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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. You probably need to raise the status bar icon priority within the app. Preferences > Status Bar Icons > Notification Icon Priority.. if you select Minimum, it will never show on the status bar, only in the notification pulldown. Other than that, the higher priority you select, the less likely it will get bumped off the status bar by another icon. This setting does not change what the app does in the background, it only changes where the icon(s) will land in the notification list. -Mike
  2. SignalCheck Pro update is finally out! Should be available on Google Play within the hour. I believe most of the changes should be self-explanatory. 0E8 appears to be for Airave 3's, not Magic Boxes. The biggest difference is Airave 3 or S1000 B41 connections will now show as "Airave/S1000" because I have not identified a way to differentiate between the two yet. Added additional indicators for Sprint LTE band 41 Airave/S1000 cells. Added additional indicators for Sprint LTE band 41 Magic Box cells. Added indicators for T-Mobile LTE band 4 Cellspot and In-Store Pico cells. Added support for LTE band 71. Improved identification of mobile network type on IWLAN connections. Resolved issue with invalid GSM neighbor cell PLMN/CID/LAC information displayed. Resolved issue with IWLAN signal strength missing from notification icon. (Pro) Updated provider database. Thanks for everyone's support! Holler with questions anytime.. -Mike
  3. I snagged an Airave 3 this week thanks to a timely heads up by a friendly S4GRUer! Sounds like inventory is still sparse, but I got lucky. Had to set up an RMA for the broken 2.5 before they would finish processing the new order. Arrived a few days later via UPS Ground and working ok so far. Biggest difference to me so far: the aesthetics. It is much larger than I expected; I knew it was bigger, but it still surprised me. All of the wires connect on the bottom. The data LEDs are on one side of the housing, while the voice LEDs are on the other. None of this is really a problem, just unusual. -Mike
  4. Beta update 4.453b uploading now! Just some little stuff.. but little stuff is good. A few more changes than I initially expected, so I'm gonna let you guys play with it for a couple days before it goes to the masses, just in case I missed something. -Mike
  5. I flashed my Pixel manually and it is OPR3.170623.007. According to Google, it should be the same for the XL. The alternate, OPR1.170623.026, is labeled for "Fi/Canada": https://developers.google.com/android/ota#marlin -Mike
  6. Yes as I mentioned in a few earlier posts, I'll be adding 0E8, 0EE, and 0EF to the Magic Box list. A public update with those changes and a couple other minor tweaks should be ready by tonight sometime this weekend. I don't need more examples of those, but if anything else is spotted in the wild, please let me know. -Mike
  7. Earlier this week (in this thread), Robert stated that Tapatalk was not compatible with the new forum software yet. You can use the mobile site until Tapatalk resolves the issue. -Mike
  8. Curious.. have you peeked at any third-party apps (SignalCheck, Signal Detector, LTE Discovery, etc) while "off" network to see what provider and PLMN are displayed? -Mike
  9. 1) Got it, thank you; I will add 0E8 and 0EF for now then. I suspect this will continue to evolve as MBs start spreading, but I don't want to speculate without confirmation in the wild. My code is sloppy enough as it is.. 2) It's driving me insane. From SCP's standpoint, 8.0 has brought no improvements, only setbacks. Logcat is a mess now.. lat/long on BSLs is swapped.. some permissions are now out of reach.. annoying. Some of these bugs they were aware of in beta testing too, they just didn't fix them. -Mike
  10. I was out of town this past weekend and saw a funky B41 GCI starting with 0E8; I was parked in front of a Sprint store. I just looked through my SCP logs and found another 0E8.. coordinates were right in front of my local Sprint store. Do Sprint stores deploy Magic Boxes? Hmm, I hadn't noticed that, thank you. Looks like most of the system shortcuts fail with a security rejection. Apparently Oreo does not let third-party apps trigger dialer codes, rats. I'll see what I can do. -Mike
  11. Battery usage is a common question on this thread and in my inbox.. I understand why some people raise concern, but a lot of it has proven to be due to misunderstandings. If you leave the app running on the screen for 2 hours, will it impact your battery? Of course. The screen eats a tremendous portion of power, but also the Logger, Location Service, background process, Alerts, etc. This is tricky to explain clearly, but hopefully sums everything up. I need to fine tune and put this somewhere permanently to reference.. Please remember that the Android battery usage stats do not show the percentage of your battery that SignalCheck has used; they show the percentage of your overall power consumption since last full charge that SignalCheck is responsible for. (In previous Android versions, it may measure back to your last reboot, but I am not certain.) For example: Charge your phone to 100%, turn it on, and immediately launch SignalCheck. Leave it on screen for 20 minutes, but don't interact with any other apps. If you look at your battery stats, SignalCheck will appear to have a very high battery use. If it says 20%, that is not indicating that SignalCheck has used 20% of your battery; it has used 20% of whatever battery usage has occurred. This is expected, because other than some system and background processes, you haven't used any other apps on your device during that time period. If your battery charge is down to 95%, and SignalCheck shows 20% usage, that means the app was responsible for 20% of 5% -- aka 1% of your total battery usage. In addition, some devices attribute battery usage by the display to individual apps. I have observed that this varies by device. Of course, leaving your display on will consume battery power; some devices report that under the "Screen" category, while others do not. Same for location/GPS functions; sometimes those are separated, other times the usage is attributed to the individual app requesting location information. It varies by device, OS version, and battery optimization settings. None of this is meant to claim that SignalCheck is infallible. It's definitely not. But the core functions of the app have not changed in quite some time, nor will they. Any perceived spikes in power usage are likely due to usage patterns (you take a 50 mile drive and leave the app running in the foreground) or specific circumstances (you increase the location accuracy to the maximum setting while lingering in a basement or somewhere else with poor GPS and mobile signal). Hope this helps shed some light on things! -Mike
  12. That's the issue.. the previously known ranges for Magic Boxes was 0EC-0ED. I'll add 0EE for the next update! -Mike
  13. Are you sure that's what you have? The Pixel 2 (regular and XL) have not been officially announced yet, let alone released into the wild.. -Mike
  14. Aha.. then I think I have an idea of what probably happened.. The reset button option was originally a boolean setting (on/off checkbox).. when I added the ActionBar button, it changed to a multi-choice setting (screen/bar/both/neither). If you had the option set to off, it probably stayed off when the new option was added (although I'm not positive, nobody mentioned it), but never "re-saved" the preference as a multi-choice setting. On a fresh install, it doesn't see a multi-choice entry saved so it resets to the default. Or something along those lines. -Mike
  15. I've been digging around and can't see why that preference wouldn't carry over the same way all of the others do. The backup/restore is all handled by the OS and that particular preference is not fancy. Can someone try checking to see if it's only "wrong" the first time you run the app after installing? It shouldn't matter, but maybe I need to force something. -Mike
  16. FYI, just pushed a public update, so there is a beta update as well that really just aligns the version numbers. There are no notable changes from 4.443b to 4.45b. Hope to have some new goodies ready for testing soon.. -Mike
  17. A public update to SignalCheck Pro should be available within the hour -- grab it on Google Play! Mostly bugfixes, with a few new minor features; full details are below because I like changelogs. Still working on many other things, including a SignalCheck Lite update.. Resolved issue with CDMA BSL display failing on Android 8.0. (Pro) The latitude and longitude of CDMA base stations are swapped in Android Oreo. SignalCheck will swap them if it detects Android 8. The bug report is here if you want to 'star' it to help mark it as a priority for the Android team. Changed “Wi-Fi Calling” label to “IWLAN”. If connected to Wi-Fi, some devices are now reporting NETWORK_TYPE_IWLAN. Previously, this was believed to indicate that Wi-Fi Calling was active--but other devices are now starting to report it where Wi-Fi Calling is not in play. SignalCheck will simply report it as "IWLAN" because that is what the OS is reporting. IWLAN stands for interworking wireless LAN, which basically means data is routed from your device to your mobile provider's network over Wi-Fi. If you disconnect from Wi-Fi, it will change to a typical mobile connection type. Added option to limit notifications when Samsung DeX mode is active. (Pro) SignalCheck causes constant notification popups when using DeX.. a new option has been added under Preferences > Display > Limit Notifications on DeX to automatically stop the notifications from updating when DeX is active. Improved third-party (Tasker) intents; omitted Extras will no longer trigger changes. (Pro) Previously, the LocationService, SiteLogger, and BackgroundService Extras all had to be sent; omitted Extras caused the processes to revert to their default. Now, you can send only the Extras you want to change, and the other(s) will be left as-is. Below is a reminder how the intents can be used: Added provider name to LTE neighbor cells if PLMN is reported and does not match active connection. (Pro) I have not seen it in the wild (and it might not happen), but if a device is able to report a neighbor cell with a different PLMN, it will display the provider name. Added “Maximum” notification icon priority option. (Pro) This option will force SignalCheck icons to the far left of the notification bar and the top of the notification shade (unless there is a visible notification for another app with Maximum priority, then the OS decides which takes precedent). Added notification icons for Airave 1X connections. (Pro) Added notification icons for IWLAN and TD-SCDMA networks. (Pro) Changed main screen to display “Mobile” instead of “CDMA” when there is no mobile connection. Resolved issue with LTE band 12 displaying 1 MHz too high. Resolved issue with mobile IP address not displaying in certain situations. (Pro) Resolved issue with Sprint Airave/800 indicators displaying improperly. Resolved issue with status bar notification priority preference not working. (Pro) Not much to elaborate on, these should be self-explanatory. As always, thank you for your support! -Mike
  18. I got it, but you weren't on LTE-CA at the time, just plain ole' LTE. It might be tricky but you need to hit submit while you're still on LTE-CA. Don't worry about filling in a description, as long as your username is on there I'll be able to track it down. EDIT: Your second try did the trick, thanks! -Mike
  19. Nope, even easier.. within SCP, go to About > Send Diagnostics. Make sure you put in your username and a brief note on why you are sending it so it doesn't get lost in the pile. Once you put a name in, it is saved for future reports. Thanks, -Mike
  20. Interesting, that's the first report I've seen thanks!! Strange part is it didn't appear to be added to the Android base code until the Android N previews, but who knows. Can you send a diagnostic report too? The "LTE-CA" display was essentially a placeholder "if" it was ever spotted in the wild. Now that I know it might show up, I'll tweak it a bit to make it more useful. Still hoping to be able to catch CA in a manner that will let me identify 2xCA/3xCA/beyond, as well as more data about the additional carriers (which bands its using, etc).. but this is better than nothing! -Mike
  21. Hmm. The only thing I can think of is that TouchWiz is not properly handling layered icons (that's how SCP dynamically displays a network type and signal strength on one notification icon). If you change the icon to something else that only shows one piece of information (i.e. only the connection type), does the color adjust correctly? -Mike
  22. I have yet to see a dual SIM device report any data to the Android OS from the second SIM. At the time of your diagnostic report, it looked like your T-Mobile SIM was active (the SIM PLMN was 310260), but it was not reporting any other data at that moment. The last information it captured appeared to be an AT&T connection on band 17 -- GCI 0112BF10, PCI 353, TAC 4633, EARFCN 5780. (Does that appear to be valid for AT&T in your area?) Well that's cool.. how did you do that? I had to double-check my code to see what would cause that.. it's a 'hidden' network type that I noticed was added to the Android 7.0 source code; it is hidden from typical routines, and not mentioned in the Android reference. I added the constant just in case it was spotted in the wild. Have you seen it consistently? Does it usually show valid LTE data? Does it appear to trigger when CA is active? What device and Android version? -Mike
  23. Others have asked about this, but not sure if it was in a public forum or not. Developers have no control over icon colors, the OS is supposed to flip it light/dark based on the background.. do you have Nova Launcher or something similar installed? That seems to be what causes this issue. I've had scattered reports over the years of perceived spikes in battery usage.. unless it's immediately after an app update (where I might have changed something), I really can't pinpoint a reason. As I have mentioned in the past, I think it might be more related to the lack of other apps using any battery during that time period, or an anomaly with the battery monitoring itself. Not trying to say that SignalCheck is infallible; just that those battery stats show the proportion of battery used by each app. If you only installed SCP and nothing else, you'd see even higher numbers, because it would be responsible for all of the non-system power usage. If you installed 1000 apps and used them all, SCP would probably only get a fractional percentage. Hope that makes sense. -Mike
  24. Hmm.. that shouldn't happen. All of the preferences are saved in the same manner, so I must have some other piece of code resetting it after you install. I'll make a note to look into it next week. -Mike
  25. Another beta update just launched, version 4.442b.. bug fixes and better compatibility with Android Oreo: Added "Maximum" notification icon priority. Added notification icons for Airave 1X connections. Resolved issue with CDMA BSL display failing on Android 8.0 due to a known Android bug. Resolved issue with LTE band 12 displaying 1 MHz too high. Resolved issue with status bar notification priority preference not working. Let me know if anything seems broken! Thanks, -Mike
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