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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. They changed the way it is displayed. The coverage is still the same. Now the colors work like the voice map. Darker shades for better coverage.


    Sent from my SM-T237P using Tapatalk


    Gotcha. That makes sense. The Turbo areas were bad in Baltimore because non of the sites are actually fast yet.


    I never get LTE in their "fair" areas. But these coverage maps are way better than before.

  2. I would be shocked if Sprint changed its name. I just don't see it in the cards.


    The only caveat I would add is if they end up buying out a Super Regional, perhaps a name change could occur. Say, USCC. Not so much taking on the name of the bought out company, but perhaps taking both companies to new identity. But I still think even that is not likely.


    But this is just one man's opinion and as valid as all the rest.

    I don't think a name change is in the cards either...but it's not out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe a Spark name ala Xfinity brand?

    • Like 2
  3. Marcelo didn't reference any brand name change. And the question didn't ask about a brand name change. Over reading. Question was about colors or logo change. And Marcelo consulted lilotimz and received authorization to use soon™.

    That's definitey one way to look at it...not the only way though. Sprints brand name is pretty tarnished (evidenced by the recent write down). Nobody said they were changing their name soon...but certainly none of us know their plans. Unless of course Marcelo is on these forums ????

    • Like 1
  4. TBH what my family does is my parents pay for full cable service + Netflix and the rest of the kids chip in a few bucks a month for HBO etc and we all share the logins.


    This way I have a regular antenna for over the air signal, HBO GO, Showtime app, Watch ESPN for sports, etc. My parents don't mind because we all help pay and they want the services either way.


    So really I pay for my internet (100/10 for $46/mo) and then toss in $15/mo to my parents. Works great for us!

    That's what we do as well. Mostly use it for the Disney Jr login for Roku. I have Fios 50/50 for $29.99 (retention offer) for 24 months. So with an antenna, TabloTV (OTA dvr), and a few Roku3's we don't have a need for cable. Don't watch much TV anyways.

  5. Obviously Sprint knows more about their business than we do. Marcelo is the right person for the job today and likely into the future. Sprint's network is better today than it was a year ago. Period. It's not going to get worse in 2015, it's going to get better. Much better.

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