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Posts posted by leozno1

  1. Personally, I think they'll use the same line they always do when releasing a new major Sense version, that the hardware is not up to the task. I experienced this on both the original Evo and the Evo 3D.


    it's also quite probable that there will be ported ROMs with it.


    I wouldn't believe it seeing as how Sense 5 is lighter than Sense 4

  2. Not bashing sprint. Just giving big credit to tmobile with their data coverage and deployment. I love sprint and thats why my family has been with sprint and I have good faith that Sprint will get competitive again with 800/1900/2500 lte.


    Lol that's the first time I've ever heard anyone compliment T-Mobile's data coverage.

    Even their EDGE coverage is pretty lackluster compared to the 3G coverage offered by the Big 3. I get 3G coverage in areas where T-Mobile only had EDGE, or worse... G

  3. another botch job for the us market. Announce the device, make a sweet upgrade offer, then watch the US market sit and wonder if the phone will be available before the upgrade offer expires. Maybe somebody smacked an HTC exec in the head since a 2 week window (if it was available today) isn't a very long one.


    It sucks that this device is available in Europe (shortages be damned).


    By the way, how can anyone say the US release of the phone won't be affected by the ultrapixel camera issues unless the phones are already built for each of the carriers and ready to ship...in which case we should have a release date already.


    end rant


    It could be as simple as them focusing most of their current production for US models and slowing production of the international models.

  4. Looks like if you're happy with the GS3, you'll like the GS4. I'm looking forward to some head-to-heads between the latter and the HTC One.


    I suspect the One will still have the better display (unless the grey from LCD is an affront to your sensibilities, to paraphrase a comment I read somewhere), but the S4 will have the better camera and battery life. I can live with all that, as I can the lack of SD card (I've never changed out the 8GB in my 3D).


    If the One is anywhere near as good as my girlfriend's One X, I'll be very happy with it. That said, if we don't get some release dates up in here soon, I may just have to buy the Optimus G. So much delicious LTE popping up in Florida, and none for me!


    Not so fast on that camera.




    And in regards to the battery, we will have to wait and see since all those face and gesture tracking features I would imagine require the front facing camera to be running constantly, also the S4 Pro / 600? Is clocked at 1.9 GHz vs 1.7 for the HTC One so the battery life may end up being a wash.

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  5. I strongly disagree. Enthusiasts are trendsetters that would be foolish to ignore. Less tech-savvy individuals look to these people for purchasing advice or look at what they use to see what the latest device is.


    It would take basically no effort on the part of HTC to sell these phones with S-Off out of the box.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    I agree that they come to us for advice, but if my girlfriend asks me for advice of what device she should get, not a single credential on my list of reasons has a thing to do with rooting. The majority of people don't root, don't feel comfortable with rooting and don't want to root so that's not something I will use to influence their decision.


    What's the difference between "removable" and "accessible"? The way that's phrased, it seems to imply that there's no way of getting to the battery, even with the right tools, which I'm sure can't be right. Even with a molded unibody, there must be some way of non-destructively gaining access to the internals.



    I think this is because the battery is sandwiched in between the display and the motherboard. So you can't get to it without removing the screen.

  7. In my opinion it isn't. That's your opinion if you don't like it's looks.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    Hey if you're a Sammy fan that's fine, you're definitely not the only one, I'm just saying lets not be naive just because its your favorite manufacturer and the GS3 is one of the best android devices out there. Everyone knows that when it comes to design and build quality Samsung can't hold a candle to HTC. Until they prove me wrong and make a phone that isn't made out of plastic then that will be the general consensus.




    adjective 1. of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive. Synonyms: undistinguished, commonplace, pedestrian, everyday; run-of-the-mill.


    When I say the GS3 is aesthetically mediocre, I'm not saying its bad, its just ordinary.

  8. Its sad to see sprint still opting to sell phones with only 1900 MHz LTE support. If the sgs4 released later on this year contains 800 and/or 2500 MHz LTE support as well, I'm afraid the HTC one won't sell well on sprint. I highly doubt the HTC website would be incorrect.


    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2


    I doubt that. No Sprint customer outside of the people that follow S4GRU even know what LTE 800 is or that it even exists and that is the VAST majority of Sprint customers.


    All I know is that Sprint/HTC better put some big money into marketing this phone so that people know it even exists. Last year I would mention the EVO LTE/ One X and people didn't even know what phone I was talking about. Either that or they would see these phones and proceed to ask "What phone is that?"



    Nothing is known for sure yet. We have to wait for the FCC authorization docs for the Sprint variant of the HTC One to be uploaded to the database. But many of us think that SVDO is probably done, was just a temporary measure.




    Hey AJ I what are the chances that the Sprint version of the HTC One will have world phone capabilities?

  10. I've personally have only had HTC phones since the first HTC touch with windows 6.0. I have only had good experiences with them. Usually when someone has a bad experience with any high end phone is usually user error, not to be confused with not liking the build quality.


    Ahh the dreaded ID-10-T error.

  11. I'm confused, will each carrier get a specific model or will there be different models for each carrier. Overseas, there are companies using 2600Mhz LTE, so i'd think that if those are being supported with other carriers, it would also work here.


    Another point, LTE 700 on T-Mobile and 1900 on AT&T?


    That's most likely a typo. The T-Mobile LTE is 1700 so they missed the 1

  12. I have been checking the FCC OET periodically since this morning, but nothing yet. Apple tends to upload an authorization filing the day of any announcement, but products also tend to go on sale right away. So, I would expect HTC's filing(s) within a few days to a few weeks. I will try to stay on top of it and keep everyone apprised.




    Awesome, I'll keep an eye out for your post if anything shows up.

  13. VZW itself controls the DROID brand (under license from Lucasfilm). That is the difference. Let us hope that Lucasfilm is charging VZW a mint for that right.


    And, like it or not, do expect an eventual HTC One variant for VZW following the DROID line. In the end, in the current handset market, VZW is but Sprint probably is not a large enough carrier to command its own exclusive branding any longer.




    For some reason I'm not fully convinced that the Evo brand is dead tho. Perhaps Sprint will look to get another high end HTC device this summer with the Snapdragon 800 SoC and LTE 800? This definitely seems like its against what HTC wants to do but Sprint is known for having some of the best if not THE best HTC devices out there and seem to have a very special partnership with HTC ever since the HTC Mogul days. Maybe Sprint can sweet talk them into a single device as an exclusive?

  14. I have always been a huge fan of htc since my apache from years ago and every time they release something new, I always get really excited but for some odd reason I am not really feeling it this time around. Now I might get it to replace my gnex which I simply just don't like anymore but as far as replacing my evo lte I will wait to see what the gs4 will be about.


    That actually is indeed very strange. I haven't been this excited about an HTC device since the OG Evo was announced. Now here's to hoping for LTE 800 in the FCC filing :fingers:

  15. As one who uses a cupholder to rest my phone in while charging in the car, this makes me unhappy.


    LTE800? no chance.


    Either put it upside down or find another place for it. As for no LTE 800... :cry: I guess I'll be fine with 1900 for now anyway since I probably won't be seeing LTE 800 until late this year or early next year. And when LTE 1900 site density increases I'll have great coverage.


    Sounds to me like I'm getting this bad boy.

  16. htc-one-silver.jpg?w=618


    Anyone else notice that they put the microUSB port on the bottom again?!?! I think I'm happier about that than a person should be. On another note, I will be getting this on launch day if it gets LTE 800, HD Voice and there are no serious bugs or issues when the tech blogs post their reviews.

  17. Not all Central PA market sites are GMO. What I was saying is that all sites accepted to date have been GMO's. Only GMO's In Progress at the moment in the Central PA market. Full builds will not start until some time this summer.


    There is a map in the Premier Sponsor section that shows GMO sites in most markets. It does include the Central PA market.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Ahhhhh sorry for misunderstanding what you meant, that makes me feel tons better =) I am very optimistic for GMO sites since they will bring enhanced 3G to market much faster! If I had fast 3G it would make the wait for LTE so much easier. In the meantime I'm doing my best sales rep impression trying to convince my cousin to not leave Sprint.

  18. Note that I do not have site numbers for about half the Shentel sites. So if it ends in 000, it's not actually a site number.


    Additionally, all the Central PA sites initially are GMO sites. Full build sites are probably still a few months out.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


    I didn't know exactly what a GMO site was when you posted this but now that you posted that article about GMOs I understand what it means. Its unfortunate that they won't get 800Mhz initially since I get absolutely TERRIBLE signal in my girlfriends neighborhood on Eden Road in Lancaster where I only get 1-2 bars outside and in her house I jump between 1 bar of signal and roaming. I was greatly looking forward to the increase in signal strength from the RRUs as well as 800Mhz voice and LTE but heck I'll take improved 3G over nothing at all. Good thing is that we will eventually get those upgrades sometime in the future.

  19. A new York site went live this week. Its shown on the update maps. :tu:


    Shentel is finally starting to slow down. 25 updates this week. It appears they did a big push for the end of 2012. Now all those inspections are complete and we may be hitting a new normal for Shentel deployment. 25 is still a very respectable number, though.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Absolutely! I'll keep an eye out for tower SH00PA000 since I can literally see it from my house. Also it is at the top of a huge hill and about 300 feet above the rest of the the city of York, and with the proper downtilt it can potentially cover the entire south east part of the city.

    Also gonna keep an eye out in Lancaster, PA since I drive there every weekend and it seems like the Central PA market is getting started. :)

  20. Good news gentlemen (and ladies) I was driving down George Street a couple minutes ago and at the intersection of South George Street and King Street in York and I looked at my phone and saw the 4G icon was on. I launched Sensorly but for some reason it absolutely refuses to map my trip. I tried turning on and off the gps, closing and reopening the app and nothing. But I managed to hold a connection all the way down to George street and Cottage place where it dropped back down to 3G.

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