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Everything posted by jaybiz81

  1. They most certainly have NOT hit 100% access as the article claims they should have. FIOS is available in parts of my neighborhood, but not my building. I've registered but it will take "6 to 12 months" for service to be made available to me.
  2. Your total is actually 52GB (1,024kb = 1MB, 1,024MB = 1GB, so 54,525,952kB = 52GB). Be careful and contact customer care. When I switched over to the family shared plan when getting a new device for one of the existing lines, they moved only that line to the 20GB plan and kept the other two on the old Everything Family, meaning I was paying for TWO plans. I had to call them to merge the plans and get everything fixed up. I can't tell from your screenshot if this is the case, but be sure to check to make sure you're only on one plan now and everything moved over correctly. EDIT: I got the new device at a third-party retailer operating as a Sprint store. Customer Service was more than helpful in fixing it.
  3. I've been able to make HD calls without a problem. I'm wondering at this point if it's your device. Did you do a hard factory reset? I'm not sure if HD is a software or hardware matter. How do you re-enable 800? I knew at one point but I can't find the directions online how to get into those screens. I haven't picked up 800 at all since the Lollipop update (as you noted) even in the places I always did up until then (the subway, basement at work, etc.)
  4. Interesting about the BC10. I usually hit it on the subway here in NYC but haven't taken the subway in a while. I'll swing to the basement of work and see if it catches there like it used to. I still regularly make and receive HD calls, before and after the Lollipop update. But again, it's only to people that have HD enabled phones only on the Sprint network.
  5. I've noticed one hiccup. If you do a factory reset after a major upgrade like I do, you can't search the Play Store without the popup asking you to use Samsung's prediction. The problem is the keyboard will appear with the popup and then immediately disappear. Try composing a text message first to get the popup, then everything is fine.
  6. The Lollipop is update available! The phone said it had already checked today but it didn't appear until I did a manual update check. It looks like it's 5.0. It's a whopping 920.29MB of a download.
  7. Yeah I have to agree about B25 being pretty darned great as of late, hitting what Sprint advertises of 6 to 12mbps. I'm just hoping it was tuning. Home is hard to compare to others here in East Harlem. I live on the 4th floor and the nearest site is on the roof of a 4 floor building 150 feet away and I can stare right at it.
  8. Definitely a smarter move on their part, especially with VoLTE. Has anyone noticed abysmal B25 speeds lately? Especially in the South Bronx where it was great? I'm hoping it's just some backhaul issues with a few towers or adjustments. B25 has been quite usable lately, and I've had zero issues with speed. I have the Note 3 so I'm not tri-band and use SVLTE often. But I can't wait to see what the M9 is all about. I'll gladly give up SVLTE for HTC again.
  9. A question to my fellow Note 3 owners... Does anyone experience issues with the proxies since updating to Kit Kat? I was hoping the latest update would resolve it, but it has not. Specifically, when I set the proxy to my work network, it stays fine. I can leave the building where it kicks to LTE or EVDO, come back into the building, and boom, back on the WiFi with the correct proxy. But say I turn the WiFi off. When I turn it back on, my phone will connect to my work network, but the proxy has disappeared. I work in a school, some of the things I need to do (or want to do) are blocked, like social media. But this proxy issue is causing me not to use the WiFi since I keep having to manually reconfigure the proxy once I'm done with filtered content. I know proxy use is probably sparse among users, but I'm hoping I'm not the only one on these forums that uses one. Is anyone else having this issue? Has anyone found a fix?
  10. I'll refrain from what words are really in my mind, but that's messed up. My sympathies.
  11. Subsidized you pay on the price of the discounted phone. Easy Pay is full up front. I believe this is universal. Though most places beat NYC's 8.875% sales tax so you might have been better off anyways.
  12. I remember years ago with the original Evo, it would suddenly say I was in a town in southern Spain when I went on WiMax near my work in the Bronx. It was January and my phone would suddenly change to hours later and 75 degrees warm with weather. It was a nice mental picture while walking to the subway in frigid temperatures. Haha
  13. You actually get more than 300,000KB, but not by much. 1MB = 1,024KB, which is exactly 307,200KB. So, that's your cutoff, meaning you can squeeze a little more in after 300,000KB. It's not much, but it helps, or did for me while I was on vacation. I still ended up going over to 314,000ish KB since there was a delay in data usage posting to my account, but this was before this roaming data suspension policy.
  14. According to the new Sprint Family Shared Pack that went into effect today, there is now a 25¢/MB charge for exceeding the 100MB roaming data limit of the new plans. It's in very fine print, and the plan info is in the form of an image on their site, making it even harder to read. Link
  15. Ah yes you've encountered exactly near where I work. The 3G/800 site is on a giant yellow and green building up against the Cross Bronx, and as that area forms a nice little "valley" it's all we get service for. There are nearby sites that aren't broadcasting 360 degrees so I'm stuck with this tower. Except while at work on the 4th floor, I have a better connection to sites on the other side of the hill for Tremont Park. The NV upgrades on that 3G/800 site though have done wonders for voice service in the school I work in. We get PCS voice service everywhere in our building now including the elevators and basement level. Prior to that site getting updated, forget about service on the basement or first levels. I think since this is a public forum I can't list the tower IDs publicly, so I'll shoot you a direct message with it. Regarding where I regularly travel in NYC (East Harlem, South Bronx, Fordham area, and the 4 line in the Bronx) speeds are getting much better on B25, which I'm guessing is due to more B26 and B41 offloading.
  16. In the middle of the South Bronx there's still mostly 3G non-NV coverage. It's frustrating. I work near 3rd Ave and Tremont, and the 3G is abysmal. There might be B41 but I have a single-band phone (which I love... not the biggest fan of Samsung but with my Note 3 I do voice and data simultaneously for work). I did discover what part of the problem is, though, and it was an interesting find. The tower near my work is 3G/800 NV complete. But, the problem is backhaul, not at the site itself, but elsewhere. I Googled the tower number, and I found a site with the FCC for microwave licenses. it appears that the 3G/800 site uses microwave for Internet to a non-NV tower that is not being upgraded at this time. It's sort of frustrating; I wish they had done the other one first, and left the 3G/800 tower near me as non-NV; at least we'd see better speeds. Google the site IDs of other 3G/800 sites, and you'll find in many cases they use microwave to a non-NV upgraded site. But, thanks to you, Bryce, I've been doing permit research for a while after I caught you did it a while back. (Yes, I lurk more than post.) Sadly, this non-NV site still doesn't have a permit for work, so I guess my 3G/800 site will be at 3G/800 for the foreseeable future.
  17. I'm over my limit by 7MB myself and also no text. I'm wondering though if it's a text that will come if I try to roam again, which I won't be since I'm back from vacation where I was roaming only on US Cellular. I wish I did get the texts because I tried to keep it under the 300MB but it's hard to monitor when one has a tough time even accessing MySprint on 1X. Sprint seems to think my data usage is less than my phone reports, so I prefer to go off of what Sprint records. I do get the texts though as to my hotspot usage, which is very helpful, to let me know when I'm approaching my 2GB cap. If I get a text, I'll post it here. It is about time they do this.
  18. I've noticed that Android System encompasses a lot under one blanket, but you're not alone. The battery life on my phone is now terrible, after doing factory resets too. There's no one app that is consuming battery more than it used to. I'm scratching my head and hoping I can figure it out... the life definitely isn't the same after the 4.4 update for me.
  19. Hey all, new to the Note 3 here. I agree with some that I read that the battery life is great... well was great. Since I updated to KitKat yesterday, "Android System" is now the top battery drainer... it's using 36%, the screen 23%, and Android OS at 6%. The battery is not as good as it was yesterday when I was on 4.3. Anyone else noticing this? There seem to be many on other message boards with other KitKat phones that are experiencing the same. Edit: by "not as good" I mean the battery is slightly more than half of what it was. Did a factory reset too right after downloading 4.4.2 to ensure a "fresh" install.
  20. jaybiz81


    It did this time. In the past it wouldn't. But, I use Google Voice for my voicemails so I get them transcribed that way, and it's free. The only downside to using Google Voice is that if there isn't a good data connection it can sometimes take a little bit to download the messages. It needs a little bit of work but I do like GV for my voicemails.
  21. jaybiz81


    It has gotten pretty seamless and easy. I didn't have to reconfigure most of the settings on my phone, save one or two little things.
  22. Wow, this makes me a little torn, if it turns out to be true. I'm buying a Note 3 today as my EVO 4G LTE screen cracked, and for work the Note 3 would be amazing. I'm stuck wanting a B25 only device for SVLTE, yet living in NYC I know I'll be missing out on Spark goodness. I'm wondering if they continue to offer both models for those that want the SVLTE because of it's phablet nature.
  23. jaybiz81


    Thanks for passing that on. Glad to read this... I was hoping to check here before outreaching to them myself. There is a plus side to all of this with my phone... factory resets make the phone smooth as butter again... until I download all the apps I had on it again, haha.
  24. jaybiz81


    For me I know the chip and the program communicate, and it still declines with a reason of tap and pay not being set up. I've done a full factory reset on my phone, reset the app multiple times, and same thing, not available. I've used it as tap and pay many many many times before and I've always done the PIN before tap thing including today. I use Wallet for everything Google and have a balance on it, and even use the Google card too. I'm wondering if there's just something wrong with the secure element of the NFC or not with just my phone, but it sounds like I'm not 100% alone. Is anyone who uses the phone actually having success with it right now? Or is this issue affecting only a small subset?
  25. jaybiz81


    Honestly I'm not too sure myself because I never needed to set it up before when it worked. I know my rejection email stated I needed to set up tap and pay on the app itself, and from all the documentation I can find it says to go to the settings page and go to the tap and pay option at the bottom. But for me it just says not available. Does yours give the same message?
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