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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. At least go look at it. I like the phone. It is a very good mid-range product. It reminds me of the Nexus on the software side.
  2. Good to know. Thanks. I'm surprised you didn't get a test product. How dare they make you pay for it. I've played with it and I honestly like it. It is a very nice looking phone.
  3. Has anyone been able to use the phone yet? I told my mom it would be a good phone for her due to its low price. The only real negatives I've heard are camera isn't the best, and call quality isn't great due to the speaker being behind the screen and it can be quiet on both sides of the call. Can anyone verify this?
  4. This may be interesting to see where this ends up. This is going to be happening for awhile it seems like. Sprint of course will challenge the verdict. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/comcast-wins-75m-damages-patent-case-against-sprint/2014-10-16
  5. Yeah, finally Seattle and surrounding areas are being covered with 2.5GHz but that is for speed and coverage. 800MHz would be better for voice coverage and building penetration. I am guessing the whole IBEZ issue may be resolved by next year and we may start hearing about 800Mhz (at least I hope)
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