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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Yes google voice is totally different that google now or google search. So its safe to say that google voice isn't the issue, its definitely on the network side and not your phone. A network issue doesn't necessarily have to affect every single phone at that moment. Example, I told you that this used to happen to me quite often when I was in the Virgin Islands. I carry two phones at all times but it would always happen to my galaxy nexus and never to my evo lte. After network vision was complete(3g only) in the virgin islands its never happened again.
  2. Same here as well, I always keep my original box so when its time to resell I can get top dollar.
  3. I have had this happen to me quite a few times in the past especially when I am in the Virgin Islands, its definitely on the network side and not your phone.
  4. Well basically yeah thats what they been putting down all over the island which I am sure will run through puerto rico. I mean look at any home or business internet option in the VI and speeds range from as low as 512kbps to maybe 5 meg down, that is simply pathetic and thats because there hasn't been any advancement in that area. Puerto Rico, Vieques and Culebra are literally a stones throw away yet they been getting way better speeds for years now(both mobile data and home/business internet plans) and thats because their infrastructure is far more advanced than ours. Thats why if you are using mobile data on sprint, att, choice or innovative, its slow as hell. I know its frustrating and sprint is getting a lot of hear but it really isn't their fault, these issues are common place for all communication businesses there.
  5. Now I know you have noticed all the fiber they been laying(and still laying) all over the island for the longest, everyone's backhaul and not just sprint is dependent upon that. This is something that should have been done years ago but like we already know, when it comes to tech, the VI will always be last.
  6. The only thing thats is needed is getting the backhaul connected, but obviously they are running in to issues here and there. I hope things get squared away though because I will be back in St. thomas next week for several weeks.
  7. Now all you guys should know better, nothing works right in the VI...........nothing. It will get here soon enough.
  8. Is that with lte or with hspa+? You have to remember that att considers both to be 4g. Also keep in mind that if this is true then this is something that can't be no more than a few weeks old. ATT as well as every other service provider in the VI including sprint, innovative, choice all had the same issue which was lack of backhaul. If att is getting those speeds now which is capable on both hspa+ and lte that means they just got their backhaul connected which will allow for those faster speeds. If thats the case then sprint has to be right around the corner. EDIT: I also have to add that for the last couple of years many att hspa+ capable phones will show 4g in the signal bar when connected to hspa+ but weren't actually gettting speeds to match at least not in the VI. So it could show 4g but when you run a speed test you will be lucky to get 1.5 megs down under the most optimal conditions. EDIT 2: I don't follow att as much as I used to but they did announce a couple months ago that they will have the Virgin Islands covered in lte sometime over the summer.
  9. I can't believe you left sprint to go to tmobile in the atlanta market. The reason why this thread is all but dead is because 4g lte is virtually everywhere. I don't even know the last time my phone has seen a 3g symbol in the atlanta area. I will keep it real and say that there are a lot of markets out there that I would feel uncomfortable recommending sprint at this moment but atlanta is one area where you can't go wrong with sprint especially in my area and you live like 5 minutes away from me. Now I can't speak for tmobile's lte service but I do know that their hspa+ service is pretty good but ping times aren't that great. You may as well get an htc one on sprint and call it a day.
  10. Yeah, make sense. I am not even sure if you can even use the xbox one without the new kinect(I don't see why not), if thats the case maybe they will make the kinect optional then sell the system only at $399. Personally I could care less for the kinect, my girl has one on her xbox and even though it was fun as hell for the first few weeks or so we literally haven't used it in two years.
  11. That was a real dick move on their part, I was stunned when they made statement and it really rubbed me the wrong way as well. They need to change their tune quick or xboxone's will be sitting on store shelves all holiday long.
  12. Its good to see microsoft change their minds but it might be a little to late for them, simply way to much arrogance on their part which has caused a lot of momentum to go towards sony and coming in at a $100 more than sony is another dumb move. I mean seriously, trying to justify a higher price is the same mistake sony made with the ps3 which allowed the 360 to gain quite a bit of momentum. Now these systems are still months away and it looks like the xbox one is going to get owned. I also wouldn't be surprised if microsoft change their tune and drop the price to $399 even before release, if not I can almost guarantee that they will drop the price right after christmas if sales aren't great. Now for me personally, I will get the xbox one for sure and will most likely get a ps4 anyway.
  13. I took mines off, gives it a cleaner look.
  14. I am also rooted and s-off, its an insanely easy process and I am running tranquil rom. I would say viper/tranquil are the two most popular roms for Sprint's One, both have lots of customizable features. If you are not into heavily themed roms then viper might be better being that it still maintains a more stock look where as tranquil is ridiculously themed out in blue everything, which by chance I so happen to like personally.
  15. themuffinman


    http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/19/htc-butterfly-s-revealed/ The butterfly S has officially been revealed but like I said it will only be available in a few asian markets. Unfortunately I can also confirm that no north american carrier has opted to carry this phone at this time, so for those hoping that it will come to sprint. Edit: But I guess that technically the butterfly S won't come to sprint but sprint can release an evo variant of the butterfly S. In either case I will still wait for the "t6" to be announced.
  16. If you have info then post it or you can pm me the info, I would love to be proven wrong.
  17. The one of the very first things I always do when I get a new phone is perform a hardreset.
  18. I keep trying to tell you that could not have been possible, not at that time. But I will wait patiently for whatever pic you have.
  19. Thats pretty damn good considering the time of day. Edit: If by chance you or anyone else will be in town today, can you please run a speed test?
  20. Oh ok, just trying to figure out which tower you would be connected to. If you are in nadir, there is a tower located back behind the dump.
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