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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. I am happy for everyone else but I'm stuck in the border regions
  2. JThorson

    Galaxy Alpha

    While I have never been a big fan of Samsung, I am interested in this phone. I am due for a new phone in September and from what I have read so far it seems like it would be a good phone to get. I am guessing screen size is between a 5"-5.3" and we could dream maybe OLED? haha. Qualcomm 810 snapdragon quad core processor with at least 2GB or RAM.
  3. JThorson

    Galaxy Alpha

    There is a rumor that Samsung is going to announce/release its new high-end flagship phone named the Galaxy Alpha. It is supposedly a mix between the GS5 and Note line. This smartphone "will sport a metal chassis and come with several additional features to make it feel higher-end." (Cnet) I'm sorry, I can't get a link up right now.
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