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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. I am terrible at following HSPA bugs because I don't see them myself.. I'll have to go back and look into this one again. There were some back-end Android changes regarding the PSC value; it technically does not exist on GSM connections, even though Android always reported a value and had specific functions to do so -- it was deprecated a couple of years ago, which caused me to backtrack. Some phones report HSPA information as CellInfoGsm, so no PSC is directly available; others report it as CellInfoWcdma, so I can get the PSC. I can work around it, but it's not as simple as it appears from your armchair.. 😜 I did see your messages and I am working on it. There's a lot of nuances I need to adjust in order to to discard the 1450 offset so it's a bit tricky. There are known issues with Android 10 that I have been working on.. didn't realize it was going to be publicly released yesterday so I was caught off guard. There will be an app update in the next day or so that should resolve most major issues. -Mike
  2. I have Sprint eSIM on my Pixel 3 purchased from Google.. did it months ago. Works great. -Mike
  3. I discovered an Android Q bug that is causing WCDMA/HSPA/GSM type networks to be missing in SCP.. please 'star' if you have a free moment to help attract attention: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/139350424 Thanks, -Mike
  4. It may drop to 3G in some areas, but I wouldn't say that's the norm. I live northwest of Boston and have been a Sprint customer for 16+ years, and the network has become quite reliable in the suburbs and even some areas beyond. It's rare that I am in range of 3G but not LTE. -Mike
  5. Nobody has suggested it before, but it doesn't sound too crazy. I will work on creating an option to add padding around both sides of the main screen. Thanks for the idea! -Mike
  6. Do you have the app set to Launch on Device Boot? Shoot me a diagnostic report I'll make sure that's enabled. -Mike
  7. What do you mean by "reset" the device? The app shows notifications by default, but if you're on a newer version of Android the OS has a lot more involvement with notification controls.. not sure if Samsung hides more than usual? I have not received any other reports of this. -Mike
  8. A new SignalCheck Pro release is rolling out today on Google Play! Version 4.54 is not a major update, but includes the following changes: Added in-app purchase functionality for voluntary contributions. This will allow users to make one-time or automatically recurring donations using their Google Play accounts directly from within the app. There's a silly easter egg if you donate, but it's nothing terriwnality at all. This is a stepping stone to combining Lite and Pro into one app, with Pro becoming an in-app purchase upgrade. This will help keep both versions up-to-date (the free version is embarassingly out of date). I sincerely appreciate everyone's support! Changed imperial LTE TA distance units to display miles instead of feet. This was a nice visual change suggested by a couple of users. If you prefer meters, that can be selected under the Preferences menu. Resolved issue with invalid CDMA sites being displayed/logged. Some invalid connections with BID 0 started appearing when Airave 4 support was added. This is now fixed. Resolved force closes related to the Location Service on some Android 8+ devices. Resolved various force closes related to installing, starting, and exiting the app. Bugfixes are wonderful! Any feedback, positive or negative, is always welcome.. as usual, more improvements are still in progress! -Mike
  9. New SCP beta 4.54b rolling out now.. minor bugfixes behind the scenes, primarily this is to align with the public app update also going out today. Goal of the next round of testing will be to add some features for Android Q including 5G support. Thanks for all of your support! -Mike
  10. I know there is not much documentation (one of my biggest peeves at the moment, but I try to devote my time to improving the app in ways that impact the most users -- fixing bugs and adding features), but really you just launch the app and see your signal info. What you want to do with that data from that point is kind of up to you. There are many settings under the Preferences menu that you can customize, but the default configuration should show you a lot of information. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail (support [at] bluelinepc [dot] com) if you'd like more specifics. TA support varies by device. Band 41 seems to be most accurate across the board; some devices require a correction factor applied when on certain bands (B25 & B26 at least). Perhaps it's not dropping below 3 because you were under the shadow of that site, similar to how you typically see strongest signal strengths a short distance away from a site due to antenna tilt, etc? I don't know a lot about the science behind TA; SCP simply reports the value the OS is reporting--with the only exception being if you enabled the correction factor option (then it doubles the given value, except on B41). The distance values are based on published formulas and converted to meters or feet (or miles in the latest version). -Mike
  11. You included the location on the report (119@Blackbob). I wouldn't say it was unhelpful, but it did not contain any 5G information -- however, I have a hunch as to why. Android did not include any 5G methods for developers prior to Android Q; I am still compiling with the Android P APIs, since Q is still in beta. I hope to get a public app update out within the next day or two, and then I'll release a new beta built with the Q APIs to start testing that. Hopefully that starts giving me some data. Keep an eye on the changelog, if you see a mention of improved Q compatibility, try sending me another diagnostic report while on 5G. Thanks! -Mike
  12. I think that will work, I'll give that approach a try. New beta rolling out within the hour, mostly bugfixes. No changes to the Sprint LTE offset issue mentioned above, haven't started working on that yet. Trip, it should hopefully resolve your CDMA BID 0 log entries moving forward, sorry it took awhile for that. Changed imperial LTE TA distance units to display miles instead of feet. Improved in-app purchase functionality. Resolved force closes related to the Location Service on some Android 8+ devices. Resolved internal exception thrown on installation(???). Resolved issue with invalid CDMA sites being displayed/logged. -Mike
  13. It will only share 1X site notes if the SID+NID+BID are identical.. the problem is that all of the Airave 4's I have seen report BID 0. So if all of them have the same SID and NID (which appears to only be 504-506 so far), that's probably what is causing this. Since CDMA 1X does not broadcast any other identifying information, there's no way for the app to know the difference. Personally I think the BID 0 is a software goof, but I can't even get my hands on an Airave 4, let alone tell them it's programmed wrong.. -Mike
  14. Oops, never replied to this.. sorry about that. If a site is identified as B25 or B26, SCP checks for a GCI 0x1450 "higher" when querying or saving site notes. If a site is identified as B41, it checks for a GCI 0x1450 "lower". If I'm understanding everything properly, yes your scenario would be true -- but if 30001 and 328A1 were discovered first, they would have independent notes.. once 31451 was logged, that would cause it to pull one of the other notes (depending on the band it was on). Depending on which site was hit next would determine which note got pulled. It could get a bit sloppy if this starts happening.. 😕 -Mike
  15. My Pixel on the A3 was the same way, would hang onto fringe signal if it could connect to it. Wouldn't shake unusable 1X800 unless it completely disappeared. The only way to know if you're on 1x800 is to check engineering screens or an app like SignalCheck. -Mike
  16. I think a lot of people might not be realizing the distances are off.. I swear mine were previously correct, but since it was brought to my attention I'm starting to second guess myself as well. I'm going to keep watching responses about this to see if it turns out that everyone actually needs their values corrected. I also considered using miles, but the general standard for TA seemed to be meters or feet. I will make some changes to that, I think I'd prefer miles as well -- especially since with the 2x correction factor applied, you're losing some accuracy anyway. You'll never see an odd-numbered TA value with the correction option enabled. Aha.. I thought there was a reason I was discarding BID 0 -- thank you for reminding me. The reason this changed in the most recent version is because the Airave 4 uses BID 0. I'll adjust it to continue discarding BID 0 except if it appears to be an Airave. Ugh, these complications were what I was overly concerned with a few years ago when I first started linking offset GCIs. Any suggestions for how to address this? -Mike
  17. Send me a PM with your Google account email. Please send a diagnostic report when connected to 5G too. Disappointed to see it doesn't work in your screenshot, I thought I had the basics in there to at least show it as 5G up top.. hopefully I'm close! -Mike
  18. Excellent! At first, I didn't receive any reports except for yours, but eventually a few people reached out and said it looked like their device was reporting about half of what it should.. my Pixel 3 was very accurate at first but then I noticed it too, possibly after a software update. Hopefully it either gets resolved across the board or I can eventually identify specific devices/scenarios it impacts so I can automate the correction. -Mike
  19. Full Airave 4 support is in the latest version of SignalCheck Pro, rolling out on Google Play within the hour.. yay! -Mike
  20. Another new beta rolling out now! Minor changes since the update a couple of days ago -- Sprint 10x10 is displayed again, in-app purchases are back again, and Airave 4 stuff is fixed. A public update is also going out that rolls up all of the changes to this point, except for in-app purchases. More coming soon! Thanks for all of your help.. I sincerely appreciate it! -Mike
  21. The latest update to SignalCheck Pro will be available on Google Play within the hour! As always, some much needed bugfixes and a few new features. Here is the full changelog with some details: Added ability to look up network registrant by clicking on IP address. This is kind of cool -- if you have the mobile IP address display enabled (which constantly uses small bits of data to anonymously ping a public server -- so there may be a battery impact, however minimal, if you keep this on 24/7), if you click on it you'll get a popup showing the owner of record for your IP. Added option to display carrier aggregation info on Android 9.0+ devices [BETA]. This is cool but very unreliable at this point. This is a newer Android function that needs further improvements by device manufacturers. Sometimes it's accurate, sometimes it's not -- SCP will report whatever your OS is reporting. Unfortunately I cannot do much more to improve this functionality until vendors/manufacturers fix things on their end. Added indicators for Sprint Airave 4 CDMA/LTE connections. Resolved issue with CDMA site notes and logging not working when connected to Sprint Airave 4. These changes should provide full compatibility for users connecting to Sprint's brand new Airave 4. Thanks to your diagnostic reports I was able to tackle this shortly after the device began shipping! Resolved issue with no signal alerts not triggering. This alert probably never worked for most users -- but nobody mentioned it! Should be fixed now. I personally find this alert extremely useful. Added additional information to Logger Statistics screen. Hope to add more stuff like this in the future, stats and data are cool. Added option to apply a correction factor to LTE timing advance (TA) value. Some devices report LTE TA as approximately one-half of the actual value. Enable this option to manually apply a correction. If device manufacturers correct this in the future, simply disable the option.. and hopefully someday it can be removed completely. Removed option to exclude logcat output from diagnostic reports. This option was needed in early (4+ years ago) versions due to issues with force closes. This is no longer an issue and only provides confusion -- and less information to help me diagnose crashes. The only logcat output included in diagnostic reports is whatever SCP generates, and all reports are completely anonymous unless you provide identifying information. Resolved force closes when permissions were denied/revoked. Resolved internal exception when installing version 4.52. Resolved issue with EARFCN values off by 1 for some LTE band 66 and 71 cells. Resolved issue with missing LTE data on some Android 7+ devices. Resolved issue with missing popup when permissions were denied. Updated help screen. All should be self-explanatory. Squashing bugs never ends! As always, I sincerely appreciate everyone's support and please let me know of any issues! More new stuff in the pipeline.. Thanks, -Mike
  22. It recently stopped working on my Airave 3 before I shipped it back too. -Mike
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