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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. Yep, BWI airport has been an issue for many many years.  Baggage claim and even standing outside waiting for a pick-up can be an issue.  To be fair, it is a place that is shielded from the outside and it is very hard to penetrate. It is slightly better than it was a year ago, but it sure does need some type of attention.  I personally have had slightly better success at BWI than what you describe.   It would be interesting to walk beside you with my Galaxy S-5 and compare it to your I-phone 6 in BWI..

    The best part about it...Sprint's coverage tool says "Spark Turbo" for all of BWI airport. I would have been happy just to have 3G.

  2. I'll be happy when I can get 3Mbps LTE everywhere in and around Baltimore. I have seen 70Mbps off one tower, but never since that day. I really don't care about peak speeds, just want to stream Spotify or let my kids stream Disney Jr without issues. It seems fine as long as I can pull 3Mbps, otherwise it buffers and buffers then just craps out.

    • Like 2
  3. How is it a headache to set up a new line of service? Unless you are going for a promo for porting over a new line, you can ask for a temporary number and have your existing ported over it if you decide to keep it. I also did mention I think they should have a longer grace period, and to waive restocking fees if returned within the trial. With Sprints leasing program, you don't even need to pay any money up front to try out the service.

    Have you ever been to a Sprint corp store? Lol. Automatic hour wasted...no matter what you are doing.

    • Like 3
  4. I would hardly call having a $700 authorization hold on my credit card for a week or more no money up front. I do agree Sprint should have a better trial period. Maybe something like fully refund activation/service cost and waive re stocking fees if returned within a week.

    A temp hold on a credit card is far different than going through the headache of signing up for service.

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  5. http://newsroom.sprint.com/blogs/sprint-perspectives/sprint-meets-its-2014-network-milestones-sets-its-sights-on-the-year-ahead.htm


    They met their goal, as expected. 16 new spark markets also announced, including Charlotte and Indianapolis.

    John Saw said we would have 100Mbps speeds by year end...which didn't happen. But who cares really? Data experience is far more important, and that is achieved with 6Mbps and up, consistently. I saw improvements in Baltimore, but still ALOT of work ahead.

  6. I didn't see that on the website.


    A quick glance at the fine print basically says that you can't carry over data till you use up the 10GB, that speedtest apps will not count against your data or be throttled, and nothing about hotspot.


    Tmobile unlimited plans come with 5GB of hotspot. The lower tiers come with hot spot that just counts against your data allotment.

  7. I remember the rollover minutes from my AT&T days. I made minimal phone calls, so always had upwards of 3,000+ rollover minutes available. While the idea of rollover data is cool, I wonder if the profile of the "typical" data user is the same as the "typical" voice call user? As in, the vast majority of users will roll over data they'll never use or need based on current habits?



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Roll over data would be awesome for me. My wife is on the 1GB framily line, and usually she uses 500MB or so...but every so often there are the months were she is over 1GB. I just pay the overage since it's cheaper than the $10 upgrade to 3GB for the little bit it happens. Kudos Tmobile to a good idea!

  8. Funny you should mention a fusion with a broken transmission and crappy sync, we had one of those. What model year was yours? Ours was a 2010. Never was more excited for a lease to be up then with that car, by the end it was leaking oil, the transmission was failing again after its 2nd rebuild and the A/C had gone out. Only had 46,000 miles.


    Will probably never buy an American sedan again, and especially not a Ford after the customer service hell I've been put through. Despite it all I do like to keep an open mind and am very intrigued by the 2015 Mustang and F150 (though nothing with an Ecoboost engine, that's another can of worms in its own!)


    Mine was a 2011. We had total failure of 2-6 gears under 10k miles. Then again it started slipping around 30k. The electronic throttle body died twice. Fuel pump stopped working. The alloy wheels rusted to the point that they wouldn't hold air (cheap chinese crap?). Battery stopped holding a charge when the car was 2 years old. So I'm done with Ford. I was a life long Ford fan, and had only driven Ford's up until that point.


    On the flip side, my wife drives a 2010 Honda Odyssey. She is a stay at home mom, so doesn't commute in it, so it only has around 45k miles right now. But we literally have not done one thing other than fluid changes in it, and a new set of tires. It doesn't have bluetooth built in, but when I owned my Ford, I could barely use it anyways, so it didn't seem to matter much...lol

  9. Lucky you. Mine would just crash, reboot, Bluetooth would drop out, navigation would just stop giving directions. Fords final solution was buy a newer mode year. So I went with Toyota....lol

  10. Here's sprint's official press release: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprint-offer-cut-wireless-bill-150400419.html


    It looks like you get to keep your half-price rate for as long as you keep that same plan. 


    Yeah, it is a great deal. You have to turn in your current phone for no credit, which really shouldn't be a problem for most people. Just throw an old Blackberry Pearl on the line or some other $10 smart phone :-D

  11. More press about Sprint ranking last in customer satisfaction: http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Consumer-Reports-Ranks-Sprint-Worst-in-Customer-Satisfaction-131614


    While Sprint has made significant gains in data services in the Baltimore area...I was shocked to find that I had better LTE service in Lancaster, PA than I do in Baltimore, MD. So based on my experience, I would have rated them poorly if I was surveyed. Things are definitely on the upward path though!

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