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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. He has put up a sign. Read the linked article. Now, I wonder if Wayne Dobson is part of the Dobson family that sold out DCOC to AT&T. If so, this could be his comeuppance. AJ
  2. I would like to hear Ian chime in on the Austin assertion because he lives in the area. I could be wrong, but I suspect that he might have a different perspective. AJ
  3. To play devil's advocate, why should Sprint remove the charges if the international data roaming occurred? Then, Sprint takes the loss, and we all pay for that in the end. And do you realize how many people flat out lie to Sprint in an effort to get charges removed? If the international data roaming occurred because of a hardware or stock Android fault, then the recourse lies with Samsung and/or Google. However, if the handsets were running non stock Android, then the liability returns to the end user. AJ
  4. I doubt that the ZTE handset is a particularly relevant frame of reference. This is just speculation on my part, but I bet that FDD and TDD are on separate basebands and that at least one is not a Qualcomm chipset. AJ
  5. And the final entrant joins the war... AJ
  6. Is that a statement or a question? AJ
  7. Never underestimate the ignorance and impatience of the financially strapped consumer. AJ
  8. Last summer, I wrote an article on The Wall here at S4GRU, covering a little bit of LTE theory. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-308-rssi-vs-rsrp-a-brief-lte-signal-strength-primer/ AJ
  9. Technically, it stands for Pseudo Noise, as a PN offset is a timing offset in the pseudo noise cyclical short code. Values should range from 1-512 (or 0-511). As Jeremy describes above, a PN offset (or PN for short) is a local identifier for the pilot signal. It basically makes each cell sector distinguishable from all other local cell sectors. AJ
  10. Equivalent diagnostic screens are accessible on Samsung handsets, too, though the dialer codes are at least slightly different and require a standard passcode. Robert is the Samsung doyenne (I kid, I kid...), so I will let him fill in that info. AJ
  11. For CDMA1X and EV-DO, yes. But Ec/Io does not apply to LTE. I just flipped over to CDMA only mode to test EV-DO readout, as I do not have much non LTE coverage remaining in my area -- eat your heart out, folks. And EV-DO Ec/Io is also missing a decimal point. Otherwise, everything else looks good. You got your negative signs, dBm units, and dB units in all the right places. Many other apps screw up one or more of those. AJ
  12. Upgrades? Robert doesn't need no stinkin' upgrades...to get more handsets. AJ
  13. I see a definite pattern. Apparently, SVDO passed away in late September -- unless that is just a hoax. AJ
  14. I am very curious what total set of info is accessible by this API or what additional info can be readily fished out the baseband, as digiblur notes above. I am not sure that a single third party app can ever replace the internal debug/engineering screen apps on some handsets. But those debug/engineering screens are being removed from many more recent devices on many carriers -- Sprint seems to be the holdout thus far, thankfully. Regardless, it would be quite nice to have a third party app that could provide at least as much detail as the debug/engineering screens. Then, the exclusion of debug/engineering screens in a handset (e.g. Nexus 4) would not be a deal breaker. I have much knowledge of CDMA service options, PN offsets, channel assignments, neighbor lists, carrier bandwidths, UARFCNs, etc. My full assistance is at your disposal. AJ
  15. Is it just the fingers that Apple has tightly clenched? AJ
  16. digiblur means no simultaneous Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Go back and look at his "acronym." AJ
  17. But I have given you enough info that, with a little detective work, you could probably figure it out. AJ
  18. If you are under 25 and/or have never lived in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, or Missouri, then you are probably not in on the joke. AJ
  19. You really do not want to go that route. AT&T and VZ have become horrible companies that are actively working and lobbying against the public interest. Do not encourage them by giving them more market share. This article published today is a good place to start reading: http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Rick-Boucher-From-Fair-Use-Champ-to-ATT-Sockpuppet-122806 AJ
  20. Very little chance that this is a Windows Phone. Its model number is just one digit removed from that of the One SV on Cricket. AJ
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