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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. You aren't very groovy. C'mon, man, get down! AJ
  2. Yep, I liked the VoiceStream name and brand back in the day. But "voice" is no longer that relevant. MetroPCS is practically apropos for T-Mobile. Just change it to "MetroAWS" -- and there you go. AJ
  3. Bear with us. While running an ever growing, non profit site, we moderators and authors sometimes get a bit chippy. I am certainly guilty of that. We mean well, but we do get frustrated at the omnipresent questions and work load at times. AJ
  4. I said nothing to favor contraction from four national operators down to three. You assume too much. I said that I will be pleased when the froufrou T-Mobile brand goes away. And it will happen in the next few years, as Deutsche Telekom sells off its stake to shareholders, then takes its functional, Teutonic name but effeminate color scheme back to Europe. No, rebranding and consolidation are not one and the same. I am not sure how many of you are old enough to remember when AT&TWS launched its "mLife" campaign about a dozen years ago. AT&TWS had been spun off from AT&T; it was a separately traded company and was reportedly soon going to lose its rights to the AT&T name. So, the "mLife" campaign hinted at a new brand -- maybe even "mLife" was going to be the new name. But once Vodafone and Cingular got into a bidding war for AT&TWS, the rebranding issue became moot. End of history lesson... AJ
  5. Uh, no, hell no. The pink on pink color scheme just makes T-Mobile that much more effeminate. And the damn address entry pop in window will not get out of the way. Not to mention, the separate GSM and W-CDMA maps are gone. I will be happy in the next few years when the T-Mobile brand ends its decade long stay in North America -- just as long as neither AT&T nor VZW is doing the deed. AJ
  6. The long and short of it: noise and interference. The ISM 2.4 GHz band is overpopulated with microwaves, baby monitors, and of course, wireless routers. The ISM 5 GHz band has lesser propagation/reception characteristics, but it is a much larger band and far less crowded with common usage. AJ
  7. For a long time, Little Rock had no VZW native service. Then, if I recall correctly, VZW did construct a modest PCS network. But around the same time, VZW acquired Alltel, and Little Rock is former Alltel headquarters. So, everyone uses VZW because they used Alltel and were devoured. AJ
  8. Hmm, a T&A tower. You know, if we could get more of those, the straight male NIMBYs would probably drop any objections and be on board immediately. AJ
  9. Oh, good, then our S4GRU CES booth karaoke lineup is coming together. Ben has already signed on for "Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta." http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4346-lte-800-deployment-maps/&do=findComment&comment=179403 You have "Baby Got Back." And I am sure that Mike, the SignalCheck guy, from New England can be counted on to do "Brady." AJ
  10. To ensure that it has sufficient backhaul, Sprint has brought in a consultant, Sir Megs-a-Lot, whose mantra is "Baby Got Backhaul." AJ
  11. Well, this thread is going off the rails. Time out, folks... AJ
  12. Robert do like caffeine. Just do not call him "Bob." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAx2MDtxeQ8 AJ
  13. Oh lordy, it is just syndication of Neal's ExtremeTech article. AJ
  14. Ah, but that total is like simultaneous orgasm on all carriers and airlinks. And we know that never occurs in the real world. AJ
  15. I covered the basic 20 MHz TDD math a few weeks ago in this post: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4083-sprint-td-lte-25002600mhz-discussion/?p=158089 AJ
  16. "This city's got big buildings. I like food. Bye" http://www.comedycentral.com/video-clips/ad7jtu/comedy-central-presents-people-with-glasses AJ
  17. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-33-spectrum-analysis-part-twosprint-and-t-mobile-spare-pcs-spectrum-would-pair-nicely-for-a-lte-partnership/ AJ
  18. Do some research on rural providers. See how much more involved they are in the activities and responsive to the needs of the local communities that they serve. AJ
  19. So, coverage aside, AT&T maintains local executive and engineering positions and provides a more satisfying, personalized wireless experience? AJ
  20. Has anyone definitively made the connection that this is the same Motorola handset we saw in the FCC OET several weeks ago? No tri band, I suspect so. AJ
  21. Which attracts more flies? Fresh shit or honey? AJ
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