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Posts posted by swintec

  1. Any proof of the 3rd carrier being in NY. Last I heard it wasn't

    Didnt Sprint have a press event at One World a few weeks back to showcase 3xCA? Thats the only reason I specifically checked there as there was chatter that possibly it was only for sprint techs to access. I was interested in whether consumer devices could do it and since the Bolt is the only device out right now with it enabled it made sense for me to check.


    I think the speeds are to high for it to be 2xCA right?

    • Like 2
  2. I went to "One World" in NY late last week with my HTC Bolt to see if I could get some three channel CA action.  Has it been posted in the wild here yet by someone who doesnt work for sprint?  Anyways, I think I was able to connect, as you can tell by the speeds.  Not sure if the engineering screens really confirm it since there is no spot for the third channel to be listed. This was also at the very top in the observatory. once i got to the bottom and was outside the speeds were not as good what so ever..like under 10 mbps.





    • Like 6
  3. “What that means for customers is they’re going to enjoy more 2.5 performance capability over a larger area,”




    Forget about giving "more"...hopefully us users with "none" will get "some" out of this. :tu:  i dont even care about carrier aggregation I just want to see band 41 on my phone be displayed once while around town or even just some where in the state.

    • Like 4
  4.  I was really disappointed to find out I can't use Wi-Fi calling without removing Google voice integration. I miss a lot of calls at home because the phone switches from LTE to 3G often.



    Ahh i remember seeing that wifi calling could not be enabled unless i disabled the number blocking feature so i backed out of the setup.


    but you reminded me of another feature i now have access to again.  Actual visual voicemail that works perfectly.


    i dont know if it is enabled on other handsets yet but IPv6 works on the sprint network with this device.  not sure i had it working on my nexus 5x (or they recently enabled it and i didnt know)

  5. Have used my new Bolt for a day.  Will try to summarize my experience.


    First, I came from a Nexus 5X and before that a 5.  Signal / reception wise, I had high hopes for the Bolt since it was a Sprint exclusive and they, presumably, had a hand in developing it.  So far it is just blah.   ABout the same, maybe slightly worse than the 5X.  LTE is not much use to me if the second i pick up my phone the connection is lost but while it sits on my desk band 26 has a solid connection.  Whats even worse is I have to wait until the phone swaps over to 3G and establishes connection.  The 5X almost went flying across the room several times because of this and the Bolt I can tell exhibits this behavior even more.


    Years ago when Sprint and Sanyo made phones together they were unbelievable RF wise.  I had a Katana DLX that allowed me to make calls in places and walk around where now, those same places require me to use a cell signal booster and stay stationary....While I digress, I had hoped this would be a similar tie up.  Oh well.


    Anyways, this phone is HEAVY.  Like wtf heavy, phone wise.


    There is a shit ton of bloatware installed out of the box. (mainly noticeable to me because of using Nexus devices for so long)


    The good thing about coming back to carrier phones from the nexus is now I have access to wifi calling, sprint zone (for network issue reporting) and more importantly, LTE roaming on USCC among others (screw you sprint for not getting these working on nexus devices even after all of these years)


    I think the screen looks a heck of a lot better than the 5X.


    Decent size.


    My hope is the phone gets updated for a little awhile and isnt forgotten about a few months from now.  i dont expect nexus level updates but HTC should stand by it for a bit.


    I will probably end up keeping it I guess.  I am not "excited" about it over all like i was for the nexus phones but i accept it as a decent upgrade for my needs.  My gripe is that Sprint has started treating ME / NH and VT as an LTE upgrade blackhole but i guess thats for a different thread. ;)

    • Like 2
  6. Engineering screens do work using the dialer codes, but do not launch through SCP shortcuts.




    what is the engineering dialer code?  *#*#DEBUG#*#* isnt working for me.

  7. Reddit user confirmed: "RF retune/spectrum swap occurred beginning of the week for Maine. I know of some minor lingering issues that resulted out of it, but this is the first report i have seen of this."



    Just to update, this had gotten fixed for me but came back several times at this point and now has been broken since middle of the night last night.  I had been working with the local ericisson techs who have been great and they and sprint seem to know what the problem is and it gets fixed for some amount of time but then dies again.


    since the retune, IFHO (inter-frequency handoff) for the 800 on that sector still referenced channel 650 and not 450 after the retune which is causing all kinds of havoc for my device...essentially a denial of service.  i can not even connect to a stronger site until i get well away from the affected sector.  whats strange to me is that they apply a fix that works and it almost seems like it gets over written at the most random times.


    the ericsson guys asked me to open a network ticket with sprint at this point.  guess i have to do it without calling them though. :D

  8. CH 650 and CH450 are both within the PCS B block Sprint currently licenses.


    Reddit user confirmed: "RF retune/spectrum swap occurred beginning of the week for Maine. I know of some minor lingering issues that resulted out of it, but this is the first report i have seen of this."


    What channels will I see once this spectrum swap was finished? Something closer to 1000 or was it being used for something else such as a second B25 carrier?

  9. Is there a thread for the ongoing discussion of the spectrum swap and when areas are going live?  I was away for a week and once I rolled into town 1x has gone from channel 650 to channel 450.  Ever since I have gotten home my phone no longer connects to 1x and will sit on eHRPD only (which means no calls or texts).   If I get it on LTE, I can make calls and the network correctly swaps me over to 1x for the call but will not connect to it to simply idle.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?


    EDIT- EVDO has also changed from channel 675 to 425.

  10.  there are few Sprint towers in my area. T-mobile has added quite a few in the last year while Sprint's footprint is essentially the same here.


    You are preaching to the choir, buddy. :D   Although southern maine isnt to bad, the huge amount of GMOs around the market doesnt help things.


    From what I have seen, most of the nextel used towers, also have a sprint set up on them.  Maybe that is why they are still using the old nextel name on licenses since they plan on leaving the sprint equipment operational?


    I doubt very much any nextel gear still on site is even being used.

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