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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Once I get out of class, I'll check the Baymeadows Tower again. Hopefully it is completed!


    Yeah, hopefully its completed. I don't cycle my phone near competed towers anymore Ive given up on that.(until HTC fix this connectivity problem with the EVO LTE.) I know from this point NV has started and someday it will be complete. Until then I just wait.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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  2. I'm glad to see a healthy debate , but I don't see anywhere where Sprint is promoting customers to offload data off there network. It seems to me that unlimited data is wjat they are using as their greatest selling point right now, and I guess if some people think that tethering and the likes are going to bring Sprint to its knees and all of it's towers crashing to the ground then I say start preparing for doomsday now.. as for me I'll let Sprint handle all the buisness end it's their network to control and I will continue to use my unlimited plan on my device and if Sprints deal isn't the best then it will be time yo move on... until then burn the megs if you got 'em.....Cheers


    Sprint sends me countless emails about using WiFi more often and how it saves battery and the whole nine but my WiFi at home is faster than what sprints lte will be supplying so I'm going to be using WiFi.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  3. Well, I see you are in keystone in which I believe is a part of clay county. There's already so live LTE sites in clay county in Middleburg, doctor's inlet, and green cove springs. So you may want to check out the Jacksonville market thread for more details and updates.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  4. Im in Dallas currently for Thanksgiving and I have been all over downtown but still not LTE data. My phone will connect to LTE (Shown via INFO menu) but I never get a data connection. This also has happened in other cities. Anyone know what might be wrong?


    Are you using an EVO LTE? If so that phone tends to have connection problems.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  5. Sr 23 Brannon field just north of trail ridge....




    Dang dude I'm on Brannan field everyday and havent seen any work in the area and you found LTE but I also have an EVO LTE so that may be the reason why. I saw one tower on brannan field near the argyle intersection I couldn't tell if it was a sprint site though it looks more like att


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

  6. I'll check the BayMeadows tower again tonight if I get out of class at a decent time. I'll keep you guys posted. This tower has had NV panels since Oct 18th, so nearly a month later they should have LTE active on it, right? :P


    I rode past that site yesterday and couldnt connect but it may have been I was driving 70mph past it so I may have never connected to that tower.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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