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Posts posted by swintec

  1. There is no signal that I can detect from either of them. The one near Francestown is callsign WPBN325  


    Hhhmmm...looking at southern maine, it seems the towers for nextel were just recently updated with the FCC, they all show "(Effective: 07/26/2016 - Expires: 07/26/2026)".  Why would they extend out so long?  Is that the minimum license length?  Is it possible that as long as the equipment is located on the tower, it needs to be registered with the FCC?  It seems for at least the past year, all upgrades and what not have come to a halt in this market, unfortuantely so it may take them until 2026 to get the stuff down.

  2. There have been a few employees, in important positions, who refused to connect to their phone to Corporate Email and refused to be available by their cell phone. They were eventually let-go. Typically the termination was for reasons, other than specifically refusal to use their mobile phone for work, but in each case, it was a major contributing factor.


    I take it those who dont have a phone at all or otherwise have a basic flip phone wouldnt last long huh? :rolleyes:

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  3. While of course they make a lot more money than I do, the VPs, Directors, and Project Managers are under the same set of rules.


    Do they give you any sort of allowance towards your phone bill?  I mean, if you pay the full bill independent of them, what do they do for an individual who wants a dumb flip phone or just goes "off grid" and ditches the cell altogether?  What if you have a 1 gig data plan?

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprint/comments/4w55yg/sprint_has_effectively_killed_the_sero_500_plan/


    I know some on here will cheer this, but apparently those like me who are still on the precious SERO 500 plan, changing anything is gonna cost you...



    That's crap..but really the increase is $10 I think..plan price goes from $40-$60 but in this new case, there is no $10 data fee.


    From what I can see though, you get put into a new roaming limit of 100 MB instead of the 300 MB.  Wonder if they will give my area band 41 finally or even start upgrading many of the GMO sites around me in exchange for increasing my price? ;)


    Will have to weigh my options I guess, probably around the time the new Nexus devices come out. 

  5. Isn't there some sort of "no reselling" clause? What kind of loopholes are they jumping through?


    No idea really.   They just require a business and if you do not have one at sign up you will be "made" one such as "Caspar's Window Washing" and your SSN will be used as your tax id.  Seems to be the only way they can get the account to come through.

  6. True but I don't believe sprint offers an unlimited plan without some catch, so let them come. Then again who cares we are probably talk less than 10g people


    The flavor of the month seems to be Unlimitedville which appear to be some sort of fake business accounts being set up on Sprint.


    Discussion, among other places: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30549125-Unlimitedville-42-99-taxes-Sprint-busniness-unlimited-hotspot-plan

    • Like 1
  7. Vacationed in Stowe, Burlington and Waterbury, VT. Almost no improvements to the network since last year. No band 41 and LTE coverage is spotty.


    The 3G fall back is poor and tons of roaming when on I-89.....


    Band 26 still isn't cleared to be used here correct?


    I was over there in June.  Beautiful area...not so much for cell service though.  One thing I found was that i was roaming on some carrier called "Devon Mobile Communication" now and then according to signal check.  Never heard of them.

  8. So I'm vacationing in Maine this week and have been roaming on US Cellular. Got an email notification about my wife's line reaching 75% of her data roaming allotment. The email also said data roaming will be suspended after reaching 100% which is fine. I'd rather be cutoff than automatically charged for overages. We've been trying to limit our data use to email, Google maps, and some Facebook.


    I've seen mostly band 12 but occasionally I'll pick up band 5.



    Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus using Tapatalk


    Lucky.  I still can not get my nexus 5X to roam on USCC LTE.  Regardless, you have a good week of weather up here at least!  If you like it hot.  I assume you are at the ocean though? ;)

  9. A PRL update seems to have caused the problem so it is only natural thinking that another PRL update will fix it. I have experienced the same thing ever since I got PRL 55051 and no, it is not that Verizon's CDMA network has become decrepit in my area for my Verizon hotspot works fine on CDMA. I don't really know what the problem is but it sure seems like it was that 55051 PRL update.


    I cant find the thread it was in (maybe you were the poster of it) but it was theorized that verizon did something with EVDO on the specific tower or area.  I dont really know to be honest.  It started with PRL 55051 as you say.  My phone will have an exclamation mark in the signal bar area (for no data connection) and signal check will say the same. I have to cycle airplane mode so the phone will grab USCC instead (or at least hope it will).  Roaming on verizon is so few and far between for me now that it isnt a huge deal.

  10. The intent of the discount is to increase the subscribers on Project Fi. ........Basically, a loophole was found and extorted.


    Lets not be overly dramatic.  You must have a different set of offer terms available to you than what we are privy to but based on whats available to ME and linked to below, there is no problems with what the OP did.


    First: https://fi.google.com/about/phones/#phone-prices  In big green bold letters at the top "Get the Nexus 5X for $199 when you buy and activate with Project Fi"


    From that page, clicking on the text "See Offer Terms" https://fi.google.com/about/faq/#supported-devices-3


    "Project Fi is offering a discount of $150 off our normal price for the Nexus 5X, with activation required." (bolding mine)


    "You must then activate Fi service on the same account within 30 days of device shipment, or an additional $150 will be charged to your Google Payments account to match the full price of the device." (bolding mine)


    And the real kicker (bolding mine again) "There is no minimum activation time needed to be eligible for the discount."


    Google spelled out the offer quite well it seems.


    The OP did the three things required for the offer...didnt he?  If you dont believe he did by all means correct me but he bought the device, he activated the device and then he allowed the device to stay active for X minutes.  Was there a step he missed according to the linked offer page?


    The reason i dont think they really care is the fact they wanted to move units and clear stock and i dont believe they really lost any money on this promo either.  They win either way.

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