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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. The crashing is a bug caused by changes in the root library I updated in one of these recent betas, should be fixed in the latest beta coming out tonight. Ahhh I didn't know about that, pretty cool. Unfortunately I'm not sure what I can do on my end to make it work, but I'll keep it in mind.
  2. Can anyone who was having issues importing/exporting logs confirm that it is working on the latest update?
  3. Thanks! I determined that on some devices it is not showing data the first time you open the app. Turning off Wi-Fi doesn't actually fix the problem, it just happens to end up triggering a signal refresh shortly thereafter so the screen updates. I think I've gotten it fixed so there will be another beta release shortly.. hard for me to confirm because my two Pixels don't have the issue. The CA issues are unfortunately beyond my reach, that's what the OS is reporting (and from some digging, it looks like that's what the radio is reporting to the OS). I received a few crash reports related to the root modem functionality, I believe I fixed that issue. Most users shouldn't be enabling that these days since most modern devices report the info natively now. I tweaked the warning popup so if someone has this activated it'll nudge them more often about disabling it. Did you mean to quote a post from 15 months ago about the root modem issue, or were you referring to the CA option? Not sure what you mean about "popup view"? Everything is worth going down a rabbit hole.. I just don't make any promises when I'll come out..
  4. I wasn't aware of this one.. when did it start? Are you both on the latest beta (4.592b)?
  5. Tonight I received several text messages while in the basement at my work (Boston suburbs), somewhere I have never even gotten a glimpse of Sprint service, or roaming, or anything.. checked SCP, it was moderately strong T-Mobile B66. Something definitely changed, because I've never caught that before. Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
  6. Excellent! Can you try yesterday's update, disable the workaround under Preferences > General, and see if it still works well? Trying to determine if my original attempted fix is still needed or not.
  7. Not positive, but that could be tied to the permissions library I use.. it has been throwing a lot of erratic crashes lately. That developer resolved some issues with it today, so those fixes are included in tonight's update (which just went live on Google Play too).
  8. SignalCheck beta version 4.592b is rolling out on Google Play now and should be available sometime tonight. There are several minor fixes, but the one I need feedback on is the option to enable/disable the Stale LTE data workaround. I have re-enabled the ability to toggle it for Android 10 users. This "first" workaround seemed to work for some users, but I am not sure if it actually was the reason that users saw better results. The "second" workaround, a code change in Tuesday's release (4.591b), seems to have worked much better. I would like users who experienced the stale data problem to test the app with this option enabled for awhile, then test it with the option disabled for awhile. I basically want to know if the option actually changes anything, or if it's unnecessary with the code change I made. Please provide feedback when you can, I am trying to get this issue resolved for everyone. Thanks! EDIT: Update went live at 8:32pm Eastern
  9. Beta version 4.591b is rolling out on Google Play now and should be available within a few hours. This includes a different fix to the stale LTE data issue impacting some Android 10 devices. I discovered that cell data is cached on Android 10, and "not guaranteed" to be the most current information (how this would be useful, I do not know), so I am now trying to force a refresh of this cache. Hopefully this update resolves the problem.. please let me know.. thanks!
  10. mikejeep

    Pixel 4/4XL

    My P4 (non-XL) has always shown that. Doesn't seem to have any effect.
  11. I'm not exactly sure of the reason yet.. there were no issues until I started "targeting" Android 10 in my compiler. I had not changed the core functionality of the app, so it must be something that changed in the way Android 10 behaves. Unfortunately, as you have experienced, I have not found a perfect solution yet. The solution I implemented in the most recent update apparently fixes it for some users, but not all. Complicating things further is that I do not experience the problem at all on my Pixel 3 or Pixel 4, and there are no error messages being logged by any devices -- it's just not updating. Oddly, if you launch another similar app (like Cellmapper), SignalCheck starts updating regularly. I am stumped so far!
  12. Please do.. unfortunately none of the reports I have received so far show the OS reporting any 5G data yet. I did hear that Cellmapper was able to do it. I'm using the native API functions; the diagnostic report you send will show me the raw data being reported. Valid data *should* automatically appear in SCP when it does start showing up..
  13. SignalCheck Pro 4.59 is rolling out right now and should be available on Google Play within the next few hours! App update processing has varied widely lately due to changes at Google; please be patient, it may take longer than usual to appear. There are two major changes included in this update: resolving the issue with frozen/stale LTE data, and the addition of (limited) 5G-NR info. I have not been able to fully resolve the import/export issues yet, but I am continuing to work on that problem. Some users MAY experience an improvement with this release, but I am not positive -- please let me know. The workaround for stale LTE data is enabled on devices running Android 10 and newer, and cannot be disabled (there is no reason to anyway). Devices running previous versions of Android can enable the option under Preferences > General Settings > Use Stale Data Workaround. There is no advantage to enabling this option on older devices unless you are having issues with stale data. In some cases, enabling this option unnecessarily may impact older phones' performance. Unfortunately, there are reports that this has only fixed the issue on some, but not all, devices. Apparently running an app like Cellmapper will cause the data in SCP to update normally. I am still looking into it. The limited 5G info is still a "Beta" feature. There is no logging yet, and real-world testing has been extremely limited. If 5G information is detected, it will appear at the bottom of the LTE information; it does not have its own heading or icons yet. On some devices, you may simply see a "5G-NR: true" while on others you may see detailed signal information. Any feedback on this would be appreciated! Thanks for all of your support!
  14. The GCI and PCI are very different from the old values, and neither appear to match T-Mobile's patterns in this area, including some confirmed to be on the same tower. Interesting that it is only the B41 cells. All of the Sprint TACs (including these new GCIs) in my area are still what they have been all along.
  15. Beta version 4.59b has been pushed out and should be available on Google Play within the hour. It slightly tweaks the behavior of the stale LTE data problem. The workaround will be force-enabled on all Android 10 devices, and selectable on pre-Android 10 devices. I was just going to remove the option and change the code based on the Android version, but perhaps there are users out there on an earlier Android version who could benefit from it. As long as no last-minute problems come up, this version will be released to the public tonight or tomorrow. Please let me know if you run into any issues. Thanks for the help!
  16. A ton of B41 Sprint sites in my area (Boston suburbs) have started getting new GCIs over the past few weeks. My first thought was it was related to the merger, but that's just my speculation.. any thoughts?
  17. That is the issue discussed above your post.. impacts some Android 10 devices. I'm working on a fix.
  18. Hopefully it's something outside, otherwise you might have to wait awhile..
  19. I had a similar issue with my cable internet about 15 years ago, but only during the day, and not every day.. Comcast was out several times trying to figure it out. Would start/end almost the same time every day, I was recording modem logs and ping times.. Turned out to be the run coming into the house.. the wire was deteriorated to the point where it was ok until the sun hit it! So on sunny days, it was failing from sunrise to sunset.. cloudy days and at night, it was fine. Blew my mind but a new cable into the house fixed it.
  20. Beta version 4.582b has been pushed out, but I am not sure how long it will take before it appears on devices. Google is warning that app processing may take up to 7 days (presumably due to the COVID-19 pandemic). This update only attempts to resolve the stale LTE data problem that some users are seeing on Android 10 devices. Some code changes have been made that MAY resolve the issue -- please test it out and see if it works. If you are still seeing the same behavior with this update, I added a more drastic code change as an option under Preferences > General > Use Stale Data Workaround. Enable that option and see what changes. Please do not enable this option until you try monitoring the app for a reasonable period of time with it disabled. I don't love the "fix" I created that gets enabled with that option, but it may be necessary. Of course, neither approach might fix it. Please share your results in this thread, or privately however you normally contact me. Sending feedback within a diagnostic report is always acceptable, as that comes with background data that might be useful to me. Thank you! EDIT: It's already live as of 8:15pm EDT
  21. I am trying to resolve the issue described above by Trip; I am not sure if it is a side effect of my workaround or a separate bug. Stay tuned..
  22. I know that would be convenient for those of us with more than one device, but I will be honest and tell you that the level of complexity for something like this exceeds the time I have available to devote to the app right now. I hope to eventually add the ability to have database imports add to the existing data instead of wiping it out, and then users could essentially copy databases back and forth manually however frequently they wanted to.
  23. Did you try restarting the app after importing a backup? Also, the terminology isn't great, but you can only import from a database file created with "Backup Log Database". The files produced by "Export Site Logs" are CSV text files and not meant for direct import into the app. I am not able to reproduce any problems backing up or re-importing my log. The only other thing I can think of is if you try importing an old database backup with a new version of the app, the extra columns may cause an issue. I tried to test those scenarios but there could be outliers. The navigation bar is controlled by the OS, unfortunately apps have no control over this behavior on modern versions of Android. SCP uses "layered" notification icons which some OEMs have failed to properly test and support in the past. Try changing your icons within the app to something that is only showing one piece of data at a time (ie connection type only or dB only) -- does that resolve it?
  24. Getting more info from a few other people, it sounds like it's definitely limited to some Android 10 devices, and everything continues to update normally *except* signal metrics and cell ID details for the active LTE cell. LTE neighbors, CDMA info, and Wi-Fi are apparently working normally. If anyone is seeing something different, please let me know! I'm still working on finding a solution.
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