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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. I wish that was the case but I don't believe so. I have 1 tab open but 6 processor running
  2. It does the same thing on others computers that I've seen. One of my computers has 9 processes running from chrome while another has 7 running. I am not sure why it does that.
  3. You peaked my interest. I can get a new phone whenever I want, just waiting for something good
  4. I should have known you would be the one AJ to say something. I walked into that one But to get this topic back onto track, I am liking the changes they are doing so far. It will be interesting to see if they make any other improvements in the coming months.
  5. Now they only need to make it bigger. That is all.
  6. I believe she is going with the S4 unless I can talk her into trying a new crystal first. I mean the guy at Sprint did drop the phone so maybe he broke it.... No comment
  7. Trust me, I've tried to convince her to try another one but she is already sick of it. She is one who hates change and if something doesn't work the first time that is it. It is a real challenge to change her mind. If it were me I would exchange it and try another unit before getting a different phone.
  8. So I found out my mom is returning her crystal because she has had a couple issues with it. She can't connect her bluetooth to it and also when she is on the phone apparently it is real quiet on both ends. She can barely hear people and vice versa. It's a nice looking phone, but if she is having issues with call quality, I completely understand. Too bad. I would love to see more phones like this.
  9. Okay, I'll just tell her to get a new car then
  10. Has anyone had issues connecting/using a Bluetooth headset? My mom got this for her phone today and her headset seems to connect but she cannot making any outgoing calls from it. She has to dial it through the phone itself.
  11. I can still see Verizon and AT&T buying up a huge portion of this.
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