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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. Centurylink has also been promoting 1Gbps speeds recently. It will be interesting to see who can be the first real company to do that. It will be interesting to see what happens.
  2. Yeah that's right. I forgot about that. They are just trying to inflate their stock so if/when someone does buy them out, they will be worth more. Will be interesting within the next few years.
  3. Does anyone think that T-Mobile will do whatever it takes to have the best plans possible; even if it ends up hurting them? It sure seems like it to me with the path that they are on. As for Sprint, while they could respond, I think if they lower prices anymore it may end up hurting them. But maybe giving more data for the price they already have?
  4. I am just curious if anyone ever considered having an auto-delete function for notifications? Maybe have it so it would clear out all read notifications without you having to select each one and delete them that way. It is a low priority idea, but an idea none the less.
  5. Gopher hole He mentions how you knock a ball into a gopher hole
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