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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. Oh I am. I'm not worried about upgrading a month from now. I would just like the option to be able to get the 6S when it comes out next year instead of being locked in.


    I was upgrading on the "S" cycle iPhones until I got the Galaxy S5...I'll probably switch back to the 6S+ next year when it comes out.

  2. Has anyone found the T&C for the iPhone for life plan? How much will you end up owing Sprint if you get to the end of 24 months and your device is lost/stolen/broken?


    I don't think it's out yet. Maybe they are waiting for T-Mobile's move (which is at 4pm EST today)?


    I'm really digging the lease options (only for Apple devices, don't think it'd work as well for Android devices).

  3. The thing I'm always most excited about in the iPhone is the camera. Really excited to see sample pics (real ones, not the ones apple takes under 100% perfect conditions).


    I love the Galaxy S5 camera (it's why I chose it over the LG G3)...but it is reeeaaaallllyyy slow.

  4. I just added two lines to my maxed-out Framily (10/10) and had zero issues. Not sure why you couldn't get it done, but it was probably a misinformed rep. That happens A LOT.


    It takes a minimum of 2 reps to get anything done properly with regards to Framily. Lol. I'm seriously not kidding, most of my Framily are S4GRU members and can all vouch for this unfortunate truth. Hang-up and call back until you get somebody that knows what they're doing.


    CS at Sprint is generally good, as long as you're not trying to do anything complicated. Haha.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    Yeah...based on FAQ on Sprint.com, I'm certain it IS available, just a matter of getting the right folks to help. My local corp store adds TEP insurance every single time I walk in the store, without my permission. One time I was just buying a Bluetooth speaker, and my line for insurance added...lol. I guess they get sales credit for it. I just chat online and have it removed... Every single time.


    Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network

  5. Interesting since we just added 4 a few days ago and another next week. Obviously this Sprint employee is a well placed magenta shill.

    Seriously wouldn't surprise me. Allbthe Sprint stores around here are awful, like slimy used car dealers...my friends ATT phone died and he was looking to switch anyways. Sprint lost because of their crappy corp store...sucks. Too bad you can't do it online, he likely would have gone that route...


    Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network

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