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Everything posted by Rocket87

  1. No to get the loyalty credit you have to be on a old my way or data 450 plan. So in essence you pay 81 or 86 to lease the iphone. It says so on that bottom of the flyer. How that is better than moving to the $50 plan and paying 70 or 75 i don't know.
  2. Rocket87

    Samsung Gear S

    Ill be honest the rep didnt miss anything atleast in his mind. Upgrades pay us about $1-1.50. The gear s is counted as 0.25 of a new activation( new activations pay about $5-20 depending on the multiplier the rep hits by the end of the month). Basically the rep lost 2 bucks before taxes and if you would of bought no accessories or tep then the sale actually hurts the reps monthly numbers.
  3. I just picked one up from a Microsoft store for 232 after a 5% discount code and trading in a old 2007 20gb xbox 360 for a $100 credit. Game stop would of gave me less than half that trade value.
  4. Rocket87

    LG G3

    All promos like this or mail in rebates are void if the phone is not active on the number it was sold on. Its in the fine print of all sprint rebates. Luckily it seems customer care is working with you guys.
  5. Rocket87

    LG G3

    All promos like this or mail in rebates are void if the phone is not active on the number it was sold on. Its in the fine print of all sprint rebates. Luckily it seems customer care is working with you guys.
  6. In my experience the only people that push back on subsidy/eib are current customers. All my new customers come in expecting or understanding some what that the phones are seperate because they have been in their companys store and the rep lead with next or edge or jump. Then they see sprints price or data double compares to what they were getting and sign up. Plus if a new 4 line comes in and wants iphones there option is A) pay 800 up front amd 260/ mo unlimited. B ) pay zero up front and 280/ mo unlimited. Or C) pay zero upfront and 180/ mo until 2016 and after that 240/ mo and get 20gb. Everyone picks option C.
  7. I dont under stand the issue. Why pay 200 front for an iphone and 80 a month instead of 0 up front and 70 (lease) or 77 (easy pay). The times when it cost more a month like with a note 4 which is 90 a month you have to consider you saved 300 up front and will pay 10 a month more/240 over the 2 years. Thats a $60 savings over the life of payments and every month you keep it longer you are saving 30 every month.
  8. Indy is lighting up too. I looked at glance today and about 50% had been spark updated.
  9. Spark is live on the southside/greenwood. The fry rd tower by greenwood park mall is ridiculously over burdened and averages 1-5mbps down. On spark im getting mid to high 20s. Here is band 41 with a weak signal.
  10. If you are in ntelos land then you wont get sprint lte at least not for now.
  11. Not a corp store then, they are required to have live phones on demo lines for everything sprint sells. Even the phones in the glass display are live ( though probably dead batteries).
  12. All promotions besides iPhone 200 guaranteed trade in got extended to jam 15. 100gb waived access fee, etf pay off, $50 iphone plan etc
  13. Rocket87

    Samsung Gear S

    Its a special rate plan just like the Wego. $10 1000min/1000 text. Not framily or family share combinable. It has to be on the $10 plan according to the sprint training on it.
  14. When the power button goes it usually still works its just very fickle and sensitive. Very rarely does it just not work, usually the phone power cycles with any bump or just touching the side of the phone.
  15. I work in a service and repair store. The power button is one of the most common issues on the s3. We see it several times a week now that phone is older and it seems like the power button is just giving out from use.
  16. Well if the customers had any sense they would switch to the new plans if they were doing ip4l l.The math is made to get people to switch. Why would anyone pay 80-15=65 instead of $50 or 150-30=120 instead of $100( 2x$50 plan)? To get the discount you have to be on ip4l so why not switch to the plan meant for it and save. Edit i could seeing the math work out for 3 lines on data share 1500 i guess.
  17. All new tablet lines are expemt until 2016. They have to be bought on easy pay or full msrp. No 2 year contracts.
  18. The $15 only comes off old contract plans like data 450, data share 1500 and my way. It brings them closer to the non contract plan prices. Framily, family share and framily already are discounted to compensate for the lack of subsidy.
  19. There will be a $75 fee. I see this a few times a week customer care neglects to mention the fee then the customer comes in gets shitty and calls customer care where this time the rep will confirm that without tep there is a fee.
  20. Thats weird because we still have the my way rate plan guides in store and on plano. I looked online and you are right it only gives the $85 option when buying a phone.
  21. Oh yea i knew about the 35 if you were on the $50 unlimited plan on contract. Customers would have to be stupid to pay $85 when the normal contract plan is cheaper. This thread made it seem like my way unlimited was gone.
  22. This is seriously news to me about a price hike. I wonder if its in the new playbook. I was off today but ill look into it tomorrow.
  23. Tethering included in the nonunlimited plans....
  24. Iphone for life is the buying option, its treated just like easy pay. It can go with the 50 unlimited iphone plan, the 60 unlimited plan, my way or family share plans.
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