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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. So on my s3 I just got an update from 25020 to 25021. From quick research it looks like it has to do with Mexico?
  2. I believe this to be a good thing. Now that Sprint is starting to make some changes and the network is starting to improve a lot and with how Marcelo is focusing, you need someone who can market "The New Sprint" well. I am still confused about those framily commercials. What did the hamster have to do with anything?
  3. That is great to hear. I have noticed a lot of the towers on the map and when I've been in Seattle I have searched for a lot of their towers. I am waiting until they come out with more CA devices first before I upgrade. I will be able to get all of around the Seattle area. I really want a triband now but I believe those new phones will make even a bigger difference,
  4. That could definitely be it. They don't use any of the features on the phone though except phone calls; so no texts, web, etc. Maybe they enabled it somehow. Since it doesn't seem to be a big issue I will just fix it for them next time I see them. Thanks for the link.
  5. My grandparents just called asking about something that is popping up on their phone recently. They say netguard keeps asking for some type of verification or something. So a couple questions; first off does anyone know anything about netguard? Secondly, they use an old Sanyo scp-3810 and never had this issue before, any idea what could cause this all of a sudden?
  6. Good man. That's where my sis went to school
  7. Sorry, poor choice of words. I get that they redid their entire network from the ground up and that takes time. I would like to retract my previous statement. It just seems like things I hear still are how people with upgraded towers still seem to have some network issues. But then again I guess that could be a backhaul issue. On a side note, I haven't had a chance to experience the new network yet. Where I live I won't see b26 until Ibez is figured out. I know once they get the 8t8r sites up and backhaul completed, things will be looking a lot better. I agree with you on how it seems like Sprint's struggles are always on the front page but when they make leaps and bounds in their network, you don't hear a peep.
  8. What I still can't seem to understand is why Sprint seems to have so much difficulty on improving their network. I mean I get that there is a lot to do, upgrading backhaul, towers, dealing with spectrum and OEM's etc. but the other 3, especially T-Mobile because of the similarities with Sprint(in my opinion) can seem to make noticeable improvements in their network while Sprint seems to lack. I keep waiting for the day when Sprint will be like (BAM! In yo face!) Maybe that is what is going on now? It seems to me quieter with the network side of things.
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