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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Whatever that update did, I finally have LTE service in my house! It's nice to see that little 4G icon up there and not have it flash back to 3G after 10 seconds


    That's great man enjoy that LTE. I can't wait until I get to use it.

  2. I'm from Jacksonville. The 3g speeds are pretty good. I get close to 1mb down anywhere I go during the day. The speeds has gotten a lot better than they used to be now that sprint has added additional carriers to most of the towers. Also I believe that Robert said that the network vision upgrades are starting in the Jacksonville region.

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  3. The whole problem I have with data caps/tiers, is that they are fundamentally different from the 'minutes/texts' tiers that we don't seem to have a problem with.


    And why is, because minutes and texts have a definitive use/cost structure. A minute is a minute whether you call your mom or your girlfriend/wife. A text is a text regardless whether the recipient is on-net or off-net.


    Whereas, data usages is inherently an unknown and completely variable factor, and it can't be completely predicted before use, like watching the clock on a phone call or limiting your number of texts.


    When you go to youtube to watch a video, or you read an email with attachements, it is theoretically possible to know how much bandwidth you will use, but in most cases it is not known beforehand. Further, simply browsing the web is a completely unknown usage factor, because nearly every modern website generates pages dynamically, and often has 3rd party content (ie ads) which introduce further variability even when refreshing the same page.


    The phone companies obviously see huge dollar signs in tiered pricing, and as noted above, tiered bandwidth tends to force nearly all parties involved (users/phone manufacturers/apps/content providers) to be more efficient, than say when you have an unlimited pipe and you don't have to be 'careful' about going over some arbitrary limit.


    I totally agree with you on this. Most people don't know what a gigabyte is. It really hard to keep up with data use especially when you get close to going over

  4. Seems to me that att wants the 700 spectrum and t mobile wants to swap aws with Verizon in some markets and Verizon wants spectrum Co spectrum. Seems like everyone wins except sprint. I understand that the h block still be opening up but who knows when that will be. If the deal plays out that way I said above do you think that sprint will acquire clear wire sooner than later?

  5. The company that I work for just switched all of our Nextel devices and black berries over to att. They gave us some Samsung rugby 2 ptt phones. Also they've bought a boat load of iPhones and iPads. Completely leaving sprint. Sprint needs to do a better job retaining important business customers.

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