind of, with my s3, or wait until i have enough saved up for an lte 800 device (after some people have reviewed it, as i dont wanna get stuck with a crappy issue like i had with the evo lte)

    ill have 4 lines on my account due for upgrades in 192 days

    I just canceled 2 of my lines and am hoping for my upgrade to move from my one line to my active line. :fingers:


    If you guys are lucky enough to be in the same situation as me or if you have the ability to do so I would highly recommend it.


    What I did was that I got the EVO 3D when it came out in 2011 then last year I added my mom to my plan and with that new line got the EVO LTE. I then transferred the numbers between the 2 phones so then my line was on the EVO LTE and she got my old EVO 3D. So now since I got my EVO 3D 2 years ago my line is due for its normal scheduled upgrade this April. Then I can use her upgrade next year and with each time I upgrade I would just hand down my previous phone to her and she would not mind since she would be getting new phone every year too. So its a win-win for both of us :tu:

    • Like 1
  7. I guess for now customers in PR will need to reply on the improved coverage offered by the antenna mounted RRUs for a while. I was wondering if PR would benefit from Sprint SMR because my girlfriends grandma lives in the boonies in PR and whenever I go visit I can only get a little bit of signal if I go outside. So SMR would be an enormous boost in coverage around those parts.


    @elkaku If you've ever gone to Cidra you'll know what I'm talking about! :)

  8. I have seen that. However, it could be that plus interference issues from other countries that need to be resolved. This could take a couple of years.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


    I guess for now customers in PR will need to reply on the improved coverage offered by the antenna mounted RRUs for a while. I was wondering if PR would benefit from Sprint SMR because my girlfriends grandma lives in the boonies in PR and whenever I go visit I can only get a little bit of signal if I go outside. So SMR would be an enormous boost in coverage around those parts.

    • Like 1
  9. All the Sprint stuff I've been privy to says No 800 service in PR at all. It doesn't even reference initially. I've been saying initially, because I believe it is related to interference issues that need to worked out and/or rebanding.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD



    Well I started doing some research on this right now and I found this document from the FCC that outlines a plan to do a little bit of rebanding in the 800Mhz spectrum in PR.


    As much knowledge as you have on the matter I can imagine you have seen this document already. Do you think this document may shed some light on whether it will be the clearance Sprint needs to be able to use SMR spectrum in PR?



  10. Nothing new being reported here. I've said from the very beginning of S4GRU that Puerto Rico would not get 800MHz deployment initially. If I had the choice between a full NV upgrade with LTE 1900, or just 800 voice service, I'd take the first one. ;)


    Sprint would deploy 800 now if they could. It's not their choice. But it will likely occur in the future when whatever is limiting them to use their SMR spectrum is resolved.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    The first post is referring to LTE 800 specifically, so is there a chance that they will be rolling out CDMA 800 later this year or are they just unable to use their SMR spectrum in PR at all?

  11. There are still maintenance upgrades still occurring. On legacy and NV sites. The number of legacy sites getting maintenance upgrades will be steadily dwindling over the next few months.


    However, NV sites will still be getting maintenance upgrades too. If a NV site sees voice or data growth, additional carriers may need to be added. And if the site needs to order additional backhaul from the supplier, it will probably be shown as a speed upgrade.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Ahh that makes sense. I just thought that at this point they could afford to just circumvent the maintenance upgrades to the legacy equipment since they will be all but gone within the next 12 months.

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