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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. True, HDR is synonymous with EV-DO. But the HDR only (or CDMA HDR only) setting appears to disable eHRPD. And the eHRPD core network has been faster for some than has the existing EV-DO core network. So, data throughput differences may be more than just placebo. AJ
  2. WiWavelength


    And if you get overextended on a Google Wallet credit card account and your transaction is declined, the clerk might be instructed to cut up your phone. AJ
  3. WiWavelength


    Maybe it was the bag of Funyuns and pack of Skoal you bought that left them underwhelmed. AJ
  4. Can any other KC area members confirm that eHRPD is down today Monday 6/04? Only NID 00041 (KC-LENEXA-MSC_1) and NID 00042 (KC-LENEXA-MSC_2) seem to be affected. eHRPD is restored upon crossing back over to NID 00043 (KC-INDEPENDENCE-MSC_1). AJ
  5. Josh, we can engage in only so much idle speculation about a "Mystery 'Flagship' Phone," etc., before we need some humor to break the spell of obsession. AJ
  6. No, that settles it. Josh is a radioactive zombie cannibal. The whole vegetarianism and borrowed thumb were just to throw us off the trail. AJ
  7. I shudder to think what we might find it we went digging in your backyard. AJ
  8. Robert's Magic 8 ball answers only yes/no Network Vision questions. AJ
  9. Well, Pahrump is near the Nevada Proving Grounds, where the military conducted hundreds of atomic/hydrogen bomb detonation tests over a span of 40 years. So, that might explain your three thumbs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r35asjvUSGE AJ
  10. Did you miss that the RCA renamed itself the Competitive Carriers Association several months ago? It is even referenced in the first sentence of this thread. AJ
  11. Free space path loss (which is not really an ideal metric in this real world scenario, but it can still serve as a general measuring stick) increases by 6 dB for every doubling of frequency (i.e. halving of wavelength) or doubling of distance. I empirically derived a quick way to calculate the free space path loss difference (in dB) between two frequencies. Use this formula: 20[log(F₁/F₂)]. To illustrate, 20[log(1900/850)] = 6.99 dB, as PCS 1900 MHz experiences ~7 dB greater free space path loss than does Cellular 850 MHz. As for the VZW numbers referenced above, they are basically spot on. They use 2500 MHz as the baseline and calculate a ratio from there. For example, 2500/700 = 3.57, which jives with VZW's 3.5x ratio. Furthermore, plug the ratio into my formula to get the free space path loss difference then in dB: 20[log(3.57)] = 11.06 dB. AJ
  12. WiWavelength


    That is Sprint's way of saying, "Hey, Baton Rouge, don't get your hopes up." AJ
  13. Okay, I want to buy 1000. I will send you a money order for $5000. You keep $3000, then send me back the extra $2000 along with the screen protectors. Oh, and I need you to ship them to me here in Nigeria. AJ
  14. In hex, FFF is 4095, which in binary is the largest 12 bit number. I presume then that the MNC must be a 12 bit value. So, while 310 (as well as 311-316) is the MCC for the US, Sprint appears to be using a null MNC value (much like 65535 is a null NID value). AJ
  15. Are you saying that if HTC and Sprint had called it the "EMO" instead, the name would not be as beloved? AJ
  16. Josh offers a choice of materials: standard latex or premium lambskin. AJ
  17. I failed to use a screen protector just once, and that is how I got the eHERPIES here at S4GRU. AJ
  18. Hey, then maybe you, too, could be cool and run LTE speed tests before anyone else like PLANETEARTH aka TheComputerMaster, whose "uncle" works for Sprint. AJ
  19. Yes and no. For at least the first few months, LTE everywhere will be like a wide open highway with no posted speed limit because only a small minority of subs will have LTE capable devices. Seven years ago, EV-DO was the same way for a year or longer. However, after LTE adoption becomes relatively commonplace, the sold out stadium paradigm will cause problems again, as it nearly aways does. One solution is aggressive use of DAS (Distributed Antenna System). But many venues limit DAS to one sponsor carrier, so that solution cannot be applied everywhere. The other solution is to throw ungodly amounts of spectrum at the problem. This is the solution that the wireless carriers -- especially VZW and AT&T -- want to implement, as it would help them gain control over literally hundreds of megahertz of licensed bandwidth per carrier. But that would be a gross misuse of spectrum as a public resource. It would be somewhat akin to overbuilding 20 lane highways to accommodate hurricane evacuation that happens once every few years. AJ
  20. Yeah, did you miss the 1st Annual S4GRU Sausage Fest last week on Memorial Day? Robert brought out the grill. It was a good time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyDpcUtVnzM AJ
  21. Countdown...3, 2, 1...before the requisite joke about Sprint being run by trained monkeys. Which one is Dan Hesse? AJ
  22. Where is the outrage that came to the surface when the possibility arose that HTC and Sprint might not continue the EVO name? AJ
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