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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. The idea that T-Mobile somehow has 51,000 sites just seems ludicrous. T-Mobile has a slightly smaller native footprint than Sprint does, and my experience is that T-Mobile also has slightly lesser site density. So, the 37,000 site figure seems about right. AJ
  2. La Bajada is my favorite part of the trip between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. AJ
  3. No, you were not connected to LTE. The MCC-MNC (151515-1515), uplink EARFCN (83535), and downlink EARFCN (65535) are not valid. Those are just placeholders. AJ
  4. Some of us could probably handle the manual band class toggle because we have pretty good mental maps of where CDMA2000 is deployed in what spectrum. But I do wonder if the manual toggle bug would not allow band class 10 CDMA1X + band class 1 EV-DO simultaneously. Any experience, guys? AJ
  5. Yes, I was really just using your S-band reference as a lead in, as I suspect that many of our readers are not aware of what regulatory obligations Charlie has gotten himself into by having the S-band converted to AWS-4. AJ
  6. The problem for Charlie is that he no longer has S-band spectrum; he has 352 AWS-4 A/B block 20 MHz licenses across all 176 BEAs, including the Gulf of Mexico. And those licenses are already on the clock. The buildout deadlines are now three years, nine months away and ticking. By itself, Dish would be hard pressed to finish national buildout in time. Single protection site deployments are not going to cut it for these licenses because BEAs tend to be relatively large in area. Plus, the FCC is apt to scrutinize closely the satisfaction of the construction requirements, since Dish came to the FCC specifically to get this lower value S-band satellite spectrum converted to much higher value terrestrial spectrum. In the end, Charlie needs to find a hosting partner, acquire an existing network, or convince the FCC to let him sell off the spectrum to one of the big three -- all of whom are pushing the envelope of the spectrum screen. Otherwise, he is in trouble with this former satellite spectrum that was supposed to be quite the coup. AJ
  7. I would not call that clip obscure. It is from the Coen brothers' film, "No Country for Old Men," much of which was shot in New Mexico, in and around your Las Vegas. And for those of you who do not habla Español, Las Vegas is Spanish for "the Vegas." AJ
  8. Folks, the recent posts in this thread are walking a fine line. Discounts for which you do not or no longer qualify are unethical and should not be discussed at S4GRU. For the record, I recently paid full price for an unsubsidized upgrade. I then received an e-mail requiring me to reconfirm my eligibility for my corporate discount. So, Luis, your account will be audited eventually, and you will be required to reconfirm your eligibility for the discount for which you do not quality. My suggestion is that you man up and risk losing your illicit discount. Better yet, be ethical and drop the ill gotten discount yourself. AJ
  9. To convince her, you just need to sing a little jingle... Pass the Old El Paso, Taste the old Southwest, Pass the Old El Paso, Taste our very best. AJ
  10. Hey, with Sensorly, I make only geometric patterns visible from space. I am like an ancient, intelligent civilization. AJ
  11. No, that would be my parody headline for the glorious day that the VZW network would go dark, and all of the short sighted red Kool-Aid drinkers would be left parched. AJ
  12. You can make small talk with me -- as long as you spring for an open bar. AJ
  13. I just avoid the extraverts, depriving them of human interaction, hoping that they wither away. AJ
  14. Everyone by now knows my solution. Cap the data to discourage the streaming of so much crap. We are breeding a society of now mobile moronic media consumers. Yuck. AJ
  15. Not a good first post, packerrd. S4GRU is a wireless enthusiast site focused on the future of Sprint via Network Vision. It is not a consumer advocacy site for Sprint or any other operator. And it is certainly not a place to grouse about the current state of some Sprint markets. Read the rules: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/ If you want to stick around -- and we hope that you will for the insider info that S4GRU is able to provide -- you need to respect the mission here at this completely non profit, volunteer run site. Otherwise, you are free to leave. AJ
  16. Almost assuredly. Come June 30 or July 1, Sprint will not show any remaining Nextel coverage. And any coverage that does remain in the following days will be nothing more than vestiges due to the logistics of shutting down an entire national network. AJ
  17. Once all is said and done in about a month, I may have to write a parody obituary entitled, "Nextel, where you at?" AJ
  18. Does the countdown clock have any audio chime options? Could we get it to "chirp" down the final seconds? AJ
  19. Yes, but that was limited to a Sprint partnership in only one market. AJ
  20. When are we finally going to get a phone with a coin slot? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCF8ZOYVXF8 AJ
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