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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. One step forward... ...one step back! Thank you both for sending diagnostics, it is very helpful. I see a few things I can improve on for Q to minimize unnecessary errors in the background, but overall it looks good. Let me know if anything seems missing. I'm definitely closer to getting the HSPA/WCDMA stuff working; I have a hunch what the last flaw might be that is keeping it from displaying. Please send diagnostics from the AT&T and Verizon devices when you have a chance so I can dig into that. Thanks, -Mike
  2. New beta just uploaded, should be available within the hour! Hopefully will fix the custom trigger crashes, pre-Oreo crashes, missing WCDMA/GSM data, and missing Android Q data.. please pass along any improvements you notice! -Mike
  3. Q Beta 2 might be reporting enough info for me to work with. I have to implement workarounds in to ignore the some of the invalid information that it is reporting and see what's left. Another complication is that Q is identifying itself as API 28, which is the same as Pie. I'm working on it.. -Mike
  4. My non-scientific observations lead me to believe that TA only appears when data is actively flowing. When the connection goes idle, TA disappears. -Mike
  5. Blah.. thanks. I starred your new issue report and added a comment. Did your original report on the issue tracker from a few weeks ago disappear? I haven't seen any diagnostic or crash reports from you yet today. -Mike
  6. I believe I have resolved the force closes on pre-Oreo devices as well as the force closes with the custom LTE alert. Need to do a bit more testing but I should be all set with additional reports about those, thank you to all who have sent crash reports--it is very difficult to fix anything without that data, I appreciate it! Has anyone (@jefbal99?) tried using SCP with Android Q Beta 2 yet? Curious to see if anything has improved yet. If you can get it to run at all, please send me a diagnostic report so I can see how it's doing. -Mike
  7. Thanks, I saw those this morning.. looks like on pre-Oreo devices there is an issue with how the app was compiled. I'm looking into it! -Mike
  8. It is supposed to show the channel width, but unfortunately it does not appear to be reliably implemented yet. Much like when EARFCN routines were added to Android 7, I think it may take a few releases before it becomes reliable. On my Pixel 3, it shows about 75% of the time when connected to a macro site. Never shows on my Airave or when I'm on a MB. Feedback from other beta testers is similar, with some devices never reporting it and others showing it sporadically. It has also been wrong on occasion. Because of all this, I may change it to be an option that is disabled by default, and I can note the caveats on the Preferences screen. Ugh, sorry I thought I had that fixed. I'll continue working on it, it's a known issue. Ah, that's something I did not take into account. I'll work on that as well. I do plan on adding both TA and BW to the database. TA has appeared to be very reliable in my experience as well, but I'm not going to change the logic on saving the coordinates just yet. It's still a fairly new addition and not all devices report it, so I don't think I want to open that can of worms yet. I do see how it will be more valuable so it will be a good idea. -Mike
  9. New beta is finally done brewing and has been uploaded to Google Play.. should be available within the hour! Lots of significant bugfixes and new LTE alerts that should make people very happy. Changelog: https://signalcheck.app/change-log Thanks for your patience, and let me know what I broke.. -Mike
  10. Just a quick update for the Beta Crew, yes I am still hacking away at the new Alerts.. it is a lot of work trying to get everything working well on Oreo+ devices while not breaking pre-Oreo devices. I forgot how many ugly workarounds I needed to implement to keep everything working before. The new Android notification settings don't mesh well with my needs either, but it will get done. Just a tedious struggle. Side note, I accidentally stumbled across something I either didn't know or forgot about.. Pie introduced a new method to get the channel bandwidth, so hopefully that will be an easy and very cool addition making this wait worth it.. stay tuned.. -Mike
  11. After looking at a handful of diagnostic and crash reports that I have received from Android Q Preview users, I can see that the connection data being reported by the OS is either missing or invalid on all devices so far. It's either broken or Android is taking a completely different approach and has not publicly shared that yet. Hopefully it's just broken, and they will resolve it in the next release. Q users, please use whatever reporting channels are in place to report Preview bugs to inform them of this. You can mention that onSignalStrengthsChanged() is including header text with every value instead of just the raw data, and CellInfoLte.getCellIdentity() and related routines appear to be reporting no data. -Mike
  12. After looking at a handful of diagnostic and crash reports that I have received from Android Q Preview users, I can see that the connection data being reported by the OS is either missing or invalid on all devices so far. It's either broken or Android is taking a completely different approach and has not publicly shared that yet. Hopefully it's just broken, and they will resolve it in the next release. Q users, please use whatever reporting channels are in place to report Preview bugs to inform them of this. You can mention that onSignalStrengthsChanged() is including header text with every value instead of just the raw data, and CellInfoLte.getCellIdentity() and related routines appear to be reporting no data. -Mike
  13. I have spent a TON of time on it because I'm overhauling Alerts for Android 8+ users. They were broken and I don't want to push another update out without a fix. It's a lot of work but it's getting there. Send me a diagnostic report from the Q Preview so I can get a peek at what's broken. Most early Preview builds have caused issues that were eventually resolved before the stable launch. And thanks for the bday wishes!! -Mike
  14. I learned a few years ago not to stress over Preview builds not working properly, because a lot of the stuff SCP uses gets overlooked in early builds. But please send me a diagnostic report when you have a chance so I can take a look at it. -Mike
  15. Do I spy something interesting in the status bar..... -Mike
  16. If you are rooted and have SignalCheck Pro, trigger the mobile connection reset feature within the app. That will set your airplane mode to only impact the mobile connection no matter what app is triggering it. It *might* need a reboot after but I don't think so. -Mike
  17. I reached out to Robert a few days ago regarding error messages and timeouts when trying to load certain threads over the last week, and slow loading times on others. He said there was a software update available that he was going to try. Perhaps that did the trick, as everything seems to be working great today. -Mike
  18. Interesting indeed.. I haven't seen anything like that in the Boston market, at least not yet. Not sure how I am going to be able to tackle that wrinkle in the app.. hmm. -Mike
  19. I've been researching this, and I am fairly confident that TAC 0 is unlikely to be seen in the wild, if it's even valid at all. Looking into it further, I was actually inconsistent within SignalCheck; the logger would save TAC 0, but most of the rest of the app recognized it as invalid. But, correcting that just means the TAC field in that log entry would be blank, it's not a mandatory value. So I am still going to add a "don't log without a valid TAC" option that should suit your needs. -Mike
  20. About a month ago, I started noticing my Pixel 3 (non-XL) wouldn't reconnect to LTE after it had dropped to 3G but only in certain areas. I haven't noticed a pattern other than it definitely doesn't happen in some areas. For example, near my home, I have poor signal and it drops to 3G often, but it always goes back to LTE as soon as it should. -Mike
  21. That is odd. I'll have to do some digging and testing to see where that is coming from. Regarding TAC 0, I have it flagged to log if TAC is between 0 and 65535. I can have it ignore TAC 0 if that's truly invalid, but I assumed that about PCI when I wrote the app, which turned out to be wrong (PCI 0 is valid and in use). If TAC 0 is legitimate I could look into making it a user option. That's the long-standing issue where the PLMN doesn't update in sync with the other data. It's very annoying. I *may* have overcome that in the current beta, albeit accidentally.. it's taking awhile to iron out some other bugs that have popped up but I'm still plugging away at it. -Mike
  22. No, that's odd! In most instances, the app overrides the provider name that is being broadcast (because many SCP users want to know the true identity of the network they are on, i.e. Project Fi). SCP uses "US".. perhaps the network uses periods in the name and for some reason it's falling back to that. Where in the app are you seeing "U.S."? -Mike
  23. It's indicating you are connected to a second carrier on either a small cell or a Mini Macro. Both have similar GCI patterns; the app can't distinguish between them, that's why it displays both. -Mike
  24. New beta has been uploaded, should become available within the hour.. added LTE timing advance and hopefully squashed some big juicy bugs.. let me know! Please try enabling some notifications and changing the sounds too.. -Mike
  25. I am loving the Wi-Fi Calling as well. Works great for me, where I have poor signal at home and sometimes have trouble connecting to my Airave 3 because it's hanging onto 1X800. I should have clarified that the problem I mentioned is not exclusive to Wi-Fi Calling -- it's happening to people on every call, on many different mobile providers worldwide. Shocked that Google's only response so far is to provide warranty replacements (which aren't fixing the issue). Sources: Android Police, Reddit, Google Forums -Mike
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