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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. http://www.engadget.com/2014/08/13/t-mobile-cracks-down-on-data-abusers/ This is an interesting way of doing it.
  2. I noticed that earlier. I was wondering if the site went down. I was able to ping the url but I couldn't access it. Glad to see it is back up
  3. I have a couple more for you I got the other day. Market: West Washington Location: Seattle WA 98104 TAC: 23302 LTE Band: Band 25 Market: West Washington Location: Seattle WA 98104 TAC: 23322 LTE Band: Band 25 Market: West Washington Location: Seattle WA 98125 TAC: 23303 LTE Band: Band 25 Market: West Washington Location: Seattle WA 98155 TAC: 23331 LTE Band: Band 25
  4. Great read. I also found this website from Facebook. One thing I am very happy about that so far hasn't come true is advertisements. That shows what an awesome community we have here. I have been visiting this site since 2012. Where has the time gone? As I have said before and will say again, thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible.
  5. Market: West Washington Location: Seattle WA 98104 TAC: 23312 LTE Band: Band 25
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