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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. A new database entry would be added because the app would see it as a new PLMN and GCI. So that would result in the same GCI having multiple entries, but the new entry would be copying in the old entry's site note. If the Logger is running, the new entry will be populated with all of the cell info available. Hypothetical example.. you have a local Sprint site 123456AA that you logged months or years ago under 310120. Next week, your phone suddenly starts reporting everything as 312530 like several of us experienced recently. So, when you hit 123456AA for the first time: Previous versions of SignalCheck would not find anything in the database, and consider it a brand new site. A new log entry would be created as 312530/123456AA. There would be no site note, because the app didn't look beyond 312530 for it. The new logic implemented in this beta would initially not find anything in the database, but then in searching all of the Sprint PLMNs it would see the 310120 entry. A new log entry would be created as 312530/123456AA, using the site note pulled from the original log entry. In both instances, you're getting a new (potentially bogus) database entry. The new method pulls the existing site note over. Similar logic can be applied to Clear sites, which report a different PLMN. Many devices do not update the PLMN and GCI at the same time; therefore, there are probably duplicate entries in your log, half of which have no site note. I know I had a ton of Clear GCIs logged with Sprint PLMNs and vice versa. Yes, half of them are wrong. But until networks and/or devices behave differently, this problem is going to continue. I see this new logic as a solution so that instead of blank site notes, you get an accurate site note stored for the "new" cell you hit. The only potential issue is that if GCIs are legitimately duplicated across the Sprint network under different PLMNs, and you happen to connect to both sites. Then a site note will be pulled that really shouldn't be. But that's a very very slim potential compared to the 99.99% of times this feature is going to benefit users IMHO. It's tricky, because there's no easy way to know if a PLMN ID is accurate or a hiccup. But the app is only as good as the data that is passed to it. -Mike
  2. The sectors you hit (0B and 14) will appear in the app as band 26 without EARFCN info *if* you have enabled the "Use New Sprint/Samsung Indicators" option under General Settings. They are part of the new Samsung configuration that has been rolling out recently, but do not apply to all regions right now. 02 is also band 26, and there are several other sectors for the other bands/carriers. -Mike
  3. Until now, SignalCheck would query the database for a site note with an exact match on the current PLMN+GCI pair. If it didn't match an existing entry, it would pull no note (and if the Logger was running, it would create a new entry). The new logic in this beta still carries out that step first, but if there is no match and it's a Sprint-owned PLMN (including Clear/Virgin/Boost/Prepaid/etc), it then queries the database again using all of the known Sprint PLMNs in active use and the given GCI. If it finds one match, it uses that note. If it finds multiple matches (which shouldn't really happen), it defaults to the note with the longest string of text--basically to avoid selecting a blank note. The burst of 312530 IDs that showed up for a bit (mine are back to 310120 also) got me to think in this direction, but since flipping between Sprint/Clear sites sometimes results in a mismatched PLMN+GCI pair, this same solution should cover that oddity. Hopefully that makes sense? Kind of tricky to explain. It's not perfect, but in theory it should resolve most issues. -Mike
  4. I swore I replied to your messages last month, but I don't see anything in here.. not sure what happened, sorry about that. Your second carrier sectors for band 2 and band 4, as well as band 14, are significantly different from the information I have.. and it's the first info I have about a band 2 third carrier. I have B3-B6 as a band 2 second carrier in some markets, and B5-B8 noted as a band 4 second carrier in some markets. The app will make an educated guess if EARFCN is available and there is a conflict. I have D7-D9 as band 14. I am guessing you have a fairly substantial collection of logs to support the sectors you spelled out. Are you confident that they are in use across your area and not one-off sites? Things change over time, so I appreciate it when people get me information "from the field" to help keep things updated! Thanks, -Mike
  5. Yes sir! I was talking to a few people elsewhere, forgot to mention it in here. I have been scrambling trying to come up with a solution for those who are suddenly landing on PLMN ID's other than 310120, thus rendering their site notes useless.. I think I figured it out. It might also clear up the duplicate GCI problem that's mostly prevalent when hopping between Sprint/Clear sites. Fingers crossed! If it solves that issue (along with a few other nice changes) it'll go public Soon™. -Mike
  6. Mine is set to mobile preferred, but connects to wifi calling fairly consistently where I do not have a solid mobile signal. It's one of my favorite features, works great. If you set to wifi preferred, it will almost always use wifi when available. -Mike
  7. You can go into Settings and disable the automatic time zone feature while the kinks get worked out. I had to do that last year when I kept hitting local sites that were an hour off. -Mike
  8. Sure, I can do that. I'll just have to make new icons because there are no "LTE 750" ones yet. I'll make a note to get this done It will be in the next beta update so you can make sure it works properly. Aiming for late next week right now. Glad it's useful for you! Unfortunately, I don't know of a method to select LTE bands yet.. the Voice Band Selection menu is built into Android, I just wasn't aware of it until someone showed it to me. LTE band selection is a different animal, that's usually configured on an engineering screen which is 1) inaccessible to third-party developers and 2) different on each device. But if I can find a way, I'd love to do it! -Mike
  9. Good news.. SignalCheck Pro update coming within the hour on Google Play! Below are highlights of the changes; I will come back and add some more details within the next few days. Sorry it took so long (I know, I say that every time) and there is still plenty of work to do.. a major issue I have already started work on is having Sprint site notes appear regardless of the PLMN your device is reporting (some new phones are showing 312530 instead of 310120). Added indicators for AT&T LTE band 14 FirstNet cells. Added indicators for Clearwire LTE band 41 third carriers. Added indicators for Rogers LTE band 2, 4, 7, and 17 cells. Added option to disable adding/editing site notes from the main screen. (Pro) Added option to use new patterns to identify Sprint LTE cells in Samsung markets reconfigured in 2018. (Pro) Added system shortcut for voice band mode selection. (Pro) Added workaround for improper identification of some band 66 and 71 cells due to a known Android bug. Changed action bar icon on main screen to be animated; new option to use previous static icon. (Pro) Changed action bar title on main screen to match user-selected text color. (Pro) Changed alerts to be off by default. (Pro) Changed diagnostic routine to use SSL. General internal code enhancements. Improved runtime permission handling. Resolved issue with app closing when Preferences menu is selected or orientation is changed and Background Service is disabled. (Pro) Resolved issue with invalid LTE neighbor cell displaying with PCI 0 and 0 dBm. (Pro) Resolved issue with some incomplete LTE indicators when option for new Samsung markets is enabled. (Pro) Updated references to new domain (signalcheck.app). As always, I appreciate everyone's support. Please help me out by submitting a review on Google Play after you update! -Mike
  10. You can just walk into a Sprint corporate store to grab a free SIM. They will do the activation on the spot for free if you're just swapping devices and want to wait. -Mike
  11. https://s4gru.com/forums/topic/7825-sprint-volte-discussion-thread-redux/
  12. Any more issues since updating to the latest one? Also looking for feedback from everyone regarding the new main screen icon.. I think the colors are a bit ugly and using the blue signal beams to indicate data is flowing is counter-intuitive so I'm still playing with it. -Mike
  13. Another beta update out this morning! Some fixes to the one from the other day related to the new Samsung option, as well as a new icon that changes color depending on the mobile data status. A bit more useful, and helps with screen burn-in. An option has been added to go back to the original static white icon if you prefer that look. -Mike
  14. New beta finally pushed out yesterday.. sorry it took forever. Hopefully it was worth the wait! -Mike
  15. I hope nobody is afraid to bring anything to my attention..? I know there are Samsung changes that I need to get in there. Just the same old song from me, haven't been able to get enough time to update the app. It does weigh on me, I take a lot of pride in the app and hate when updates lag! Unfortunately real life (and real job) have to take priority.. stop if you've heard this before.. ? -Mike
  16. I appreciate the feedback, but I'm not inclined to change the defaults at the moment. I will consider an option to "lock" the screen to prevent inadvertent edits though. I believe app preferences should be automatically restored when you're installing from the same Google account? -Mike
  17. I wipe the phone of everything but my user data and put on a fresh install of each month's Android update, and I swap SIMs more often than the average person because I test SCP on multiple networks. And I've done every #*#* code imaginable, often at Customer Care's request. Gremlins! -Mike
  18. It never rings.. I use Google Voice for my voicemail, so I get missed call notifications from that service even if the phone never realizes a call was coming in. The solution I've found that works best is to disable BC10 and disable LTE when I get home.. that typically gets the Pixel to grab onto the Airave within a few minutes of arriving home, but still not immediate. Seems odd that it doesn't search quicker when it's camped on a 1X connection from the macro site that is usually around -108 dB. I've talked to Sprint numerous times and all they want to do is have me update my profile and PRL, then they say my Pixel must be broken. When I was trying to work through the Airave/1X800 issue I was never really able to get anyone on the phone who understood what I was trying to say. One thing I noticed playing around with NSG was that the macro 1X uses channel 650, and the Airave is on channel 500. Are they intentionally different? I'm guessing channel assignment varies by region; would it make more sense for them to use the same channel, theoretically allowing for quicker discovery of the Airave? Or does that have no bearing on anything? -Mike
  19. Swapping back to a 2.5 has crossed my mind.. for my needs it was great. No camping on fringe 1X800 mostly. I only dumped my 2.5 because it died and I had to wait for a 3. If they would get some flavor of WiFi calling going on the Pixel, I wouldn't need anything.. -Mike
  20. Is there a way to disable the B41 signal on an Airave 3? My Pixel just has a heck of a time dropping back to CDMA for calls.. I've resorted to forcing 3G mode when I get home, but if I could kill the Airave LTE signal that would solve it. I don't need it since I'm on WiFi anyway. Didn't see anything on the web interface. -Mike
  21. My Fios IP is blocked again. Consistently happens when I use Tapatalk to browse the board.. if I stay logged in for notifications but use the mobile website, it doesn't seem to happen. -Mike
  22. I don't think so, I have used GV voicemail for a few years and have never come across an option to configure that. But mine definitely doesn't go 20-30 seconds beyond the phone ringing. -Mike
  23. Correct. Airave uses an existing internet connection on site. Magic Box uses Sprint signal from a macro site (and does not help with the CDMA voice network). Not every location will qualify for a MB. -Mike
  24. If your main internet goes down, any Airave(s) will become useless too.. -Mike
  25. Minor development news for the Beta Crew.. because of where I was at in overhauling SignalCheck Lite when I discovered the EARFCN bug that impacts LTE band 66 (and 71, and potentially others), I implemented a workaround in Lite first. I launched a SignalCheck Lite alpha channel (no different than beta, it's just semantics based on how I had to set it up on the back end) to facilitate testing. Lite is missing a lot of features that Pro has, but you can test the EARFCN workaround right now if you're impatient -- I am in the process of implementing the same routines in Pro, and hope to have a beta out sometime this month depending on how much free time I have. To enroll in the SCL alpha, first opt-in here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.blueline.signalchecklite Shortly thereafter, you should see the alpha version of Lite on Google Play. You'll know it's the alpha because the release notes say it, and it should be version 4.482Lb. If you see the old version (4.28L from 2015!!), give it a few minutes and try again. Pro and Lite are two independent apps so you can have both running on the same device and they have no impact on each other. Any and all feedback is appreciated! -Mike
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