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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Evan, could you backup your log .db file and send it to me, support[at]bluelinepc.com? What device/OS version? Did you have the app's background service enabled? Was the app in the foreground the entire time, or background? Are your status bar icons enabled? Was it a brand new log, or additions to an existing log? Did the app appear to be acting normally otherwise? Thanks! -Mike
  2. For some reason, SignalCheck is not getting any GCI information for some sites on Lollipop when LTE Discovery is. I reached out to those guys but they didn't seem to have any idea why their method was working and mine was not. I've looked at the raw data and as far as SignalCheck can tell, the OS isn't reporting a GCI.. it's very bizarre. I'm still working on it; I bought a Nexus 6 specifically for app testing purposes so I could have a physical Lollipop and Project Fi test bed instead of relying on everyone else for help. It's supposed to get delivered today so hopefully I can make quick progress! When the app doesn't see a GCI, it doesn't give a band indicator, it should keep it as generic "LTE" or "Sprint". There must be a bug that's causing the "B25" part to stick on your screen in your situation, but as you can see the status bar icon doesn't show B25. I should able to fix that display issue easily. That 1X glitch is a problem, but like David said, it's something with the Lollipop OS itself. I can't filter it out because the app doesn't know what is valid and what is not. If the values are within nominal ranges, it shows them. -Mike
  3. Possibly relevant article posted in the EV-DO roaming thread, "U.S. Cellular to launch LTE roaming in next 60-90 days": Hmmmm..... -Mike
  4. Just wanted to give a quick shout out that I'm following this topic now. If there's a SignalCheck issue that is directly tied to Project Fi that would be of more interest to the folks in this thread than the SignalCheck thread, feel free to post it here, but I don't want to derail into off-topic discussions. I've gotten a ton of positive feedback from Fi users, so I want to keep you guys happy! I'll be adding some Project Fi-specific features to SignalCheck very soon. I'm also on the hunt for a cheap Nexus 6 for if/when Google sends me an invite; my eye is on Swappa, but if anyone has one they don't need, drop me a PM. I will be using it as a test bed for both Fi-specific features and Lollipop. My current testing methods for Lollipop are terrible, and it shows in the quality of the app. Gotta get that changed! -Mike
  5. It would trigger when the PLMN and GCI didn't change at the same time, but not consistently. Grab the new update from yesterday afternoon, its gone. Any Project Fi users on the beta? -Mike
  6. What 1X SID(s) do you see? What provider shows up in your system's status or notification pulldown areas? Not within SignalCheck; where you see it without the app. It's in the app as AT&T because that was the best/only information I had. Send a diagnostic report (About > Send Diagnostics) next time you are connected and it should give me what I need to improve it. -Mike
  7. Ugh, I'm sorry. I had taken that out but added it back in for my own personal version. I ended up compiling one more build after that and forgot it was still in there. That alert serves no purpose at the moment. I'll try tackling that right now. -Mike
  8. Nothing terribly noticeable.. leaving something with pressure against foam/rubber/etc is obviously going to make an imprint, especially if you leave it there permanently. I totally understand the lease aspect, but is someone really going to be looking that closely inside your CD slot? -Mike
  9. I'm not terribly familiar with it, but some had asked for intents to trigger certain events (connecting to certain sites/bands/networks/etc.) Perhaps execute an event when on B41, or whatever you like. I just have to educate myself on how to do it. -Mike
  10. Yep, it has been asked for and it's on my to-do list. It's a bit complicated and requires some overhauling of the app layout, so it's going to take some work. That doesn't mean it won't happen, it just means it'll take longer to get done. Check out the website to see what's planned to get added eventually: http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/to-do-list/ -Mike
  11. Sprint is upgrading all of its sites nationwide, and NH is no exception. A large majority of NH/VT/ME sites have new 3G equipment installed, but LTE progress has been a bit slower outside of the cities. This is most likely due to difficulties getting the necessary backhaul to these more rural sites. I can speak from personal experience that LTE is strong on the entire length of the Everett Turnpike, I-95, and I-93 from Concord south. I can't share the specific sponsor data, but I will say that the cities are definitely the furthest along. If you become a sponsor, you can see the actual network maps and current upgrade status for each site. -Mike
  12. New update just pushed out for those on the beta crew! Hopefully it will eliminate the wacky 1X and GSM connections appearing for some (but I do not expect it to fix everyone just yet). All B25/B41 second carriers should now display except for B25 sector 03 in Samsung markets -- still working on that. Boost and Virgin Mobile users should now see all band indicators and second carriers as long as you're seeing a GCI. Let me know.. -Mike
  13. Der.. my bad, I knew that. I see the first carriers on my phone every day. (No ² sightings in my area yet). For some reason I keep thinking Nokia took over Ericsson and ALU's original NV turf. -Mike
  14. Got it, thank you! Since Samsung markets don't (intentionally) use 09, 0A, 0B for anything, I'll try to have those show as second carriers in those markets anyway. -Mike
  15. 09, 0A, 0B are second carrier sectors for Sprint B25 in ALU and Ericsson markets, as well as Clear B41. These are all implemented in the app and have been proven to work properly AFAIK. 03, 04, 05 are second carrier sectors for Sprint B25 in Samsung markets. 04 and 05 are already implemented in the app; 03 has been held out because it conflicts with the 01/02/03 first carrier sectors for Sprint B25 being used in ALU and Ericsson markets. I'm still working on adding the 03 second carrier indicator based on information that Flompholph gathered for me (quite awhile ago) to identify Samsung markets. I wasn't aware that they were being used for B41 second carrier sectors in Samsung markets as well, so I'll get on that. 39, 3A, 3B are the only second carrier sectors for Sprint B41/Nokia that I am aware of. These are the ones I just learned of and I am adding to the next update. Just so I can have my references complete, what are the first carrier sectors for Samsung B41? -Mike
  16. Nah, he's too busy putting more goodies in the hoodie to worry about me.. #freebrady -Mike
  17. I completely recommend these two mounts, depending on how permanent you want it to be. I have tried many permanent and temporary mounts, and none performed anywhere near as well as these two. I use them both daily. I hate borrowing my wife's car because she doesn't have anything.. and I can't see SignalCheck or Waze from the cup holder!! I have a ProClip in my Jeep and absolutely love it. Everyone who hops in the car asks about it. I got an adjustable holder so I don't have to change that part out each time I switch phones or get a case that is a different size. If I get a different car, I'll just have to order a new mounting bracket. The nGroove (there are a few versions) is awesome if you don't need something permanent. You can pop it in and out of your CD slot in 10 seconds. It has a small thumb screw that you use to snug it into the CD player. I use mine every day in my work truck. Apparently it doesn't impact playing CDs while it's inserted either, if you're still into that sort of thing. -Mike
  18. Like David said, PCIs are sometimes repeated in close quarters; I have two adjacent sites that share the PCI that faces my home, and it switches between the two sites fairly regularly. I have no way to know which site the neighbor cells are reporting, because the signal strengths are nearly identical from my location. Also, this may be specific to certain markets, but PCIs are identical across bands at the same site here in New England. As I'm typing this, I'm watching my N5 switch between B25 and B26 at the same site, and both have the same PCI. So there is no way to distinguish it any further, even if you had the entire Sprint network configuration on a 100% accurate spreadsheet. Well neighbor cells and logging are restricted to the Pro version anyway, so that's already a given. ;-) Adding a log viewer to the app is on my list of things to do, but it's a cumbersome process that will take away from time working on the technical end of it. There are many Android and PC-based sqlite programs that can do a far better job than I could, and you always have the option to export the CSV file to see in any text viewer or Excel. Check your setting under Preferences > Logger Settings > Exported Log Timestamp Style and make sure it is set the way you want. If it already appears to be set to Excel, try changing it to something else, back out of all the menus, then go back in and change it back to Excel again. If you're going to use Excel to look at logs often, I'd also change the Exported GCI Text Style to the bracketed format; sometimes Excel tries to treat GCIs containing an "E" as scientific notation and converts it. The brackets prevent that. -Mike
  19. Some device/OS combinations just work poorly with the Reset feature (which is really just 2 airplane mode toggles separated by a short user-defined period of time). It's a hack, and while root is necessary, SignalCheck is still trying to do something that Android doesn't want it to do. You also need to keep the app on the screen until it's done resetting or you will run into trouble. I hate the way this is implemented, but I have no other choice. Your diagnostic report showed me what was going on; it's somewhat related to the weird double-connection displays many others are seeing. Some of these new devices are suddenly reporting values in a field that had always reported the CDMA 1X RSSI. SignalCheck sees a value and rolls with it; the logic on the main screen is realizing it's too low to be a valid RSSI, but I missed a similar check for the notification area. It never came up before because these values were never appearing there. I'll have this fixed soon. bmoses, you hit the nail on the head. The info being reported by the OS to SignalCheck appears to be inconsistent and unreliable, resulting in the strange information that several of you are seeing. Jeff68005, the GCI/PCI/TAC is shown whenever it is available; because there is an issue with the source data, it's not appearing. As far as all of us know--and there are some well-educated industry people here--if you are truly connected to LTE on a fairly new device, you should not be seeing a 1X connection. So assume at least one of the groups of information is incorrect. Unfortunately, SignalCheck has nothing to do with the actual signal data; it's just reporting what Android says is there. There isn't much to validate the data as long as it's within certain ranges. How and why this is happening is a mystery to me at this point. The most reasonable explanation would be a Lollipop bug (nobody is seeing this on KitKat, AFAIK) that is causing stale data to remain behind, or bogus data to be reported. The signal gathering routine that SignalCheck uses is pretty simple; when the OS reports there is new data, the app grabs it and displays it. The complicated parts filter out the bogus data. But my diagnostic screens show me the raw unfiltered data, and it's very strange to see what appear to be valid (and apparently changing) values. I don't remember if anyone has mentioned this yet, but are similar apps behaving in a similar manner? I'm pretty sure someone posted an LTE Discovery screenshot of 1X and LTE on a Lollipop device recently. Even if it's an OS bug, I might be able to find a workaround to hide it, but I need to figure out how to identify the bug first. -Mike
  20. I think Sprint is watching me.. tonight I got an e-mail warning me that I had used up 220MB in roaming over the weekend. It was dated yesterday, but the e-mail was sent today (and wasn't delayed in SMTP-land). Still no text notification though, and when I tried sending a message to the shortcode in the e-mail, it said my number wasn't with Sprint. I went onto the website and tweaked my notification settings, perhaps that will change it in the future. But that 24 hour delay kind of limits its usefulness. -Mike
  21. Thanks guys! I don't recall ever hearing about the 39/3A/3B second carrier (or I did, and totally failed to make note of it). I will put that in the next update. Did it appear to be a short-term fluke? I've mentioned it a few times.. sometimes the Android battery screen is a bit misleading, one of the biggest culprits is power that should be attributed to "Screen" gets attributed to whatever app was in the foreground instead. And I always mention this caveat, I feel like a broken record but it comes up often: the percentage shown is not the battery percentage used by the app, it's the percentage of percentage used. If you're down 50% and SignalCheck shows as 20% usage, that means it's really responsible for 20% x 50% = 10%. I can't explain these fluke-ish power spikes other than trying to push the blame onto Android. ;-) Sorry, I'm not following the Fi thread (perhaps I should be, based on the flood of kudos I just saw on here and in my Inbox) so I didn't know that was happening. Do you know of anyone else having this issue, or is it just you? I believe the Nexus 6 is the only Fi device right now, so that is what you are using, correct? Did you ever use it on Sprint in Clearwire markets? My uneducated guess is that you should experience the same freezing behavior when switching between Sprint and Clear PLMNs, but then again you're obviously switching LTE bands when bouncing between Sprint and T-Mobile, so maybe not. Oh wow.. wow. I am extremely humbled -- and embarrassed that it took me a month to see the Android Central pick. How cool is all of that! Thank you everyone!! -Mike
  22. Gotcha. I'm on an old plan and went over once at the end of last year while traveling; I got e-mail notification after I went over and they shut me off, but I never got any texts. I have lousy integrity when it comes to abbreviations/acronyms. I prefer my AM's and PM's to be lowercase too.. -Mike
  23. Sensorly's coverage maps are only as good as the data submitted by its users. If nobody has done any mapping in an area, that doesn't mean there is no coverage; it just means nobody has uploaded it yet. If your area is lacking in Sensorly coverage, perhaps you should turn it on and help out. -Mike
  24. Last August it started getting enforced.. there was (of course) a thread about it here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6332-sprint-to-enforce-roaming-data-limits-send-sms-notifications/ It should be noted that 300mb is the cap for most of us, but check your plan terms if you need an exact answer. I believe some newer plans have lower caps. -Mike
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