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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. I don't think they will let you keep both the airave and the router. They told me I had to pick one or the other when I called in yesterday. It's always worth a try though.

    I have both. Make sure the Airave is tied to a different than the primary line and it's fine it seems. My Airave is used by my parents and their home, wifi connect used at my house.

  2. I was on a Sprint account through my church a few years ago (long story...left church, had to assume liability of lines to keep numbers). It was pretty painless, and no new contracts were required. I did it all over the phone. Sprint took care of contacting the existing account owner, and then called me back. They really made it smooth, and this was a few years ago, when all Sprint CS was awful.

  3. I was told its based off the account. I may try to purchase my Airave and then see if I can get the router. My ISP provided router is already better in every way except for the WiFi calling qos stuff which is the only reason I was interested in it. I suspect a lot of people are calling about it because they want a free router, not because they actually need it. I have one phone other than my nexus 5 that doesn't support WiFi calling, I may just upgrade that and send back the airave for the router. I can deal with using hangouts VoIP, but I don't want my family having issues.


    Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk


    Yeah, the QOS for wifi calling improvement is much needed. I have 50/50Mbps FiOS, but since we don't have cable, there is sometimes 2-3 streams going, amongst other things...so the wifi calling was getting choppy. Hoping this improves the experience.

  4. I noticed I hadn't gotten email for the WiFi Connect. I called support back and was told the router got declined because I had an Airave, and the offer was one or the other but not both. Looks like until Android gets native Sprint WiFi calling built in I won't be able to get one of these. I was also told that I was not even able to purchase one.


    That's weird...I got shipping confirmation for mine. I have an Airave 2.5+ on my account (not used for primary line and also used at a different than primary address, which Sprint was ok with). So maybe since it's for different lines, they are ok with me having both?


    On a side note...I wonder why Sprint went with the AC66U instead of the AC68U. The difference between the two models is minimal (I like the design for cables of the AC68U better, but that isn't a deal breaker by any means). Seems like a good opportunity for John Leger and his Twitter entourage to blast Sprint again. lol

    • Like 1
  5. One phone on my account is in a dead spot area, so they have an Airave at their house. Would Sprint still send me the wifi router for my house and let me keep the Airave for a different location?


    I honestly could probably ditch the Airave, but it works really well in the house and the 3G speeds over it are usually around 2.5Mbps. I guess I should go over there and get them (parents) with wifi calling and just ditch the Airave. The problem is the iPhone still needs to be connected to Sprint for SMS/MMS, so it might drain the battery if its searching for a signal.



    EDIT: Decided to just call...they have no issue with you keeping an Airave on one line, and a wifi connect for other lines. Took literally 3 minutes to call and have it ordered...super easy! A person answered the phone as well, no hold/wait queue.

  6. Awesome! I contacted Boingo and Sprint about which devices are capable...Boingo emailed me very quick with the list! This is great news!


    Dear Joshua,


    Thanks for contacting us!


    Sprint customers with Passpoint-enabled devices can be connected to Boingos Passpoint Secure networks at airports nationwide. By utilizing Boingos Passpoint Secure networks, customers can enjoy a simpler mobile experience with seamless Wi-Fi authentication and WPA2 enterprise-grade encryption technology.


    Here is a list of eligible devices:


    iOS7 and iOS8

    iPhone 5

    iPhone 5c

    iPhone 5s

    iPad 3rd Generation

    iPad 4th Genration

    iPad Air

    iPad Air 2

    iPad minis (ALL)

    OSX Mavericks and OSX Yosemite

    Any Mac device

    Android not available

    Windows not available



    If there's anything more we can do to help, please let us know. We're available 24/7/365 to assist you.



    Boingo Customer Care Available 24/7

    From North America: 1-800-880-4117

    From locations outside of North America: 00.800.2646.4646


    • Like 1
  7. Has anyone given Sprint a call yet to see if they could order the router or get some info on it? 


    I just got off the phone with CS...they had absolutely no clue what I was talking about. I directed them to the press release, and said she said she had heard absolutely nothing. She almost didn't believe they would be providing wifi routers.


    So I guess we will need to wait a little more...maybe I will tweet Marcelo and ask him.

    • Like 1
  8. So sprint is joining the home wifi router club.  From new Stephen Bye blog post.





    So where do we signup? Lol. (I wonder if Framilies are excluded from being "qualified").


    A lot of good stuff going on for Sprint right now. Between the wifi router with Sprint QOS, wifi calling at airports, Canada data/calling...this new Sprint continues to impress me.

    • Like 2
  9. Audio quality improvement is quite noticeable in my car. Don't care for the slight lag it has between channel. Doesn't work in the tunnels in Baltimore, and more overall interference which is more noticeable with HD radio. But overall...I love it!

  10. I downloaded the last couple carrier bundles from an Apple manifest file. The value for "LTE Band Pref" in the carrier.pri file is unchanged from Sprint 18.1 to 19.1. It DID change from 17.1 to 18.1 though. Not sure what to think of that.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's unfortunate.

  11. Just posted this same thing in the Galasy s6 thread.  What isn't exactly clear is whether the offer is only for those that sign up for this specific plan.  I would take this in a heartbeat if they offered it on framily plan lines, but I doubt it.  


    Seems pretty clear that it's only for those new plans, not just a general "free" phone offer. This really is just a play with numbers. Regular unlimited plan is $60, plus $20 phone lease. Or get an $80 unlimited plan with added perks of annual upgrade and free data roaming in 15 countries.


    If you are on the cheapest Framily plan ($25/line), with unlimited data, it's still slightly cheaper to just lease the Galaxy S6 than get the new plan at $80.

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