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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I just flipped over to Roam only mode on the EVO LTE and data roamed a bit on VZW CDMA1X 850. No problems. So, I still assert that the linked map on the Sprint coverage tool is in error (and hopefully not a portent of data roaming restrictions yet to come.) AJ
  2. I would chalk it up to a database error. The EVO LTE is being associated with a map that supposedly depicts data coverage absent CDMA1X/EV-DO 850 footprint. See map and URL below: http://coverage.sprintpcs.com/images/mapdatasprintno850Static.png I have my doubts about the map, too, as it appears to include some former ALLTEL, now VZW or AT&T Cellular 850 MHz coverage, even though it supposedly includes only PCS 1900 MHz footprint. AJ
  3. Bingo! And that is why massive vertical integration, extreme protectionism, and market domination -- not to mention, abject greed -- by one firm are ugly, unhealthy aspects of capitalism. Pure, unfettered capitalism does not work in a civilized society. The "invisible hand" requires the other hand of government regulation to help keep the market in check. And I am sorry, but the rest of your post is superfluous. In the interest of full disclosure, this post was composed on a MacBook Air and carried over the ether by an AirPort Extreme. AJ
  4. Lynyrd, I am not sure I follow your question. Are you asking about T-Mobile in Myrtle Beach? AJ
  5. That did not stop some guy from complaining that he had already bent the aluminum frame of his EVO LTE from keeping the handset in his back pocket and routinely sitting on it. Sorry, but if you have no better place to carry your handset than in your back pocket and you sit on it, then you get what you deserve. You are literally a dumbass. AJ
  6. Communism is not a particularly apt analogy; totalitarianism would be a better parallel for the Apple iOS ecosystem. Massive vertical integration, extreme protectionism, market domination by one firm may be capitalism, but it is not healthy capitalism. AJ
  7. WiWavelength


    Just like many Sprint subs, even some Sprint handsets themselves grow weary of the condition of the network, so they periodically try to escape. This can be especially true when you travel to a new area where you may be unfamiliar with the Sprint network, hence think that roaming is to be expected. AJ
  8. Basically, everything you were told is a bunch of bunk. Do not call tech support for reliable info. See below: AJ
  9. Close but not quite. In actuality, Gregg Williams is looking for work for the next several years, so Sprint called him in as a motivational speaker to fire up the Network Vision contractors before they go out and do their site installs. AJ
  10. Aw, man, I was holding out for the HTC One XXX. AJ
  11. I am sure that AT&T would prefer not to be running GSM/W-CDMA 1900 and LTE 700. It would rather have GSM/W-CDMA 850 and LTE 700. But VZW -- thanks to the ALLTEL acquisition (and an incompetent W. Bush administration FCC) -- holds both Cellular 850 MHz A and B block licenses in the most populated areas of North Carolina. That said, AT&T's PCS 1900 MHz network in the Carolinas is the old BellSouth Mobility DCS network. It dates back to 1997 and has been GSM from the beginning, so it is a mature PCS network. AJ
  12. Get back to me after more than a decade of research and you just might do that... AJ
  13. The "Research Triangle" is a colloquial term for Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill. And, yes, AT&T LTE is deployed in its Lower 700 MHz C block 12 MHz license. I posted basically that just a few minutes ago when I stated that AT&T has only 5 MHz x 5 MHz LTE in the market. Furthermore, LTE does not exist in isolation. Absent VoLTE, LTE still must rely upon CSFB, hence GSM/W-CDMA. And that is why AT&T's PCS 1900 MHz only holdings are relevant. Trust me, Daniel, you will not school me on spectrum matters. AJ
  14. Very much so. Clearwire's ample high frequency spectrum is just about ideal for those high density, low mobility type events. AJ
  15. I would not rush to that judgment. In the "Research Triangle," AT&T is GSM/W-CDMA 1900 only -- again, much like Sprint. AJ
  16. I would not consider T-Mobile an apt comparison. Unlike VZW, T-Mobile does not have any Cellular 850 MHz spectrum (outside of Myrtle Beach, SC) nor any Upper/Lower 700 MHz spectrum. Not to mention, T-Mobile does not have the largest national market share. VZW presents definite market and supply concentration concerns. T-Mobile does not. AJ
  17. Yes, from the beginning, I have said that if the VZW-SpectrumCo-Cox transaction has any chance of FCC approval, then VZW will likely have to divest the AWS F block 20 MHz licenses that it has been squatting on for the eastern half of the US for the past six years. Basically, VZW would give up its current 20 MHz of AWS east of the Mississippi but get in return 20 MHz AWS for nearly all major markets nationwide (absent St. Louis, Cincinnati, Buffalo). https://twitter.com/WiWavelength/status/173114138468425728/photo/1 https://twitter.com/WiWavelength/status/173114407734362112/photo/1 AJ
  18. AT&T in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel "Research Triangle" market has only 5 MHz x 5 MHz LTE -- the same bandwidth as Sprint is deploying. AJ
  19. Be careful with your data above. Most of it is partly incorrect (or, at least, could be misconstrued). BellSouth (i.e. AT&T), not Sprint is largely/entirely the WCS A block 10 MHz and B block 10 MHz license holder for the MEAs you list. Sprint holds only partitioned and/or disaggregated portions of those licenses, primarily outside of the major metros. AJ
  20. Not exactly. Before AT&T partitioned and disaggregated selected pieces to T-Mobile, AT&T held the AWS D block 10 MHz license for the Central REA and the AWS E block 10 MHz license for the West REA. VZW holds the AWS F block 20 MHz license for the Northeast, Southeast, Great Lakes, and Mississippi Valley REAs. So, yes, the licensed areas are perfect complements. But the licenses themselves are not. AJ
  21. WiWavelength


    +1. Sprint reserves the 0 setting for its Angola State Pen inmates...er, I mean...its Baton Rouge subs. AJ
  22. WiWavelength


    Lose that zero. You need a hero. An HTC Hero. AJ
  23. You guys remind me of an early 1990s Saturday Night Live parody of MTV's "The Real World." http://snltranscripts.jt.org/93/93breal.phtml AJ
  24. A link to a thread within the very same thread? I think you know that what means... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXLDv-fUINM AJ
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