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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. T-Mobile does not cover 80 percent of Kentucky with "2G," "3G," or any "G." Are you sure that you are looking at the correct maps? Do not include roaming. As is typical, native coverage footprint in the state is quite similar between T-Mobile and Sprint. AJ
  2. Backhaul and LTE must be steering clear of Richmond like I-70 does. Man, just across the Ohio state line, I remember that big, sweeping curve, a huge change in the Interstate right of way. AJ
  3. The VZW G2 is kind of a thick girl, and her buttons are in different places from the usual. AJ
  4. No, the experience of talking to an AT&T sub over AMR-HR is best represented by a different rapper. WHAT?! AJ
  5. Actually, on second thought, this could be a great TV marketing campaign against T-Mobile: "Does your wireless service drop to 2G when you leave the city limits? When you enter a building, does your phone display 'No Service'? Are you tired of your wireless provider's chosen color being pink? Then, you might be experiencing T-Pain..." At that point, cue a typically auto tuned T-Pain with a Sprint message. AJ
  6. If Sprint acquires T-Mobile and the marriage proceeds the way of the Nextel merger, it could rename itself T-Pain. AJ
  7. No, not magenta. Like the SoftBank name, it is weak. In American culture, magenta is basically a feminine color. Whenever I see T-Mobile marketing collateral, I cannot help but think "wireless for girls." Now, SoftBank grey would be okay. AJ
  8. Even if VZW were not blocking the Nexus 5, the Nexus 5 would be able to attach only to VZW's band 4 LTE 2100+1700 capacity overlay. And it is not very widespread. The Nexus 5 lacks VZW's core band 13 LTE 750. AJ
  9. Shall I edit your username then to mrnotknowitall526? AJ
  10. No, hell no. As I have said numerous times, SoftBank is a weak name. Plus, it has no cachet in the US. It sounds like a flaccid place to get a checking account. AJ
  11. Give me a break, Neal. Doing so on subsidized handsets is not at all "evil." It is a countermeasure against fraud and bad debt. And basically all Sprint handsets are subsidized. So, Sprint has no reason to enable people to move their partially compatible handsets over to domestic "GSM" operators. If this is such a stick up your ass, then start drafting a law that would forbid wireless operators from subsidizing, financing, or selling devices. I would love to see that. They all need to get out of the consumer electronics business. AJ
  12. Here is a topic: If Sprint-T-Mobile comes to fruition, the combined operator will likely rebrand. What will be the new name? Discuss... AJ
  13. Sascha Segan uses T-Mobile for his personal service. Typical GSM and magenta love from the tech press? AJ
  14. If you do not want the tech to lock your Nexus 5 to Sprint, you need to bring a note from your mom. AJ
  15. No, lots of very useful, educational info is available in the public sections of The Forums. But the most valuable info is in our sponsors' area, hence why I used the word "especially." And that is the way it has to be. We cannot distribute insider info to the population at large. Additionally, S4GRU is non profit, so we rely on sponsorship to keep the site running. You are welcome to point out those "rants." We have only a small volunteer staff. As such, we cannot be everywhere all the time. We directly catch some inappropriate posts; others are caught by members using the Report button. Then, we take a look and decide if action is warranted. AJ
  16. Well, your first two posts suggest that you think Network Vision deployment is or should be prioritized by population. That is incorrect. You need to further your learning on the matter. At S4GRU, you are in the right place to do so. Actually, my response was rather helpful and tactful to someone who comes into our forums and drops a rant right away. We have been far more forceful with others who have done likewise. You get the benefit of a relaxed Sunday morning. But it is your responsibility to know our rules. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/ So, are you good with those rules? If so, please stay. If not, the door to leave is always open. AJ
  17. Here is some food for thought... Many who oppose a Sprint-T-Mobile tie up think that the FCC will also oppose it. But where was the FCC opposition when it allowed VZW and AT&T to dominate the industry in death by a thousand cuts -- AirTouch, GTE, PrimeCo, AT&TWS, Dobson, Centennial, BellSouth, Alltel, WWC, RCC, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeping_normality Sure, in one fell swoop, Sprint-T-Mobile would be the largest domestic wireless merger, but it still would not match what the FCC has allowed both VZW and AT&T to each buy and parlay over the last dozen or so years. AJ
  18. Eh, the Galaxy S5 may not be available for another six months. Plus, the Galaxy S4 will continue to be sold for another year, if not longer. AJ
  19. Yeah, justs screws or wires. But not both... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVmgYvSB9Kk AJ
  20. We do not host Sprint complaints at S4GRU. And you obviously are unaware of how Network Vision will be deployed to all Sprint markets. We have that information here, especially in our sponsors' area. So, stick around, read, ask questions, and get educated on the matter. But no more rants. AJ
  21. Your impression of T-Mobile's rural footprint is out of proportion. T-Mobile has some rural coverage where Sprint does not and vice versa. But those non overlapping bits and pieces do not amount to significant geographic area. In short, a Sprint-T-Mobile pairing would not greatly expand their overall combined native footprint. It most certainly would not approach the respective coverage footprints that VZW and AT&T have bought themselves. However, vast expansion is not necessary. Both Sprint and T-Mobile are already national operators. And as T-Mobile has shown for several years, it can attract/retain tens of millions of users by providing fast W-CDMA/LTE service in cities -- even though it offers weak to non existent GSM service outside cities. So, a combined Sprint-T-Mobile would gain some additional rural footprint via synergies. And the existing rural footprint would swell and fill in a bit via SMR 800 MHz -- but T-Mobile users would not likely get the benefit of CDMA1X 800, only LTE 800. AJ
  22. The View New Content link in The Forums seems to be the biggest culprit. Most/all other links are working. AJ
  23. No, that does not do it justice. This is practically gynecological wireless nerd porn. AJ
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