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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. Regardless of what happens with the network, hearing the CEO (and it's parent company) are on-board with a 18-24 month time table, is quite impressive! Network Vision gave them the architecture and base core network on which to build...exciting times in the future for Sprint customers and shareholders for sure.


    EDIT: Has anybody found video of the Re/Code talk with Marcelo yet?

    • Like 1
  2. While the newer plans have unlimited minutes, Everything Data doesn't have any network depriorization on data during congestion, at least from what I've heard, including deprioritization for heavier data usage.

    Nobody has ever reported problems with network prioritization. I've used over 30GB of data on one line on Framily...and had no issues. I don't think that is a good reason to have higher costs...my opinion anyways.

    • Like 4
  3. So coverage in my area is lacking, data wise that is. My voice and text is amazing now thanks to 1x800. Problem is LTE or lack thereof, if I am out and about I am connected about 75% of the time, otherwise I am on unbearable 3G. I can be on LTE on B25/B41 at ~105dBm and walk into a store and be stuck on 3G. The problem is B26 has the same signal strength as B25/B41 so I am suffering from basically no low end spectrum. They had their network techs do a local drive by and they said everything is working as it should, which is obviously bs. [emoji13]

    Do you live in central Maryland? Lol...we have a lot of 8t8r b41, and LTE800 here...and I'm still rocking 3G. The 3G is usually over 1Mbps so it's useable for sure, just wish it would stay on LTE in areas with all towers upgraded.

  4. I think if Sprint can densify some areas, the 600Mhz spectrum won't really matter much. Densification might be cheaper than bidding on that lowband stuff...lol. I know in Baltimore, even areas with LTE800 on several towers in a row, I switch to 3G while driving alot still...so sure, 600 might help...but I'd rather see more towers on their existing spectrum than just new antennas.

    • Like 3
  5. I didn't listen, hopefully someone did...


    Recording posted now...going to try to listen to it.



    My notes on CFO conference speech...


    Biggest 1st Quarter highlight: CHURN

      *Factors improving churn

        *Tighter credit standards

        *"Network doing so much better now"

        *65% growth in "prime" customers from last year 1st quarter

        *2x20 Carrier Aggregation being deployed

        *Going to take time to get to other carriers


    *One Rate plans are proving to be successful

    *Confident in ability to continue positive net-adds


    *Half of all new adds installment or lease

    *1/3 of new adds are lease (so greater than installment)


    *HUGE cost savings on CAPEX side with Software relationship. Gear costs lower. Better than their competitors.


    *Net port positive is staying consistent


    NETWORK Discussion

    *800 Voice done (we knew this)

    *LTE800 will be done by end of year (we knew this)


    *2.5 is full steam ahead...look at "speed awards" to see where it is being deployed

    *Continue to spend capital to enhance network


    Question to CFO: "Do you need additional low band spectrum?"

    CFO: "Knowing we have wifi layer for calling, given the 800 will be complete...it gives you a reason to ask if we really need the low band"

    CFO: "Timing of low band auction will impact whether we participate in it"


    (side bar: lame update overall)

    • Like 8
  6. Non emergency number. I take it that you don't have that option in your state or city. We have it for things that you can call on such as large item pick up, potholes, dog complaints, traffic light issues etc....


    Gothca! My area has an app for that...lol

  7. I'll concede that QOS is a great thing here..if it works!  I guess I'm a lucky one in that I have

    6 bars of strong 3G signal so we never have issues with voice or text at the house...wasn't

    always that way before NV arrived..we went thru years of almost zero Sprint or Verizon

    signal here where I live..wi-fi calling in those days would have helped out plenty altho we

    used voip with a land line for awhile


    I have solid LTE coverage at my house, so I don't use wifi calling for coverage (at least not at home). I use it because it has a positive impact on battery life. But the wifi calling option is a huge help at some other locations.

  8. Honestly...if I knew how to setup QOS for Sprint wifi calling on my old Asus N66U, I would have. But I don't. So the QOS is a huge perk for me. I re-setup my entire home network, to ensure that the wifi calling would get prioritized over all traffic. Previously I had other items connected in the network before my wireless access point (N66U). So this I'm hopeful will help. My wife was having some wifi calling issues with our old router when we were streaming, and we have 50/50Mbps FiOS.

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