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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. By that rationale, though, AT&T should have been allow to acquire T-Mobile because AT&T needs room to grow and innovate, too. That is just playing right into AT&T's accusations of federal regulators picking winners and losers. T-Mobile is currently a loser, so regulators try to level the playing field and let T-Mobile gain a spectrum advantage? Is that what you/we want? AJ
  2. Tell that to the local engineering, tech, and customer service staff that is about to be laid off because VZW's existing regional or national staff can absorb the additional work at a lower cost per worker. You can call that "efficiency," but the cost savings are simply transferred to asshat corporate overlords and shareholders. My perspective: I would much rather have a thousand local wireless carriers than four or five that control the entire country. AJ
  3. Regardless, that is true. Greater live site density equals faster speeds. AJ
  4. Dave, where in Arizona are you located? This thread should not be a standalone. It needs to be merged into the appropriate market thread. AJ
  5. A tech press article that is positive about Sprint?! Somebody, please call 911. I think I must be hallucinating. AJ
  6. It is not as difficult as you make it out to be. See two of my previous posts (in this thread): http://s4gru.com/ind...post__p__117648 http://s4gru.com/ind...post__p__117682 AJ
  7. The pipsqueak of the major carriers should not have "spectrum to burn." That is poor management of a public resource. With consolidation in the industry at current levels, competition for spectrum resources is no longer appropriate. Each carrier needs to be allocated spectrum -- each according to its need. AJ
  8. DC-HSPA+ also requires twice the spectrum bandwidth of 5 MHz FDD LTE. T-Mobile is using spectrum profligately, just throwing everything and the kitchen sink out there and seeing what sticks. AJ
  9. A little nasal decongestant will clear that right up. AJ
  10. Well, when T-Mobile inevitably starts advertising that it has the "fastest" LTE network, that may truly reflect speed -- as in distance ÷ time. AJ
  11. Band 26 is 814-849 MHz x 859-894 MHz. In other words, it includes 10 MHz x 10 MHz from SMR 800 MHz contiguous with the 25 MHz x 25 MHz of Cellular 850 MHz for a total of 35 MHz x 35 MHz. AJ
  12. After an unfortunate incident in the 80s involving the San Diego Chicken, I heard that Robert was banned from all Padres games. AJ
  13. Not everyone. I am pretty sure that is Robert inside one of those cow suits. AJ
  14. The COWs tend to get slaughtered, too... AJ
  15. Yes, going swimming, too, can "shortchange" the size of a cell. AJ
  16. VZ would likely pay about $45 billion for the outstanding 45 percent of VZW. That would leave AT&T on the hook for $200 billion for the rest of Vodafone. AT&T would have to leverage itself to the hilt to pay that bill. So, I say go right ahead. Let AT&T drown itself in debt and turn the focus of its sadism overseas instead of here. AJ
  17. The problem is the RSRQ -20 dB and SNR 0.1 dB. Both are terrible. The handset or signal is experiencing significant interference. AJ
  18. If AT&T is any indication, though, the One will have a price advantage over the Galaxy S4, $199 to $249. AJ
  19. Yep, the Cellular 850 MHz carriers in Milwaukee are USCC and AT&T, not VZW. And I am sure that VZW does not have a stronger signal everywhere you go; rather, VZW just happens to have a closer site in at least one location that you frequent. Also, if you are comparing the iPhone 5 on Straight Talk to the Galaxy S3 on Sprint, that is an apples to oranges comparison. Recent vintage iPhones are known for their freakishly good RF capabilities. Oh, one last thing, the iPhone 5 on Straight Talk does not have access to VZW LTE 750, correct? AJ
  20. I would guess that was a small fill in site. Do the two rural towns have one site each? My supposition would be that, originally, those two sites were sufficient to cover the highway in between as well. But as traffic increased over the years on those two sites, cell shrinkage created a potential coverage gap along the highway. AJ
  21. In the Milwaukee market, VZW CDMA1X/EV-DO is PCS 1900 MHz only. So, VZW is no different from Sprint in that regard. AJ
  22. Was it still April 1 somewhere in the South Pacific when this article was published? AJ
  23. Airaves can and often do use vacant carrier channels, but that is not possible in all markets. AJ
  24. All of the macro sites are operating on the same carrier channel(s). Co channel interference is just the nature of the beast with CDMA2000. AJ
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