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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. mikejeep


    I don't think they should be looking for data roaming under 4G settings... -Mike
  2. Hmm.. EV-DO-only mode is not something I have tested with the N5, but I do not think the app would show it correctly. LTE-only mode needed some special routines to work, and I probably need to do something similar for EV-DO. I will make note of it. In the meantime, you might be able to see some data if you enable "Show Hidden Data" in Preferences. -Mike
  3. I have played around with the idea of using Ec/Io and SNR to paint a better picture of the of the signal quality, but several issues with it came up and I decided against it. The fact that not all devices report these values (Nexus 5, for example) was a big one. Another was the challenge of finding the right math formulas to use to provide an accurate display. I'm learning more as I go along, but I'm no RF engineer. Might explore it again down the road, but I already have a huge list of other features I'm trying to get in there. Regarding the signal bar discussion, I might revisit that and make some tweaks on the LTE side now that I have a better understanding of RSRP. I see both sides of the argument for/against the icon, but it comes down to user preference. I try giving you guys whatever you ask for! Also, I realize that it has been several weeks since the last app update, and resolution of some bugs (freezing/crashing and incorrect LTE MCC-MNC showing sometimes) are way overdue. I am buttoning up a new version to push out to testers this week. Don't mistake a lack of updates as a lack of work on my end.. there's a lot going on behind the curtain. I appreciate the support and patience! -Mike
  4. No.. that's not a "fix", that's just a matter of giving Sprint the MEID instead of the IMEI. I don't necessarily think the ability to activate Tmo-purchased N5's is a "bug" as much as it is intentional. If it was supposed to be possible, they would have resolved it 2 months ago. -Mike
  5. Perhaps it is a Tmo purchase, which like I just mentioned, will not work on Sprint. And no N5 will activate on Verizon. In any case, protects the seller if someone complains. But I'm not sure what would make someone want to buy that one for $65 more than Google charges for a guaranteed brand new, not stolen, fully Sprint-able one anyway.. -Mike
  6. It was discussed at length earlier in this thread that Nexus 5's purchased from T-Mobile cannot be activated on Sprint at this time. Yes, the hardware is capable, but for whatever reason, the IMEI/MEIDs are not in Sprint's database. Read back a couple of pages. -Mike
  7. Are you referring to the SignalCheck icon bars? The scale is based on technical articles by AJ, Robert, and others on here, as well as discussions on here when the app was first released. I rarely display the bars myself, so if you have a suggestion or example, I'd appreciate the input. Having that as a user option seems unnecessary.. X dB is X dB, regardless of device or region. I'd rather have it correct for everyone. EDIT: Here is the signal bar/RSRP breakdown in the app since version 3.01: 0 bars: -120 dB or worse 1: -119 to -115 2: -114 to -112 3: -111 to -108 4: -107 to -102 5: -101 to -97 6: -96 or better -Mike
  8. At this point I don't think that would serve much benefit.. there are just a few 'if' statements that branch off for certain scenarios. The "problem" lies in the base Android code. For example, if you put a device in LTE-only mode, you will see the provider name changes to "Searching for Service". SignalCheck accounts for it, but the OS does not. Other stock functions report no connection in these situations, presumably because there is no -voice- connection available. The presence of a valid data connection is not always taken into account. -Mike
  9. mikejeep


    What baseband version comes with it? I'm sure it changed from the last factory update. -Mike
  10. Ohhh be careful, I don't want to be responsible for angry wives/girlfriends!! I mentioned this on another thread recently.. at the moment, Android's CDMA code isn't perfectly suited for the new single-path devices that don't sit on 1X all the time. As a result, some oddities do pop up. There are numerous changes coming in the next update that handle more instances like this. -Mike
  11. That must have been a glitch with SignalCheck. You are right, triband devices cannot do that. Did the app become very sluggish/frozen when you saw that? The BID: 0 is an indication that the 1X data is stale. -Mike
  12. The Nexus 5 still needs a software update for full capability on Sprint LTE bands 26 and 41, so until that comes out, connecting to live Spark sites will be hit-or-miss. -Mike
  13. Thanks for the kind words! Yes, news has been slow on the public front; I have been spending a LOT of time working on the app, but it's mostly fixes and testing behind-the-scenes that hasn't resulted in any updates yet. The freezing/crashing issues that started with the last update or two is driving me nuts, and I am trying not to release any updates until that is fixed. It's affecting too many people (including myself!). The Maps issue just started popping up; it is related to the latest update from Google. I'm aware of it (happening to me too) and hope to figure out a way around it. -Mike
  14. Android's telephony structure doesn't deal with the "fallback from LTE to CDMA 1X for calls" concept very well yet. If you put your N5 in LTE-only mode and check your notification pulldown, you will see it shows "Searching for Service" instead of "Sprint", even though you are on Sprint's network. A lot of the CDMA code in place now essentially assumes a 1X connection is always present. I'm sure the false roaming indicator appearing is because of something along those lines; I have also seen it. -Mike
  15. Yeah I noticed that immediately too, <facepalm>.. -Mike
  16. If you're suffering from lousy call quality, that isn't specifically because you are connected on 1900 MHz. Something else is wrong. Absent all other factors, 1900 and 800 calls should sound the same. Sprint has not once indicated that 800 service is expected to be of a higher call quality. -Mike
  17. mikejeep


    The recent 4.3 update is not a public release, it is only a beta accessible to specific users (i.e. those who contact Mo directly and ask to participate). It wouldn't make any sense to be an OTA, because that would be pushed out to everyone. -Mike
  18. Because it doesn't "need" it. If there is a reason, it's because the Nexus 5 is such a strong RF performer, and happens to find more usable 1900 MHz signals than the Note 3 has so far. I feel like a lot of people are starting to believe that being connected to 800 is "better" than being connected to 1900, and I do not feel that is correct. The general benefit of 800 is better signal penetration. If you are already connected to a usable 1900 signal, there is no need to switch to 800. It's not any faster. You're not missing anything. -Mike
  19. From a technical standpoint, that field can probably only be populated with integers. Of course they could handle it much better than just showing 0, but like AJ said, we're talking Samsung enginerrs here. -Mike
  20. mikejeep


    Are you actually not connecting, or is SignalCheck reporting it wrong? If you're not sure, I can take a look if you click About > Send Diagnostics. A screenshot wouldn't hurt either. -Mike
  21. mikejeep


    I personally don't have it, but one of HTC's execs is sharing it with individuals who are interested: https://twitter.com/moversi/status/431271246521978881 -Mike
  22. Jeez that took way longer than I expected, I was wondering if you were paying attention! -Mike
  23. mikejeep


    Umm.. they started sharing the beta version of it with users within the past week, so I'm guessing they are going to want to test that for a bit before pushing it out to everyone. The fact that they are even updating this phone is awesome. -Mike
  24. Old news.. this rumor has popped up several times over the past couple of years. Several sites "confirmed" that the Nexus 4 would be the final one, including the same Russian blogger that this article is sourcing. Guess they pulled a TV weatherman on that one.. -Mike
  25. That's probably it, so you're good there.. It does not turn the radios off, it just doesn't route data through the mobile connection (and yours doesn't work anyway). But I don't think I need a report from you; this is an issue you need to contact Ting about. SignalCheck seems to be working fine. I don't recall you mentioning that before. That would be key to mention to Ting; your phone must not be provisioned properly, or is not allowed on the LTE network. eHRPD is used for handoff from LTE. Putting your phone's radio in a mode that does not enable LTE will also disable eHRPD. -Mike
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